

Happy Holidays everybody! 

After doing our one to one mock-up of the columns, we took some time to evaluate its appearance. Over the past few weeks through drawing iteration after iteration we have decided to shift away from our previous screen design. We kept trying to make our columns smaller and smaller and realized that maybe it would be a good idea to just get rid of them! 

We hit the Fabrication Pavilion and started playing with other shapes of steel and welded wire steel panels. 

We welded a combination of steel angles vertically and connected them together to test their deflection.

We did the same thing with steel pipes.

We found cattle and horse panels at our local Farmer’s Co-op, which are welded wire panels typically used horizontally. They’re sixteen feet long and there isn’t a break big enough anywhere close by, so in order to bend them we have to do it our own way!

We’ve made some big changes in the design, but we’re feeling inspired by this new direction we’re taking!
