#caught in the rain



  • pressing a hand to their forehead to check if they have a temperature
  • pressing the back of their fingers to their cheek to check if they have a temperature
  • cuddles + hair stroking
  • even though it’s technically not a scientifically sound thing, characters getting sick from not wearing enough layers or getting caught in the rain
  • along those lines, one of the character’s who’s soaked through or shivering starts to sneeze a couple times, and their s/o just panicking a little and starting to fuss over them, wrapping them up in blankets and sitting them down in front of the fire and monitoring them to see if they’re symptoms get worse
  • the character being so sick and out of it that they can’t walk by themselves, and they have to be supported or carried
  • the character just looking like the poster of a sick person - pale face, flushed cheeks, bags under their eyes, blankets wrapped up to their neck, and a thermometer under their tongue
  • the sickie insisting that their s/o goes to work but the s/o refuses to leave their side
  • anxious hovering caretakers
  • the sickie having a coughing fit so hard that they sway and almost fall over and their friend/family member/partner has to steady them
  • the sickie waking up from a feverish sleep, expecting their s/o to be gone, only to find them asleep on a chair at their bedside


Whump in the rain

I’m just in a really rainy, wet, whumpy state of mind, ya feel?

Give me slipping over mossy rocks, grazed palms, sprained ankles.

Give me whumpees dragged through mud, fast breathing, lying on their backs as heavy droplets hit their face.

Give me cracks of thunder swallowing desperate screams, swelling riverbanks, choppy seas.

Give me hammering sheets against the roof of a car, safe for now, but for how much longer?

Give me splashing footfalls in dim streetlight, worried caretakers and Where are you?

Give me tied down and struggling, trapped in the elements, thin clothes clinging to soaked skin.

Give me freezing skin and watery blood and Don’t you dare, don’t you dare die on me.
