#cbg fic rec



Origami fic rec (orange-peony)

I had been so excited to read this fic ever since Peony posted a WIP snip of it, and I absolutely loved it to bits! I just had to fold something for it ❤️ Thank you to the lovely @curlyy-hair-dont-care for looking this over!

A day in your life (E, 48497), written by @orange-peonyfor@drarry-spin-the-wheel-fest

Harry sees it straight away, the white trail of the comet so bright despite the lights of all the buildings surrounding him.

He feels a lump in his throat as he stops and stares at the moonless sky.

Is he supposed to make a wish or a prayer?

He checks that no one is looking his way and then he takes his wand and points it at the bright comet in the sky.

He wishes to feel whole again.

To feel happy and not so bloody lonely all the time.

He wishes for a new life.

(please click on the images for better quality!)

Image description: two fortune cookies, folded using blue and purple galaxy paper. Slips of paper containing quotes from Peony’s fic are peeking out from the sides of the cookies.

Image description: the opened slips of paper from the cookies, with the quotes handwritten in cursive in black ink. One reads “He wishes to feel whole again. To feel happy and not so bloody lonely all the time”. The second one reads “Wish you were here with me”.

I chose blue based on the fact that it’s Peony’s favourite colour, and a galaxy print because of the theme of Harry and Draco making a wish upon a comet. Both of theirs come true, and they find themselves in an at first shocking body swap. Two countries apart, the two of them are brought together by a hope of feeling loved and less lonely. Peony writes their emotions so well—the panic and confusion when first trying to navigate the situation, with hilarious awkward encounters with close ones; the longing for the other’s life, and eventually, to be part of it; the growing affection as they interact (once they figure out communication). The two of them also do sweet things for each other as they discover more about their lives and likes, and it’s simply adorable. A few of these moments and gestures are linked to Italian biscuits, hence why I chose to fold cookies, with the fortune part being a nod to the wishes coming true. 

The whole story has a tender, yearning vibe that will both break and warm your heart at various moments. Go read this soft getting together fic that will make you fall in love with Harry and Draco’s love!

I woke up to this amazing present, and I genuinely have no words to say how happy it makes me!

This fic means an awful lot to me for various reasons, and I’m a huge fan of @crazybutgood ’s superb origami, so to have a rec and those beautiful fortune cookies made just for me made my little heart explode with happiness.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!! You are honestly such a star and a lovely voice in fandom.
