#cats are so good







You only need to know one thing: meow.

[Video transcript:

(Meow in the background. The meows continue through the video.)

So, (meow) today I am making… (meow) (snicker) pine- (meow) pinecone dice. (meow) (meow) My cat- (meow) He- (meow) He wants to narrate, too (meow). SHUT UP, THUNDER. (a beat.) He’s not allowed in the bedroom (meow) ‘cause he beats my other cat up (meow) and she’s in here right now (meow) so he’s throwing a fit.

Anyways, we’re making pineco- (wheeze) i lost my train of thought.

So, I use- (meow) (exasperated) pi- i can’t fucking these blank inserts (meow) to put the pinecones in (a series of meows interrupt) and then I put the pl- I had this all planned out and I was gonna explain exactly what I was doing and then the (meow)… the CAT… (meow) (a beat.) (Some purring) Can you (purring) hear that? Listen to that)(meow)

Anyways I hope you like the dice, bye.

End transcript]
