#chains introduction



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✧.* M A S T E R L I S T

. NCT 127 ( in progress )

. NCT DREAM ( in progress )

. WAYV ( coming soon )

. NCT U ( coming soon )

! ⚠︎

— I will not hesitate to block you if I feel like you’re lying about your age. You’re still a minor. Please be responsible. Don’t corrupt your mind at such a young age :(

— Refrain yourself from asking about my personal life. I definitely do not feel comfortable about sharing my private life in this platform. Please respect that.

— I do not tolerate hateful behaviour towards other blogs, fandoms or people unless there is a valid reason. I will block you immediately if you start acting like shit.

— I do not write. I only recommend fics. Remember that.

☀︎ i will keep on updating my list of fics. if you have any recommendations, please don’t be afraid to come into my ask box. i don’t bite ;) it wouldbe greatly appreciated. thank you!

— C H A I N
