#cgre community


About me!

Hi, my name is Dakota, but on this account I’d prefer to be called Kota, cub, or bear! I’m 17, and I have an amazing boyfriend who is also my carer. We’ve been together for a year but we’ve known eachother for three years now. I’m bisexual and I use he/him pronouns. I love music, art, and helping people and animals! I would love to be a preschool teacher or a musician one day!

☁️I’m a proud age regressor and age dreamer! I’m not too sure how long I’ve been a regressor as I was unaware of it until a few months ago. My small age is 0-4, although usually 2-3 specifically! I’m cglre/cgre-aligned although I don’t consider myself too close to any sort of community. I use certain tags but that’s really about it. With that being said, I do not use the terms l1ttle or l1ttlespace to describe myself (though I’m fine if others use them). I find that terms like small, tiny, small space, and agere space fit me better. I am still learning so if anything I do or say ever makes you uncomfortable, or if there’s anything I should be aware of please let me know!

-TW: Mental Heath- I use age regression to relax, and to help cope with anxiety, depression, trauma, dissociation, eating issues, and possible bpd. It’s been a long journey but I work on myself every single day.

I love pastel colors, but blue, yellow, and purple specifically are my favorite!

☁️I love Steven Universe, Paw Patrol, Winnie the Pooh, Little Bear, Disney movies, and lots of other things! My favorite Disney movie is The Princess and the Frog!

I’m the owner of @tiny-cub-banners and I love making dni banners for fellow regressors!

Also: thank you so much for 600 followers!!!

Sorry for being inactive recently, my carer has been having family issues so I’ve been trying to be there for him! I’m slowly coming back and everything should be normal soon!
