#cartoon show


Does anyone know any cartoon shows with a character having a panic attack? I know The Owl House one, and I heard about one in Miraculous but didn’t get a chance to watch season 4 yet.

Anyone know any other ones? It’s a bit important

Dear Hiro, this is Karmi,

I wrote this letter a thousand times but, I could find the right words. However, I do want to say that ever since the Sycorax incident and moving away, I kinda lost a lot passion for bio-tech; I’ve been a little paranoid and little traumatized.

My parents have more overprotective than they usually were but, how could I blame them after what happened that night. A lot of things changed but, not for the worst, in fact, for the better. I love my new home. I have a bigger bedroom, a nice neighborhood.

My grandma moved in with us to help; I love my grandma so much that I got excited when she decided to move in.

I also made two new friends close to my age; they’re fun, nice, funny, and supportive.

My new life is great and my family have gotten closer than ever. I am going to miss San Fransokyo, especially SFIT because, it’s where I get to meet my first real friend, you, Hiro Hamada.




Before season 3 is going to start, I decided to make a headcannon about Karmi and her new home after City of Monsters. I like to think that Karmi is doing really well in her new home with her parents yet still misses SFIT and decided to write a letter to Hiro because, he’s like her first friend ever.

What do you think?
