#ceobucky barnes



Title: Family-in-law  (5) 

Summary: Why does Winnifred Barnes hate you? What does your mother have to do with it? And will you and Bucky get your happy end? 

Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader

Characters: Winnifred Barnes, George Barnes, Andy Barber, Mike Weiss, Ari Levinson, Jake Jensen 

Warnings: angst, language, awful mother-in-law, pregnant reader, awful behavior, mentions of cheating, manipulation, fluff, romance, mentions of character’s death, mentions of attempted rape (not the reader) 

Rating: Mature

Words: 2,7 k

<< Part 4

Monster-in-law masterlist

“James Buchanan Barnes, stop tickling your pregnant fiancé,” Bucky doesn’t give in. He runs his fingertips up and down your sides, snickering as you fight his fingers. You push against his naked chest while fighting to not slip in the showers. “Buck, that’s dangerous.”

“Aw, look at you,” his eyes drop to your swollen belly. “You are showing, doll. Soon everyone will know you are having my baby.” He stops tickling you to bring you into his arms. His hands soothingly run up and down your back and his lips press against your temple. “You’re so beautiful inside and outside.”


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Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags










Marvel Tags


























































Title: Sisters-in-law (6)

Summary: What’s Winnifred’s next step? Will she ruin your relationship with Bucky? 

Pairing:CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader

Characters:George Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, OC Celia

Warnings:angst, language, awful mother-in-law, pregnant reader, awful behavior, mentions of cheating, manipulation, fluff, romance, cuddling & snuggling, non-con drugging

A/N: They are living in Two Story Penthouse.


Words:2,4 k

<< Part 5

Monster-in-law masterlist

“Master bedroom, master bathroom,“ Pepper shows you around the house. She likes to make people happy and smiles softly as you waddle toward the walk-in wardrobe to poke your head inside. “I see you already found the most important room.”

“Pepper, the most important room is the bedroom,” you giggle as Bucky hugs you from behind to peck your neck. “Right? We love to stay in the bedroom to plan our future and make more babies.”

“Son, I had a look at the kitchen and living room. Boy, there is a beautiful fireplace. The house is perfect for you and Y/N, and the baby,” George walks into the room to show you the pictures he took from the rooms downstairs. “Electricity and all the pipes are brand-new. Windows, and doors too.”

“What do you say, baby doll?” Bucky whispers in your ear. He smiles as you lean in his embrace and take his hand to place it on your belly. “Bucky jr. just kicked me, mommy. I think this means yes.”

“We should have a look at the nursery first,” you look around the room again. “You just painted the nursery at our apartment. I just don’t know if we are ready to move out.”

“Aw, you don’t want to leave our nest,” he pecks your cheek, humming as you start to squirm in his hold. “I know leaving our first apartment is hard, but we are going to be a family. I want our baby to have a garden and fresh air. I like this house. What about you?”

“I love it,” you mumble. “I just don’t know if we want to buy a huge house. It’s so…”

“We are going to buy the house, Y/N,” sighing deeply you know Bucky will tell you that he’ll buy the house. “Don’t even think about protesting. I want our baby to grow up in this house and carry you over the threshold. Now, what do you want to see next?”

“I don’t want to go,” Bucky watches you, Celia and your best friend get comfortable on the couch to start your movie marathon. Natasha, one of your eldest friends came to New York to join your little party. She moved to London to be with her husband Bruce and rarely has the time to spend time with you. “I can stay and—”

“Bucky baby,” you get up from the couch to guide Bucky toward the door, “Steve, Sam, and the others are waiting downstairs. It’s your bachelor party. Go and have fun.” You peck his lips and grab his jacket. “But not too much fun, Mr. Barnes.”

He smirks as you kiss him roughly, making sure Bucky knows who he belongs to. Bucky eagerly kisses you back, tongue sneaking its way into your mouth. “I promise to behave. We will have a few drinks, greasy food, and maybe…”

“A stripper!” Sam calls from downstairs. “I will make sure he has fun but comes home safely. Pinky promise, Y/N. He’ll marry you, not some stripper.”

“I hope so, Sam Wilson. If he doesn’t come home in one piece, you’ll regret it. I’ll spank your cute ass to hell and back,” you make the men downstairs chuckle. “He can have fun, though. Just not too much.”

“I only ever have fun with you around, Y/N,” giggling you push against his chest as Bucky starts to kiss you all over. “See. Only with you.”

“Steve, get your friend and make sure he has some fun,” Bucky starts to laugh as his friends run upstairs and try to drag him off you. “Bye baby. Have fun and don’t forget you got a pregnant girl at home.”

“How could I?” Steve and Sam drag Bucky downstairs, laughing and joking as your fiancé makes kissing noises to make sure you know he wants to stay with you.

“Love you, doll…”

“Go and have fun, Barnes,” you stand on top of the stairs, winking at your fiancé. “I love you too, idiot.”

“I don’t want a stripper,” Bucky watches the girls on the stage take their clothes off for a moment. He looks away, shaking his head. “Y/N is so much sexier than the girls up there. She’s so cute and sexy, and wild and smart.”

“No lap dance for you?” Tony sighs deeply. He wanted to pay for some extra fun, now Bucky doesn’t want to have a lap dance. “Come on, have some fun. Relax and enjoy your freedom.”

“I got my freedom, Stark,” Bucky bites back. “I’m not some caged animal only as I want to marry the woman I love. Let’s have some drinks, food and enjoy the night out. I don’t need a naked stranger on top of me to feel like a man.”

“Bucky has a pretty dame at home, Tony. Stop pushing boundaries. He doesn’t want a lap dance, so he won’t get one,” Steve steps in. He knows his friend wants to go back home and just be with you after everything Winnifred did to you and Bucky. “I’ll get another round of drinks.”

“Let me handle this,” getting up from his seat Bucky glances at his phone in his hands. You sent him a message not moments ago, along with a photo of you and your friends eating pizza. “I hope you save me a slice, doll. Your man loves pizza.”

Bucky walks toward the bar to order more drinks for his friends and himself. Ignoring the girls swirling around the club, giggling, and winking at the men cheering for them to take off more of their clothes.

“Hello baby,” Bucky huffs when someone moves their hand over his back. “Fancy meeting you here, Bucky. We haven’t seen each other since the dinner at your parents’ house.” Dot coos as she steps next to Bucky. She dips her head to glance up at him, batting her eyelashes. 

“What do you want here, Dot? How did you find me?” he ignores her presence and doesn’t even glance at her. Even though, she’s all dolled up, wearing a dress leaving little to nothing to any guy’s imagination and her red lips curve into a seductive pout. “I told you before and I’m telling you again, we are over.”

“Don’t be like that,” she playfully slaps Bucky’s bicep. “I came to congratulate you on your engagement and the baby. She did everything right, huh? Got pregnant and the ring in no time.”

“Go,” Bucky says coolly. He’s not in the mood for playing another of Dot’s games. “I don’t want you around. I’m here to have fun with my friends.”

“We used to have so much fun too,” she cups his face, distracts Bucky long enough to slip something in the drink right in front of him. “Don’t you remember, baby?”

“I’m not your baby,” he shoves her off of him. “Now leave me the fuck alone!”

“I got a bad feeling,” you watch the next movie. A survival horror movie. Natasha’s choice. “They are all going to die.”

“No, don’t spoil the ending,” Celia grumbles. “How about more alcohol-free marguerites, ladies? Sisters for misters tonight,” she squeals. “I’ll make some more.”

“Damn, can we be your sisters for real?” you chuckle at Natasha’s question. “No, I mean it, babe. I wanna be your sister.”

“We can be sisters-in-law, Nat. Wait…no,” watching Celia pinch the bridge of her nose you roll your eyes, “we need to marry someone for that…fuck. Do you have a brother?”

“No,” you laugh, eyes dropping to your phone as it starts to vibrate. “Uh—I just got a message from Rebecca,” Natasha quirks a brow at you. “OH, that’s Bucky’s sister, Nat. You haven’t met her yet.”

“What does she want?” you chuckle as Celia makes a face. She still hasn’t forgiven her former best friend. “We won’t invite her over, right?”

“She wants to come over, or rather is on her way,” you get up from the couch as the doorbell rings. “Something about an emergency…”

“Fuck, we should open the door then,” Natasha hurriedly unlocks the door to let Rebecca in. “Hi, I’m Natasha, you can call me Nat. Now tell us about the emergency.” She blurs out before you can even greet Rebecca.

“I wanted to get some things from my room at my parents’ house,” Rebecca hastily says. “I heard my mom talk to Dot. She told her where Bucky is tonight and said something about heating things up. Y/N, we need to warn my brother. I tried to call him but…”

“He forgot his phone at home,” your heart beats out of your chest, and you already grasp for your coat. “Nat, can you get me my shoes and purse? Celia, try to reach Steve. I know he’s got his phone with him. If not, call Sam or Tony.”

“I’m on it,” Celia takes your phone to dial Steve’s number, ending up on his voicemail. “Crap, voicemail.”

“That’s it, we are going to drive to that strip club right now,” Natasha helps you into your coat. “Rebecca, can you drive? Celia and I had some drinks, and Y/N is too out of it right now.”

“Got it. Let’s go…”

Celia hates to sit next to her former best friend. She looks out of the window while Natasha tries to calm you in the backseat. “He’s alright. Okay. Breathe and let me try to call Steve again.”

“He’s not answering his phone,” you groan. “That’s my fault! Bucky wanted to stay at home with us. I told him to go and have fun. What if Dot did something to my baby? No, she can’t hurt him.”

“Mother said something about drugs or drinks. I couldn’t understand everything she said. I’m sorry,” Rebecca drives a little faster to make sure you reach the strip club as fast as possible. 

“What the fuck happened?” Steve exclaims as his friends try to wake Tony. He downed his drink, and now he’s out cold. “Do we need an ambulance?”

“I don’t know,” Sam huffs as he carefully pats Tony’s cheek to wake his friend. “Fuck, he had like three drinks. Tony usually has a high tolerance when it comes to alcohol. What did he order?”

“He downed my drink and two others,” Bucky checks on Tony’s pulse. He worriedly looks at his phone, realizing he missed like ten calls from you, Celia, and his sister. “Y/N, Rebecca and Celia called me.”

“Well, call them back while we try to wake our sleeping beauty,” Sam sarcastically says. “Let me just wake him Wilson style.”

“No water in his face,” Steve chides as Sam was about to wake Tony with a glass of water, and a slap to his cheek. “I’m for calling an ambulance.”

“BUCKY!” no one can stop you from running toward your fiancé to look him all over. “You’re alright. Thank goodness.”

“Whoa, baby doll,” he laughs as you move your hands over his hair, cheek, chest, and, well his ass. “What happened? Where is the fire? I just wanted to call you back. We had a little problem with Tony here.” Bucky points at his unconscious friend.

“What happened? No! Pepper will get so mad,” you clasp one hand over your mouth while Sam and Steve still try to wake Tony.

“He downed his drink and mine. A few moments later Tony wanted to get up and piss,” Sam explains what happened to you. “He felt dizzy. His legs gave in, and he ended up on the ground. He won’t wake up.”

“Looks like he got drugged to me,” Natasha kneels next to Tony to check on him. “Hey, blondie.” She snaps her fingers at Steve. “Call an ambulance. We need to know if he got drugged.”

“You said he downed your drink too, Jamie?” Rebecca softly asks. “I-I don’t know how to ask you this but, was Dot around tonight?”

“How do you know?” Sam cocks his head. “She made a scene and tried to hit on Bucky. Damn, he pushed her away, telling her to get lost.”

“Did she have the chance to get close to your drink, Bucky?” you ask, looking at Bucky. He frowns as he recalls his encounter with his ex. “Buck?”

“It’s possible. She tried to touch me, and I wanted to leave. I looked at Sam who waved at me, and then I took the drinks and left,” Bucky sighs deeply. “Fuck, I didn’t watch my drink for a second.”

“That fucking bitch,” you wrap Bucky in a hug. “She wanted to do this to you, baby. How could she do this to you?”

“Mother,” Rebecca sighs deeply. “I guess she never learns, does she?” Bucky looks at the bar, whipping his head toward the cameras on the walls. “Oh, good idea.” It’s like the siblings communicate without exchanging words. “I’ll call the cops. They should check on the footage. We’ve caught you red-handed, fucking bitch.”

“Your friend got drugged,” the doctor explains while you watch Pepper check on her husband. “It’s good that you were around.”

“He wasn’t the target,” you whisper. Your heart clenches in his chest as you realize that Dot tried to drug and abuse your fiancé to ruin your relationship. “We are so sorry Pepper.”

“It’s not your fault,” Pepper gently runs her hand over Tony’s hair. “I hope they arrest that woman.”

“How are you, doll?” Bucky gently runs his hand over your hair. You came home two hours ago, and since then, you cling to him. “A friend of mine called me. You know, the guy helping Ari with the faked pictures.”

“Hmm…” you hide your face in Bucky’s neck and hold him a little tighter. “What did he say?”

“He checked on the police report and the footage. It was Dot,” he kisses your hair, hand running over your back. “We’ve got her, baby doll. The cops want me to give them a statement.”

“I want her to rot in hell.”

“It wasn’t all her fault,” Bucky whispers. He hates to admit that his mother could be involved in all of this again. “I think my mother played her part too. Rebecca told me everything she heard.”

“We can’t prove that it was your mother’s doings. At least she didn’t win this time,” you sniffle in Bucky’s neck. “I never hated someone before, but I hate your mother.”

“I hate her too for being a cold-hearted and selfish person. I’ll make sure she will get the message this time. I called Andy,” you lift your head to meet Bucky’s eyes. “We’ve got enough proof to obtain a restraining order. She will never get close to us and our baby again. From this day on, my mother is dead to me and the rest of my family.”

>> Part 7

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