#castiel dean



Hi guys, we have an update for the zine.

Our shipping mod it’s still unable to send any orders, they are moving and all the zines have been packed for their own safety (so they don’t get any damage).

They were supposed to send everything before this but the car accident happened and both situations delayed everything.

All the mods are from different countries too, so there isn’t much that we can do right now.

We would like to apologize for this inconvenience.

Also, as the head mod, i want to apologize personally for the lack of updates in this time, I’m currently finishing my career too and everything was just too much to handle at the same time.

Besides this, i have decided to prepare a poll that will be up for a week, just to see if people prefer to get small weekly updates (even if currently most of them will be just to keep in touch without much changes) or just a big update once we have started to send bundles again.

This poll it’s in Twitter, but you can also participate here commenting “I would prefer weekly updates” or “I would prefer big updates”.

All said, we can only thank all of you for your patience!


Hi guys, we have a new update about the zines! (Pretty important for “Still Beautiful, Still Dean Winchester” and digital orders) ⤵️

As some of you may noticed, things have been a bit silent since last batch of order, this is because our shipping mod had a car accident and it’s currently unable to send any orders.

They are safe but right now they need to rest, so we told them to take as long as they need to recover.

This means that the bundles “Still Beautiful, Still Dean Winchester” will take a bit more to be send but health comes first.

Because of this, we have decided to send all the digital orders! Since we had a big amount of them the mail may take a few hours to arrive to you, if you don’t receive anything in 24 hours contact us at [email protected] with your order information and we will re-send it to you.

This means that our contributors can officially share their full work on their socials!! They will be using the hashtag #EndingsFixItZine so, if you don’t want to get any spoilers, you can silence it.

We will also share their work here, if you already silenced the hashtag the posts shouldn’t appear in your tl, but you can also silence the account until you get your copy if you want to.

We will make a new announcement once we send a new batch, until then, thanks to all of you for your support!


Hi guys, we have a new update about the zines!

Our shipping mod sent the second batch of orders today! If you ordered the “I Love You” bundle you should have received an email from our BigCartel with a tracking number.

Just a reminder: if you need to change your address contact us asap through mail ([email protected])

Digital orders: our contributor it’s almost finished with the extra merch, but had some personal problems that didn’t allow them to work. We will try to get everything before next week so we can start sending everything.
