#agereg community


Small Space Bag

When going out it is always good to pack a bag of your little gear/small stuff. Here is a bunch of ideas on what to bring!

First, choose a bag. It can be a discreet back pack or a cutesy tote! Whatever you want to hold your things in!

Then, pack some “big” items -

Lip balm to give daddy/mommy special soft kisses

Pawpaw ointment for booboos

Tissues/wipes for colds, tears, or accidents

A hat to go in the sun

Your phone/tablet/DS/other electronic device to be entertained

A portable charger and cable in case your device/s go flat

A purse/wallet in case you see a stuffie that you absolutely HAVE to buy

Then, some items for your small space -



Colouring-in book and pencil to colour when small

Spare undies/nappy if you have an accident (it’s ok, it happens!)

Your agere journal (if you do journaling for your small space or little place) to write about your thoughts and time being small

Kitty/puppy/bunny/animal ears (if you are a petre or petdre)

A stimming item for when you need it (autism, anxiety attack, ADHD, bored)

Snacks for when you’re a hungry kiddo/pet

A kiddo book you can read on your own or your caregiver can read to you

And don’t forget your favourite stuffie to help your caregiver keep you safe

Hopefully this little guide has helped! I don’t always take all of this stuff with me but I know some regressors do, or just need ideas on what to take!

Here is my finished and packed bag, with my stuffie Pepper playing peekaboo!

Nap Time

It’s always good for regressors to nap in the afternoons! So get your stuffies, your paci, and get comfy!

Cudde your stuffie/s! Being wrapped in a blanket with the AC on feels like you’re being cuddled, even when you’re alone or your caregiver isn’t around.

Lullabies, lo-fi, asmr, and nature sounds helps with sleep. I love listening to rain and ocean sounds because its so relaxing after being big!

Use the 4-7-8 method! Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds!

Use a natural lavender oil! Diffusing it or rubbing it on your feet relaxes your body and mind and makes it a little easier for you to drift off to sleep.

It’s ok if you can’t get to sleep. Just laying in your bed and relaxing can boost your mood when big and small. It’s also ok to miss your nap if you can’t fall asleep at all. Have a quiet afternoon instead!

Sweet dreams, regressors!

i’m just trying to be a little kid, one more time.

Not from anything specific, just thought some people would enjoy this lil matching pfp set!

I dont know who this blue haired beauty is or where she’s from but I do know that I’d die for her!

Update: shes from my hero academia and her name is Nejire Hado!!


Hi little one! Oh, what do you have there? Is that a new plushie? Can Papa see it? Okay, let me help you up into my lap. There we go. Comfy? Now, who’s the new friend you have there? They’re so soft and cuddly, and just as cute as you! Hmm, what are you going to name it? That’s a good name, baby. Papa is proud of you!
