





Hi Sunflowerkru!It’s tuesday again and… Here I am ;-) !

Here is a surreal picture from last weekend: my cherry tree in bloom under big snowflakes. You can hear my husband playing three notes on his guitar in the background too <3.

I hope everyone is well and my thoughts go straight to those who kindly picked up the torch last week @ninappon,@roguetwelve when I wasn’t in the best of spirits. And your messages made me feel so good, girls. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !! You were absolutely right. The world can be a scary place sometimes, but we should always look ahead and think of the positives. As long as there is life there is hope.

So I won’t talk about Covid. (My husband is better.)
I won’t talk about climate change. (My cherry tree is fine.)
I won’t talk about the presidential elections in France. (let’s think about something else.)
And although I won’t talk about  war in Ukraine, I am thinking very hard about all those who are suffering and need help. Let us continue to support all those who need to be supported.

Sending much love to : @pendragaryen,@natassakar,@geekyogicheese,@immortalpramheda,@kizo2703,@lee-em-dee,@carrieeve,@ninappon@igotbellarkeforthat,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@kateemcintyre,@moreflowersthanweeds,@foolishnymeria,@otp-armada,@isweartobreathe,@the-suns-also-rise,@roguetwelve,@heartbellamy,@bellamyblake,@jeanie205,@broashwhat,@imaginetonprincecharmant, and a very special thought to @julibernardo

Happy BFSN Sunflowerkru!

I have been limiting my social media recently, so it’s been a while since I participated. Thank you to everyone who continued to tag me despite my absence. Special thanks to @togetherkru for keeping BFSN going week after week.

My friend has some new baby goats at her farm that I got to cuddle with last week. This is Hermione and she has two brothers who are, of course, named Harry and Ron. I hope seeing her will brighten someone’s day!

Sending so much love to you all! ❤

No pressure tags: @infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@geekyogicheese@ninappon@roguetwelve@carrieeve@pendragaryen@immortalpramheda@spacebell@moreflowersthanweeds and anyone else I forgot, it’s been a while since I’ve tagged people

Hi Sunflower Kru ,

If you’ve ever wondered what happens on stage after the curtain drops, my photo is pretty much your answer haha. We made it through the week of shows without a massive Covid outbreak! And now we have a couple of weeks to recover (and re-set… the guy on my back in the photo broke his foot mid show the next day ) before we start travelling. Time to take these fundraising efforts and our show of Ukrainian pride across Canada!

The outpouring of support that we received at these shows was so so heartwarming. There have been so many tears over the last few days - both in the audience and on stage. Our hearts are absolutely with the people of Ukraine, shown by the absolute roar each time the Ukrainian flag was brought on stage, giving us the boost we needed to get through the encore at the end of a very hard 2 hour show.

And another fun bonus photo to hopefully make you smile… Here’s what Charlie thought of me being gone all week. He stole my shoe pretty much the second I got home from the post show reception on Friday. 

Thank you so much for the tags @togetherkru​ and @igotbellarkeforthat​!

Stef -  it’s bitterly cold and snowing here too, although that’s normal here for this time of year. And it’s supposed to warm up by the weekend. But I have total confidence that your cherry tree will persevere!

Kim - I’m pretty sure that goat just melted my heart. And the names are incredible

Tagging/ sending love to @ninappon@carrieeve@natassakar@bellamyblake@pendragaryen@bookwormforalways@writetheniteaway@heartbellamy@moreflowersthanweeds

happy tuesday, sunflowerkru

i’ve had a bit of a week, and it’s still going, but i haven’t fallen on my face just yet, so there’s still hope. there’s even a chance i’ll be able to take a few days off in a few weeks, so at least there’s some good news.

i also give you Spencer ‘helping’ today.

@togetherkru good to hear that your husband is doing better, though i don’t envy you the weather. for once, it’s better over here ;-)

@igotbellarkeforthat so glad to see you again! and that goat! what an adorable little baby :3

@natassakar goodness, those pictures are so beautiful!

@roguetwelve you guys look so beautiful in your costumes! and props to Charlie, my dogs steals no shoes for no reason whatsoever ;-)






Happy BFSN Snflowerkru , it’s Tuesday again!

A little hello to all of you, on this day of May when the temperatures are already too hot for the season…I don’t know how our Indian and Pakistani friends do with such high temperatures…Let’s hang on ! 
Here are two pictures of an afternoon spent in Paris, with a little wink to @julibernardo​  since the coffee is called Odessa ;-).

Other than that I’m back to work, and things are not easy right now. That’s why saying hello to everyone is always a good idea!

Sending much love to :  @pendragaryen​​,@natassakar​​,@geekyogicheese​​,@immortalpramheda​​,@kizo2703​​,@lee-em-dee​​,@carrieeve​​,@ninappon​​@igotbellarkeforthat​​,@infp-with-all-the-feelings​​,@bookwormforalways​​,@kateemcintyre​​,@moreflowersthanweeds​​,@foolishnymeria​​,@otp-armada​​,@isweartobreathe​​,@the-suns-also-rise​​,@roguetwelve​​,@heartbellamy​​,@bellamyblake​​​,@jeanie205​,@broashwhat​​​ , @imaginetonprincecharmant​​​,@brightblakes​​​

Happy BFSN Sunflowerkru!!

Thank you dear Stef for tagging me so faithfully

Spring has definitely sprung around here! I have bunny friends hopping around my yard almost every day and this nest was a surprise I found behind the wreath on my front door.

Much love to the Bellarke fam! I hope you all are doing well! ❤️

Tagging/saying hi: @infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@ninappon@carrieeve@geekyogicheese@roguetwelve@pendragaryen@moreflowersthanweeds@immortalpramheda and anyone else who wants to join in! I’m tagging from memory, so I apologize if I forgot someone.

Happy Tuesday, sunflowerkru!

alas, my holiday is over now. it’s a struggle to go back to getting up early in the morning after oh, the whole week off but what can you do. someone has to earn enough to feed the cat ;-)

i hope you guys have a good day and a good week. the Eurovision Song Contest starts tonight, so i apologise upfront for all the spam you’re all about to see here. do come join me in shitposting, though, Europe! :-)

tagged by @togetherkru@igotbellarkeforthat // tagging @pendragaryen@useyourtelescope@jeanie205@infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@roguetwelve@ninappon@kizo2703@otp-armada@heartbellamy@brightblakes




Hey Sunflowerkru !

It’s tuesday and since i’m sick (a bad cold but nothing serious don’t worry ) i can’t quite put there coherent thoughts together. So my message will be short.

Enjoy this clip from a Manu Chao concert l went to see with 3 friends last week. He said “We’re alive” several times and his music was full of joy. It felt good…

Tagging/sending love to : @pendragaryen@natassakar@geekyogicheese@kateemcintyre@igotbellarkeforthat@roguetwelve@ninappon@isweartobreathe@carrieeve@bookwormforalways@moreflowersthanweeds@jeanie205@kizo2703@immortalpramheda@bellamyblake@infp-with-all-the-feelings@brightblakesand@julibernardo

Happy bfsn!

Thanks for the tag Stef :) nasty colds are the worst, so I hope you feel better soon I’m glad you were able to go to that show before you fell ill, so you could soak up that positive energy. I really love those kinds of vibes you get from going to a really good concert!

It’s the middle of June already, how did that happen? I can’t believe how fast time passes when you’re an adult. I spent another weekend in the countryside, pulling weeds. Hopefully we’ll get some flowers planted soon, because the flowerbeds looks way too barren. Dad and I took a lil detour on our way there and got to view these sights:

Sending positive energy to you all @togetherkru,@carrieeve,@roguetwelve,@natassakar,@pendragaryen,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@igotbellarkeforthat,@heartbellamy,@heartbellamy,@moreflowersthanweeds.

Dear sunflowerkru! Happy Tuesday!

Tonight, I have for you a handful of pics from my Saturday trip to Poznań, mostly from the Archeological Museum, which are only slightly illegally taken ;-)

I wish I could’ve taken more photos of the city because it’s quite nice looking, especially in the summer, but alas, it’s being dug up and repaved at the moment, so all you can see are holes in the ground

But the trip was a massive success, my friend and I had so much fun, that I can forgive a little inconvenience.

@togetherkru colds suck, so I hope you feel better soon! ❤️

@ninappon I feel you, I have no clue where did the time go either. I certainly can’t remember any of the days so far ;-D





Hey Sunflowerkru !

It’s tuesday and since i’m sick (a bad cold but nothing serious don’t worry ) i can’t quite put there coherent thoughts together. So my message will be short.

Enjoy this clip from a Manu Chao concert l went to see with 3 friends last week. He said “We’re alive” several times and his music was full of joy. It felt good…

Tagging/sending love to : @pendragaryen@natassakar@geekyogicheese@kateemcintyre@igotbellarkeforthat@roguetwelve@ninappon@isweartobreathe@carrieeve@bookwormforalways@moreflowersthanweeds@jeanie205@kizo2703@immortalpramheda@bellamyblake@infp-with-all-the-feelings@brightblakesand@julibernardo

Happy bfsn!

Thanks for the tag Stef :) nasty colds are the worst, so I hope you feel better soon I’m glad you were able to go to that show before you fell ill, so you could soak up that positive energy. I really love those kinds of vibes you get from going to a really good concert!

It’s the middle of June already, how did that happen? I can’t believe how fast time passes when you’re an adult. I spent another weekend in the countryside, pulling weeds. Hopefully we’ll get some flowers planted soon, because the flowerbeds looks way too barren. Dad and I took a lil detour on our way there and got to view these sights:

Sending positive energy to you all @togetherkru,@carrieeve,@roguetwelve,@natassakar,@pendragaryen,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@igotbellarkeforthat,@heartbellamy,@heartbellamy,@moreflowersthanweeds.

Dear sunflowerkru! Happy Tuesday!

Tonight, I have for you a handful of pics from my Saturday trip to Poznań, mostly from the Archeological Museum, which are only slightly illegally taken ;-)

I wish I could’ve taken more photos of the city because it’s quite nice looking, especially in the summer, but alas, it’s being dug up and repaved at the moment, so all you can see are holes in the ground

But the trip was a massive success, my friend and I had so much fun, that I can forgive a little inconvenience.

@togetherkru colds suck, so I hope you feel better soon! ❤️

@ninappon I feel you, I have no clue where did the time go either. I certainly can’t remember any of the days so far ;-D

