#cash prize


Due 9/15/15: The Westly Foundation is awarding cash prizes of $20,000 each to young innovators in California with creative solutions to community problems at home or around the world.

We are awarding cash prizes of $20,000 each to innovators under age 29 with creative solutions to community problems who live or attend school in California. Students from California who are attending school out of state are also eligible to apply.

We are looking for individuals who have worked on a scalable project that has been prototyped and, ideally, tested with the community-in-need. We’d like to begin communicating with potential applicants to guide them through the process, so your assistance is invaluable. Applications are due September 15, but we give priority review to those who apply by June 1.

Past winners have included both non-profit and for-profit entrepreneurs, who have crafted solutions across a range of disciplines, from distribution of surplus medicine, to providing alternatives to incarceration, to creating educational software for youth.

Please let me know if there’s any information or questions I can answer that would be helpful. Thank you very much.

All the best,

Joey Zabel ([email protected]; [email protected])
