#fic recs



literal eons ago @october31st1981 had a prompt about head students not being able to date, eons ago i wrote two versions of the prompt and here’s the companion piece


Of all the things for James to suddenly become stubborn and sanctimonious over, of all school rules he decided to consider applicable to him, he chose this. The insufferable prat decided to prove he was no longer self-interested in the one thing that could actually be selfish of him.

Lily wanted to kill him. Preferably in the same slow, torturous way he was killing her.

Life was easier when he was an annoying prick. Well, he still is, but somehow he’d become the annoying prick she fancied. Really, really fancied.

She hated him for it all. Hated him for his stupid, annoying laugh and his stupid, annoying charm and ability to keep her steady as the war burns stronger around them. His jokes are clever and best of all, no longer cruel. She keeps the letters and postcards he sent her over the summer tied with a ribbon in her trunk. She’s the first one he finds after bad Quidditch practices, he’s the only person she wants to impress nowadays, and their late night talks during rounds leave her buzzing.

It’s one of those late nights in the Common Room that finds them awake at this hour together. Rounds schedules litter the table with notes and edits about the prefects, an algorithm of schedules and characteristics the two of them have only just begun to hash out. James’ quill scratches across his parchment while Lily studies the Map a bit more, looking for any Slytherin out past curfew to note. They move in rhythm, go at the same pace, understand one another while working together without needing to explain themselves. Moments like these are peaceful, and above all else, right. Things make sense here.

Which is why James’ refusal to go out with her doesn’t make sense.

It’s been a week since Lily grabbed his hand after finding him out on the Pitch, a week since he brought her in closer, a week since she stood on tip-toes to reach his lips as he bent down, her fingers finally laced in the hair his hand can’t get enough of, and a week since he pulled away without explanation.

That means it’s been six days since he refused to look at her, five days since he could actually be in proximity of her, and four miserable days when he politely asked her to just forget about it all.

Four days of Lily trying, and failing, to get him to listen to her.

It’s late now, and they’re both exhausted in more ways than one, but Lily is nothing if not proud and stubborn, which makes for a dangerous combination. Keeping her eyes trained on James instead if the Map now, she tilts her head to the side, examining him curiously.

“You know we can’t ignore this, right?”

James, of course, tries to ignore her. Lily, of course, throws her quill at his head. He didn’t flinch, and Lily began to think that maybe now isn’t a good time if she can’t even make him smile when he shakes his head and chuckles softly, mumbling out, “Pathetic.”

“You’re the Chaser, not me.” Lily defended herself, but James was still pretending to be engrossed in the same schedule that he’d been working on for half an hour. “C’mon, James, I mean it. We have to talk.”

“We’re talking now, aren’t we?”

“About the kiss,” Lily hummed.

His quill stopped its scratching. “There was no kiss.”

“That’s my problem. Yours too, I wager.”

James sighed, running a hand through his hair, before he finally brought his attention from his homework to her. This earned him a pleased smile from Lily. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, and met her smile with a weary look.

Lily’s grin widened as she mentally ticked off “step one” in her battle plan. He quipped his eyebrow at her pleased grin, which Lily widened ever so wickedly as she sing-songed, “You like me.”

James remained unamused. “They didn’t give you all those O’s for nothing, now, did they?”

“And, as some cruel twist fate would have it, I like you .”

James tried to maintain the cool facade he’d put on, but she could see his lips twitch up in a smile. He was being stubborn for no clear reason, but he wasn’t unaffected. Lily knew what it must feel for him to hear that, to know that he’d finally grown on her… if James could affect her life as much as he could during the months she’s fancied him, she can only imagine what it’s been like for him to wait to hear those words voiced through more than looks and laughs and blushes. She holds her smile, feeling it soften, and he actually looks away from her with a blush, biting the edge of his lip. Lily’s heart swells with warmth, encouraged, wanting nothing more than to make him blush again, to make him smile and to show him in words as well as deeds just how much she likes him. After a moment he meets her eye again, his poker face glowing slightly from the redness in his cheeks.

That wasn’t enough, though. She needed James to actually engage in this conversation if any good were to come of it, which means that the game has begun. James could hold his cards near his chest as long as he wanted. Lily was ready to play her hand.

“So you can see my confusion here,” she continued, sitting primly in her seat, “as to why a perfectly capable and fit pair such as us isn’t living up to every fun potential we’ve got.”

“It’s just not that– you think I’m fit?”

“Annoyingly so.”

Again, a smile spread across his face, lighting up his hazel eyes in the way she adores before he seemed to remember himself, pulling it back down to a grimace. “It’s not that simple, Evans, and you know that.”

“I honestly don’t,” Lily shrugged, standing up and walking around the table to his side. James kept his eyes trained on her, calculating. “You fancy me, I fancy you. I’m not speaking in runes here.”

It’s odd seeing James this composed and reserved given that he wears his heart on his sleeve every other day. He follows her path along the table, sitting back in his chair as she stops at his side.

She wants to physically shake sense into him but settles on sitting herself on the table instead, propping herself up right in front of him, letting her skirt sit a little too high on her thigh. His eyes trace its hem before he glares up at her.

“You’re playing dirty.”

“Oh, I can play a lot dirtier than this if you’d like.”

James breathed out wearily, looking at the suddenly-interesting-ceiling rather than at her. “Can you not make this any harder than it has to be?”

“Come again? I can make a lot of things har—”


Pleased but slightly abashed, Lily pulled at her hem, uncrossed her legs, and slumped down a bit, more casual, more level with his eyeline in the chair. James relaxed too, staring up at her the same as he always does, eyes lit bright with an upward tug at his lips. She’s played the game well so far, and he’s a good sportsman if nothing else.

“What’s this about, really?” She asks, genuinely curious. She’s in no rush. The Common Room is empty, they have free period first in the morning. “Is there something I’m not seeing about trying to date you?”

Again, his smiles in such a boyish way it makes her heart melt, but this smile is as wistful as it is playful.

“Evans,” he asks, “Is it really so unbelievable that all I am trying to do is follow school code?”

She raised an eyebrow at him.

James simply shrugged. “I mean it.”

Lily stopped herself from rolling her eyes, but just barely. “That code that hasn’t been enforced in years. Everyone knows the Alice and Frank were shagging, and that was years ago. Nothing happened to them, you know.”

“Yeah, well,” James says, clearly unmoved by her excellent counterpoint to the rule forbidding romantic relationships between the two Head students for sake of school stability, “It wouldn’t make it right for us to ignore the rule as well.”

Lily’s head fell into her hands, shaking back and forth in disbelief.

“This is karma. This is a cruel, cruel joke for all the times I yelled at you to read a code book when I was made Prefect. Some hag heard me begging you to follow at least one school rule and cursed me— and this is what it looks like.”

James had the decency to laugh then, quiet and soft, a wonderful timbre that reverberated through her body.

“Stop laughing,” Lily shoved his shoulder in good humor. “You are mocking my very deep pain. That’s not the way to treat the girl you like.”

James’ expression suddenly turned serious again. “No, it isn’t. You’re right, Lily. I know you’re upset with me.” He sighed, suddenly old, weary. “Trust me, I find it harder and harder keep myself focused each day.”

The question, So why bother? died on her lips as she held him in her gaze, trying to understand what she couldn’t comprehend. Slowly, tentatively, James reached up with one hand to meet the one Lily had on his shoulder, holding it there.

He held her hand in his, wonderfully caring in the gesture. He closed his eyes and something in her nearly broke at this false surrender of his trust in her. She allowed the silence to pass over them in waves as they both indulged in the first touch they’d shared together since the non-kiss on the Pitch a week ago.

“I wouldn’t be pressing this point if I didn’t think it mattered, James,” Lily nearly whispered, hearing a tenderness she’d never heard in her own voice before. “But it matters more than anything else to me. You and us, right here and right now, is the most important thing in my life.”

James ruefully opened his eyes, staring intently at her as he never had before. He slowly pulled her hand and held it in his own, playing with it.

“You think I don’t know that?” He breathed out. “You don’t think I don’t agree, and that right here, right now isn’t tearing into me?”

“A mess of your own creation,” Lily cut out, almost unkindly. His confession came close to angering her, because if James agreed with her and still wasn’t doing anything, then she wasn’t sure she really knew him after all. She tried to tug her hand out from him, but he clasped it in his own, tight and desperate, keeping it in place. His eyes begged her to stay, to hear him out. Lily sighed.

“Out with it, James,” Lily commended gently. “If you’re going to be a giant bloody idiot about this, I need an actual explanation.”

“It wasn’t long ago when you could you couldn’t stand the thought of going out with me, let alone be near me,” he spoke to her hand, turning it over in his. “You ever think about how this happened?”

“All the time.” She watched him carefully, unsure of where this was going. “But it feels like a lifetime ago.”

“Not to me,” he said, looking up at her with intent, eyes heavy with weight she is unfamiliar with from him. “Not to me. Everyday I’m surprised I managed to pull my head out of my arse and get my act together. I owe you and Sirius a lot for that.”

She smiled. “Remind me to thank him later.”

He paused, gathering himself. “I’m not ready to risk everything. I’m not ready to rush in. Not when I’ve only just proven myself to Dumbledore, not when everything else seems so fragile.”

She didn’t need the gentle caress of his thumb on her hand to know exactly where he categorized her in this.

“I’m not fragile, James, and neither is what I feel, or else I’d be well done of you for making me wait like this.”

He regarded her with a careful gaze, trying to communicate something important to her. “Can you blame me?” He whispered, low, entranced. “Can you blame me for being afraid? For taking my time?”

His hand gripped hers again, tighter. “I can’t lose this chance, Lily. I can’t fail you now because I wasn’t careful.”

“You’re talking like you’re the only one here with fear or with doubts,” Lily spoke back, matching his low, soft tones. “Don’t make this decision without me. Don’t forget me in this noble quest you’ve undertaken without much thought for my needs.”

James narrowed his eyes and she could see a sign of real anger being quelled beneath his resolve to finish this conversation. Lily admired him, considering how often she’d walked out on him at the first chance during the days before whatever this was between them.

“That’s not fair,” he countered, the anger showing through enough to add an edge of sharpness to his rebuttal. “I’ve been thinking about nothing but your needs. I can’t stop thinking about what you need, what Sirius needs, what my parents need and what Remus and Peter and McGonagall and—“

“I don’t care about what they need,” Lily cut him off. “What do you need?”

She wanted him to say, You. What she heard instead was, “What I need doesn’t matter. I’m more concerned about you and Sirius and—“

“James. What do you need?”

His eyes said, You in the way they fell down to her lips, tracing them. In the way he took a small breath, steadying himself. His mouth said, “I need to know that the moment I kiss you isn’t the moment everything gets worse. People will talk, Lily. Not here at Hogwarts. Outside. Regular people and people who I never want knowing your name will have something to say about us. I need to know that I’m not killing us by kissing you.”

Lily didn’t speak for a long time, and neither did he. It was a strange feeling, wanting to escape from the truth and fear in his concern while being consigned to her fate in a calm, accepting manner.

“I can’t give you that .”

“I know.”

Another beat of silence. James stared at the fire and she stared at it reflected in his glasses. Lily came close to indulging the melancholy of what waits for her outside of Hogwarts before her happier senses kicked in and she gave her own shuddering breath, releasing fear and breathing in the warmth and light she felt from the boy in front of her.

“I don’t want to focus on what we can’t change,” she started. “I’ll tell you what I need instead, so please, try to get it through your beautiful, wonderful, thick head. I need time, and not the kind you can give me. I need time to live because I think this war is going to kill me.” She didn’t let him interrupt, didn’t let him try to sell a lie about what happens to Muggleborns like her nowadays. “I need time I can’t have, so I need to at least live a bit before I go. I’m not fragile, James. I’m just mortal.

“So,” Lily quipped with some air of finality. “We can carry on, wasting time and ignoring whatever mess we’ve got going on, or–” she made sure to deliver this with the most James-like, devil-may-care-smirk she could manage, “–or we could just accept reality and bang on this table.”

She didn’t look back at James when she stood straight, fussing out the wrinkles of her skirt to shift it back and forth. One doesn’t look back at explosions they’ve caused, no matter how tempting. Lily took a few deliberate steps forward, towards the stairwell to the Dormitories, when her effort paid off.

She’d nearly made it to the stairs when she hears the chair scrape behind her, can practically feel James’ eyes on her back when she spins to claim her victory, satisfied smirk on her face–

When she’s struck silent first by the blazing look in his eye, and next by his mouth on hers, desperate and greedy, his hands cupping her face for more contact, better access. The shock wears off fairly quickly, and she’s kissing him back, fingers curling delightfully in the mop of hair at his neck, finally able to wander into territory they’ve been itching to explore for themselves. His hands wander, pulling her in, and it’s a while before he gathers himself enough to slow down, coaxing longer, slower kisses from her lips.

“That,” James says, haggard breath doing something wonderful to all of her as she smiles, big and warm, “That is a kiss worth talking about. That is a kiss worth risking it all for.”

Rules: It’s time to yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the and link each other to awesome works!

Tagged by @lizardcookie. Thank you for thinking of me! <3 

2019 was a year without a lot of downtime, taking courses and new hobbies and volunteering then starting a new job. I mostly wrote things solely for events, and very few for HP at all! So I will rec the two HP pieces above the cut, and a couple of non-HP writings I did under a read more. 

The Order of Affairs - This is what I will call the fic I wrote for James’s birthday! I’m very fond of it. It’s simple, and has the exact energy I want to portray in James and Lily’s relationship. A little bit overly intimate, a little bit stubborn and proud. No hesitation. Happy, easy to write drabble. 

As Good As Gold - I like this one in its own way, despite not being my usual bag. It was a challenge to write something in half an hour, but it forced me to get creative and stretch some writing muscles! Writing about Harry as an older than a baby is a plain that I have yet to fully discover.

Borrowed, with Interest - One nice thing in writing for a smaller pairing is that a lot of simple tropes are novelties! This fic was something I’d never seen done for this pairing. And I like role swaps a lot. For this piece, there was a lot of thought about what was happening beyond what actually made it onto the page. 

Operation Scary Date - This fic is a collaboration, with my writing and Sloane’s art. Let me tell you, it was an absolute blast to write. It mixes genres, and times, and pairings, and manages to feel complete without a conclusion. It is just pure, chaotic fun. The premise actually spun out from a movie watch, which is like… a vintage internet friendship move. Plus, it is a branch out from my usual pairing monogamy. (You know what that is? Growth.)

Wolf in Leaf’s Clothing - I know the AO3 publication date says 2020, but it actually went up on tumblr in 2019, for Halloween gift exchange! Am I betraying a trope bias here with all these chaotic magical curses? As with HP, I actually rarely ever write main gen for any fandom. But when I did this piece, I actually found it hilarious, because I was able to lean into my favourite group vibe of “you-know-this-is-bananas-behaviour-right-why-no-sir-this-is-Very-Normal.” If it takes a village, then you can take this one. The whole thing. Just take it somewhere. 

I tag @fetchalgernon@ghostofbambifanfiction @bcdaily@sunshinedaisieswindmills and anyone else who would like to do it! 


on ao3

(22k, failed friends with benefts)

He’s not really sure how it happens. He’s not really sure what cruel twist of fate had them run into each other in Diagon Alley one evening, unplanned. He was just killing time, because Sirius is visiting his uncle and his parents are traveling. She was just killing time, because Petunia doesn’t speak to her and Severus wants her dead, in a manner of speaking, and Mary’s been traveling abroad as an early graduation gift from her parents.

James vaguely remembers his mother saying something about idle minds being a dangerous thing.

They were both just killing time. It wasn’t supposed to lead to this, to her letting him talk to her, to her letting him ask her for a drink. It wasn’t supposed to lead to this, his body pressed against hers, her hands tangled in his hair pulling him closer, closer, closer.

This isn’t how James Potter wanted to kiss Lily Evans for the first time. In daydreams and idle fantasies in times spent drawing out her initials on his parchment, he pictured her arms flung happily round his neck after a glorious victory on the itch or some homework assignment gone wonderfully astray. In fact, he’d been spending his idle summer time trying to map out just how he could convince her to do any one of those things, hyper aware of how precious little time they have together in school for her to even consider fancying him the same way he fancied her.

He didn’t picture Lily wandering alone, he never imagined the dullness that seemed to overcome her usually vivacious eyes, never fantasized about the way she looked at him straight on and asked, “Want to do something stupid?”

He, apparently, was something stupid.

So one moment they’re in the Leaky Cauldron and the next they’re stumbling into the alley way and she’s tearing at his shirt buttons and he’s learning that his hands like running through her hair much, much more than just rustling his own. Her hands are burning the skin across his shoulders, lightly scratching at his back while she’s being supported by her hips and the press of his body against hers into the brick wall. It is entirely, entirely too fast for him, but then Lily Evans moans into his mouth and he gets that same thrill he’s felt when flying a broom towards the ground again and again and again and can’t will himself to stop.

They do stop, though. Eventually. He isn’t losing anymore of his dignity crammed between two crates of bottles for the pub. James gets some amount of satisfaction from the fact that she’s as out of breath as he is, then even more satisfaction that in her glazed eyes, he can see life there for the first time all evening. 

He stares at her, completely unable to think, knowing that no thought could make any amount of sense of this. But all Lily Evans does is stare back at him, her bright eyes flickering across his face looking for something he doesn’t know how to give her. Her lips turn up in a friendly sort of way.

“Thanks,” is what she says, like all he did was help her with an essay. Then she untangled herself from him and was gone.

Keep reading


James has just professed his love for Sirius for the fifth time (that evening) when he hears a familiar chuckle behind him.

“You never could hold your drink, Potter.”

His eyes go wide. He whips around to face the newcomer, then turns back to Sirius.

“Did you invite her?” he demands. “I thought we were having a lad’s night!”

“We are, mate.” Sirius claps him on the shoulder. “Or we were, anyway.”

“Then what’s my ex-fiancée doing here?”

Sirius snorts. “You’re sloshed, and somebody’s got to get you home. I’m not interested in listening to your whinging about my sofa.”

“Well, it’s bloody uncomfortable, isn’t it?”

“It fits my aesthetic. But doesn’t matter, because you won’t be staying there. Up you go.” He tugs James to his feet and steers him towards Lily.

The bartender raises a bushy eyebrow. “Handing your mate off to his ex when he’s off his trolley? Seems harsh.”

“Indeed!” James wobbles slightly and waves a finger in the air. “A betrayal of the highest order!”

“For Merlin’s sake!” Lily rolls her eyes and grins. “I’m only your ex-fiancée because we got married three weeks ago, you muppet.”

James gasps. “Lily Evans, you married a muppet?”

“In my defence, he’s quite handsome.” She’s smirking when she grabs his hand. “And it’s Lily Potter to you. Now come along.”

Lily Potter,” James echoes, beaming. He gives Sirius a cheerful salute as his wife leads him from the pub. “I must be the luckiest muppet in the world.”


me @ everyone I know @ all hours of the day and @ strangers on the street: Hello! Do you have a minute to talk about Emily Jade Lomax’s Harry Potter what-if’s and how she is doing the LORD’s work in the never-ending battle waged by JKR against her own fandom?


Daily Fics

(Fics I read throughout the day yesterday and enjoyed — Ahaha! tumblr only usualy has issues with external links so I linked each fic to its @ao3feed-ladynoir post (thank you fic scanning bots ), makes them easier to find than dealing with a finicky search engine)

[X]your keysmash says it allbyNoukon

Marinette accidentally texts Adrien at 2 am thinking he’s Alya and unknowingly starts a rapid spiral of private conversations and group chats with him and the rest of her friends. Who would’ve thought she could function (slightly) better through text?

Chaotic Chat fic! (The adrinette is very cute but oof are they both a pair of hot messes)


[X]two idiots and a hamsterbyBoogum(@botherkupo ) and carpisuns(@carpisuns)

How do you hide your superhero identity from your roommate? (spoiler alert: badly)

*wheeze* AHAhaha! god they’re such disasters!


[X]Asking the important questionsbyUltraKart(@ultrakart)

After having returned home from Shanghai, Marinette and Chat Noir have some important questions for each other.

Nice short story, brings up interesting posible outside perspectives on the Shanghai situation. Minimal plot. A nice read.


[X]Pastry DatesbyZabbyPerno

Pastry Dates and Other Firsts

Adrien Agreste might be a world renown supermodel working for his father’s company, but deep down he is as awkward as a turtle. Or rather, a cat who fell off a ledge by accident.

Therefore introducing himself to the cute girl who works at the patisserie is turning out to be a lot harder than he originally anticipated.

I think “Adrien never went to public school” might be one of my favorite AU types, while that’s there in this fic it’s definitely not the focus instead being a catalyst for Adrien to be the blushy mess trying to ask Marinette out on a date. Lots of cute Adrinette with Ladynoir friendship on the side.


Does, uh @sunfoxfic’swings AU dabble count? I’m gonna count it cuz it’s real good



Gabriel Agreste gets bullied by two punk kids and reconsiders his life choices.

Aka, HM is an idiot and oh yeah the miraculous work as phones. This is great, Gabriel being dramatic and dumb, Ladynoir shenanigans, and a ending with a glimmer of hope that Gabe could possibly maybe learn to be a better father.



Daily Fic

(Fics I read throughout the day yesterday and enjoyed)

[X]Caught in the ChatbyBoogum(@botherkupo)

Sunglasses and a black outfit are probably not the best disguise Adrien could have worn to keep a low profile in public. Certainly not when he bumps into Marinette and she recognises him … as Chat Noir.

AHAHAHAHAHSJSKDFGHDFSLKJF!! I love this fic so much, I’ve read it so many times even though it’s only two chapters and technically unfinished. It just had that peak dumbass marichat friendship (recurring acquaintances?) energy and I love it !!!


[X]Catching a glimpse of myself in a funhouse mirrorbyEmmalylis(@emmalylis)

When Gabriel Agreste reveals his identity to his son and entrusts him with the Peacock Miraculous, there’s only one thing Adrien can think to do: Make a replacement Chat Noir and send him to tell Ladybug where to go.

He isn’t counting on his brand-new duplicate’s empathy.

When your newborn creation is like: your plan is bad, stop being so hard on yourself, when this is over we’re gonna find you a therapist and you need to promise to take care of yourself!

Oooh glad you enjoyed Caught in the Chat! I do plan to finish that one (I was thinking of trying to do that after I finish my 2 week daily lovesquare stuff), so will see how that goes


Hello! In celebration accumulating over 290 bookmarks on my AO3 account featuring IwaOi, Haikyuu S4 part 2, and @haikyuuweek2020​ (Day 7 - Free Choice), I decided to create a masterlist of all of my favorite fanfictions in order to keep myself organized as well as contributing to more traffic for those works! I decided to split the works up by my own self-imposed genres, such asadulting(they’re adults but they didn’t end up where they did in canon), alternate universe (either in a non-modern world or not childhood friends), angst, andcoming of age/canon-compliant.

This is incomplete as I got distracted while re-reading a lot of these and have only gone through half of my bookmarks, but feel free to check my own page here for the rest of them! I really do hope you guys enjoy reading these and leave comments and kudos! Please reblog and like so more people can enjoy

Titles marked with (♡) are my absolute favorites and there’s a chance I cried while reading them but otherwise there is no set order to the way the works are listed.

Keep reading


Inspired to write about Tali yesterday after a really interesting discussion with my students about the fantastic poem ‘This is Not a Humanising Poem’ by Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan.


As Tali got closer to the front of the line, she leant past the person ahead of her to catch who it was at the desk that day. A human. Damn it.

The Turian clerks were easier. She could make jokes about how the new flavour of dextro shake from Zakeramart tasted like vomit (she hadn’t tried it herself; couldn’t afford it, but she’d heard two Turians talking about it in the queue the day before), or how sad it was that the dextro deli in Kithoi ward was replaced by a Sirta outlet (she’d never been. Even if she’d had the credits, they didn’t serve Quarians). Talking about food was always a safe bet. A great leveller.

Or she could mention that she was from a military family; throw in the words ‘honour’ and ‘service’ a few times. It didn’t always go down well, but she’d sometimes get a response.

“Really? My dad was a Navigator in the Turian seventh fleet.”

That had been a good day. The clerk had given her a blanket as well as the basic ration bag.

Her own prejudices came out as well; that’s what she hated about it the most. She’d assumed all Turians had an uncle/high-school friend/ex-neighbour who was in C-Sec, so she’d clumsily made a comment as an officer walked past the Welfare Office:

“Our Citadel Security do a great job, don’t you think.”

Fifteen minutes later she’d finally managed to empty-handedly extricate herself from the lecture on jack-booted fascists.

There was a regular Asari clerk who had proven tough to crack. Tali started off being plain old friendly: not too desperate, but not too chirpy either. A card-carrying member of the merry destitute. So stoic. So hopeful. Positive things come to positive mindsets… not much different from the everyday small injustices of “success breeds success” or “good things come to those who wait”. Not everyone can afford to wait. Sometimes if you waited you starved.

Every time the Asari clerk was there, she’d throw in something new to the conversation to see what might work. What would make her look up from the desk and see a living being and not a suit rat? She talked about Asari politics, mentioned some popular Citadel bars, gossiped about vid stars. She looked up some Matriarchs who’d written about charity and attempted to name-drop them casually into her short conversation. It wasn’t until she approached the desk whistling the opening song from ‘Fleet and Flotilla’ one day that she got any kind of reaction and her first moment of eye-contact.

“You love the film too? I’m such a Shalei! My bondmate is Turian.”

Tali jumped into this opening with both feet, but clearly with too much desperation in her voice, as she saw the Asari’s face slam closed like a safe. She didn’t get a bed in the female hostel that night, or even a sad bag of rations. Desperation was poison.


Hello! I have now read over a hundred Bull/Dorian fics and would love to share my favourites with y’all (I’ll probably make similar fic recs for other DA pairings eventually). Some of these are criminally under-kudos’d or lack comments, so if you can please leave the authors some! They definitely deserve it! Also this got pretty long so I’m putting most of it under a cut!

Ouroboros by maliwanhellfire (M, 8K)

“So, he claims to be a time traveller,” Cullen said, slowly and with obvious disbelief.

“Would anyone be able to tell me what day it is?” Dorian asked.

“He’s obviously a spy,” Cassandra replied.

“I hope it’s not the third,” Dorian muttered.

Dorian has been living through his own personal Groundhog Year and he’s finally decided to tell everybody. It doesn’t matter though, this run’s a wash anyway.

[this is literally my favourite Adoribull fic of all time. Like. I think about it constantly please please read it]

Unshakeable Bonds by Elthadriel (M, 7K)

When a spell convinces Bull that Dorian is a danger to the Inquisition, Krem is forced to try and keep Bull from killing Dorian until he can dispel the magic.

[if I’m in the mood for angst this is my go-to fic. I ADORE Krem protecting Dorian from Bull because Bull lovesDorian, and Krem would never let Bull destroy himself like that. It’s just. Yes. Yes to all of it]

O M'anam (and the rest of this series) by FoxNonny (T, 9K - series becomes E)

Mahanon wants nothing more than for the men he’s in love with to realize that he’s in love with them, and hopes that a long journey to the Hissing Wastes might help sort things out between them.

Getting thrown off a cliff was not part of his plan.


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Fic recs <3

Apologies… this is about a month and a half late (and tumblr won’t let me reply to the asks directly or add links ) but here is my list of tomarry/harrymort fic recs! It’s quite long so click to read >>

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Feel free to reblog!  I do a once a week shameless self promotion ‘cause why not, eh? 

It’s that time of the week again!! This time, with the new story added.  A fabulous banner made by the even more fabulous @tragiclyhip

For everyone that loves Extraction, or for anyone who loves a good action/love story with plenty of drama, please check these out.

I’m waaaaay behind on my reading, but this is on my list to catch up on


Part 5 of Giant Post of Completed Good Omens Human AU’s: July 2021

Happy July! <3 Thank you to all the creators who bring us so much joy! And hurray for season 2!!

More of my Completed Good Omens Human AU recs

More Good Omens recs from me here: Dannye’s fic recsand Dannye’s artist recs

And myCarrd


Series: (not all of these series are complete but the fics in them are finished)

Car Troubleby@summerofspock 102,762 words, Rated E (Mechanic C and professor A) ; related work Faulty Start 17,978 words, Rated E (Ineffable Bureaucracy: mechanic Beelzebub and professor Gabriel)

Divine Restorations & Repairsby@skimmingmilk (Ao3 skimmingthesurface) and @sylwritesstuff Rated E (C’s car breaks down in A’s small town)

Dreaming Spires (the Oxford-verse)by@moondawntreader (Ao3 nightbloomingcereus) Rated T-M (C & A are professors)

Full Boyfriend Experienceby@angelsnuffbox (Ao3 MrsCaulfield) Rated G-M (C & A are college students & best friends)

Glimmerby@tawnyontumblr (Ao3 TawnyOwl95) 24,586 words, Rated E (C & A are Regency-era sex workers) ; Related work Burn the House Down3051 words, Rated E

If i loved you less… (ineffables in the regency)by@angelsnuffbox (Ao3 MrsCaulfield) Rated T-E (C & A enter into an arranged marriage)

IneffableDoll’s Human AUsby@ineffabledollkazoo (Ao3 IneffableDoll) Rated G-T (Series contains 3 human AU’s: 1. Prince A and gardener C, who has been turned into a snake; 2. Barista C & customer A; 3. A drunk C accidentally breaks into A’s bookshop)

Love Thy Neighborbysnae_b Rated E (Baking blog writer A gets a new downstairs neighbor)

Pandora’s BoxbyTempestHale Rated E (C is in an abusive relationship and meets tattoo artist A)

The Dark Stranger Collectionbytuddles Rated M-E (latest fic is not completed) (Miss Fell meets a dark stranger)

The Perfect Blendby@leilakalomi Rated T-M (Coffee shop manager C & tea house manager A)

Waffle Omensby@kreauxlighe (Ao3 ChubbyHornedEquine) Rated T (Waffle House cook C & teacher A)

Single Fics:

A Business Arrangementby@copperplatebeech (Ao3 CopperBeech) 45,265 words, Rated E (Sex worker C and computer security firm worker A)

A Child in Needby@theladydrgn (Ao3 ladydragona) 982 words, Rated T (C & A are priests, based on an AU by @gayforgoodomens)See the gayforgoodomens AU collection for more works in this AU

A Good Omens Carole - Christmas Rom/CombyAngels_Dineing_At_The_Ritz 23,165 words, Rated M (Intern C and homeless shelter worker A in an AU based on several versions of “A Christmas Carol”)

Alcohol You Laterby@ambrasue (Ao3 Ambra_Sue) 926 words, Rated T (C & A are dating in an AU based on the song “Alcohol You Later”)

Angel Actuallybyineffablebadger 4426 words, Rated T (C & A are coworkers in an AU based on the movie “Love Actually”)

Bake My heart, Please.by@mugglebornsyltherin (Ao3 DarkAngel2891) 1887 words, Rated G (C & A are rival bakers)

Bookedby@mimsynims 3091 words, Rated T (Waiter C & librarian A)

Christmas Wrappingbyineffablebadger 1791 words, Rated G (Florist C & bookshop owner A, based on the song “Christmas Wrapping”)

Click, Click, Fall in Loveby@edhelwen1 (Ao3 my1alias) and @skreebat 1965 words, Rated M (Photographer C and client A)

Droit du Seigneurby@quefish77 (Ao3 Quefish) 55,960 words, Rated E (Lord C & farm worker A, who is transgender, in medieval England)

Froyomensby@kreauxlighe (Ao3 ChubbyHornedEquine) 2133 words, Rated T (C & A run into each other on the street– literally)

Ghostwriterby@bisasterdi 60,125 words, Rated E (Playboy C and ghostwriter A)

Good InfluencebyAppleSeeds 24,061 words, Rated T (Hypnotist C attempts to help an anxious A)

Good Neighborsby@theladydrgn (Ao3 ladydragona) 5425 words, Rated E (C & A are new neighbors)

Heaven (Is a Place on Earth)by@softoctobernight (Ao3 soft_october) & @khiroptera 17,133 words, Rated M (C & A in an AU based on the “San Junipero” episode of “Black Mirror”)

Horns n HalosbyBlackrayvn 82,253 words, Rated E (Bistro owner C & writer A)

Light My Fireby@naromoreauand@sungmee (Ao3 doorwaytoparadise) 7209 words, Rated E (Firefighter A repeatedly comes to C’s rescue)

litany in which certain things are crossed outby@sayesayes (Ao3 Ayes) 30,803 words, Rated E (A opens a bakery in C’s small town)

Lost and Found (That’s You and Me, Babe)byEuterpein 9552 words, Rated E (Hairstylist C & bookshop owner A)

Magic or Something Like Itbymozbee 1276 words, Not Rated (Magician A & his assistant C)

NeurologybyUlsPi 11,979 words, Rated E (Dr C & nurse A)

New Horizons, Old Troublesby@unproblematicme 44,960 words, Rated E (Pirate Captain C and herbalist A in an alpha/omega AU)

Plagueby@tawnyontumblr (Ao3 TawnyOwl95) 1651 words, Rated E (C & A duel - sort of - in the Elizabethan era)

Silence In The Libraryby@ngkiscool(Ao3ngk_is_cool) 2265 words, Rated G (Librarian A has a secret admirer)

Smitten at First Frightby@oopsynini 67,458 words, Rated M (Gardener C & bird watcher A)

Smoke gets in your eyesbyUlsPi 9918 words, Rated M (Travel writer C & book restorer A)

Snow Angelby@lurlur 21,149 words, Rated E (Detective C and drug dealer A)

Strangers in the Parkby@izabella95 1359 words, Rated G (Strangers C & A keep running into each other - literally)

Study Distractionsby@ineffable-human (Ao3 AnnaTheHank) 4154 words, Rated E (College student C is in a poly relationship with A & Gabriel)

The Benchby@yoites-good-omens-blog (Ao3 Yoite) 2459 words, Rated M (Gym instructor C & client A)

the heavens burn for you and Iby@meinposhbastard 78672 words, Rated E (Ineffable wives: Scavenger C and pilot A in an AU based on the movie “Pacific Rim”)

The Joys of Cold WavesbyMisty_Floros 2015 words, Rated G (Ineffable wives: C & A meet at a bus stop)

The Key Partybytuddles 15,699 words, Rated E (C & A are married to other people and meet at a swinger’s party)

The Rescueby@caedmonfaith (Ao3 Caedmon) 11,171 words, Rated E (C & A meet at a bar)

The Tadfield Pig Racing Championshipsby@acsalvaandAppleSeeds 11,405 words, Rated T (C & A are pig racing competitors)

They Met At A BookShopby@depressedstressedlemonzest 3261 words, Not Rated, (Bookshop barista C & customer A)

Venetiae Delectatioby@flamingbentleyy (Ao3 crepesandoysters) 13,417 words, Rated E (C & A negotiate a business deal)

Warmthby@holycatsandrabbitsself-rec!9016 words, Rated E (Mobster C & librarian A)




read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wfVe6o


Canon-compliant Inception story featuring Arthur/Eames and Eames/OC pairings. Graphic/mature, potentially violent.

Words: 11361, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English

read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wfVe6o

FIC REC: tagging a few Inception peeps that might be interested. I thoroughly enjoyed the start the writer has made to this fic and highly recommend that everyone check it out/ add to your ‘to read’ lists.


Adding my own fic rec to this one because HOLY SHIT this is amazing and it’s only the first chapter. Read this. Read it now.

If I tagged you again, it’s because you NEED to read this.


Thirding this rec!


We’re starting the celebrations early - with fic recs! First up is InuKog, the pairing marked for Day 1. We’ve listed some of our favourites that feature Inuyasha and Kouga as the main ship below, and hope you find something you enjoy too. These recommendations are sorted by rating (G-E) and include a link, author, and summary. Feel free to share your favourites with us too! We’re here to spread the love

I Don’t Mind If You Don’tbyArathergrimreaper [Not Rated]

Kouga can’t believe his luck. Inuyasha can’t believe this damn wolf. Can they convince the Panther Clan that if you come in this doghouse you’re gonna get bit? More importantly, can they do it without getting bit themselves?

After All This TimebyI_have_no_shame_1996[G]

After Kagome died while giving birth to there child Inuyasha was scarred. He wasn’t able to fathom a life without the person he loved. When he looked at his child he realized that this was his reason for living, the thing he loved the most. He left taking the baby with him. No one could find him it has been years yet there’s not a single clue. One day Kouga finds a man with black hair holding a child in his arms staring into the lake.

the usual placebychrolloisms[G]

It’s been centuries since the jewel was destroyed, Kagome never returning after being sent back to her own era. One night, when visiting the well, Inuyasha receives an unexpected visitor.

The Bloody MoonbyYukio[G]

Obviously scared, Inuyasha runs out of an enchanted forest right into Kouga’s arms.

pancakes and racing gamesby@inukouga[T]

Sesshomaru, (very reluctantly) asks Kouga and Inuyasha to watch Rin for a while.

until you cross the finish lineby@gaykagome[T]

High school track star Kouga is good at a lot of things: talking to his e-boy crush Inuyasha without putting his foot in his mouth is not one of those things.

In the Company of Wolvesby@mythicamagic[T]

Every place feels like a temporary home for a Hanyou. Kouga offers Inuyasha a welcome respite within his wolf pack. 

if my heart was a house (you’d be home)by@inukouga[T]

“I didn’t say anything about you stayin’ up for me,” He shuts his eyes. “But it’s good to know that you’re worried ‘bout me.”
Inuyasha averts his gaze. “…’course I’m worried.”
“Oh, are you?”
“If you die, who else is gonna keep the rest of the pack from chasin’ me outta here?”
“Ah, there he is. I was just about t’ask who you were and where the real Inuyasha was,”
Kouga grins.

The Canine TruthbyYukio[M]

After Kouga gets hurt in a fight with Moryoumaru and Inuyasha saves him and takes care of him in a hiding place away from everyone, the two canines have enough time to get to know each other better and maybe even find truth about each other’s feelings.

Bodyguard AU (Series)by@dyslexicsquirrel[E]

What do you do when you’re stuck with a bodyguard you hate and unexpectedly go into heat? You fuck the bodyguard, of course.

Wolf Whistlesby@wulfintheforest[E]

Years after the well closes, Kagome gets a job at the Wolf Whistle, a western style strip club in Roppongi. Imagine her surprise when her new bosses are a blast from the past.

  • If you missed the announcement post, click here
  • Head to the @inuyashapridemonth blog for more information, including our calendar, rules and FAQs ❤

Love is Love,
The Mods ♡


condemnation in disguise.

premise: no matter how many times the two of you do this, how many times you tear each other down and build each other back up, your heart still aches for him.

pairing: marc spector x (f)reader

word count: 4.2k

warnings: steven is present/implied, dark undertones, toxic relationship, volatile arguments, breaking things, anger issues, unprotected rough sex, biting, scratching, hair pulling, pain kink, blood and wound mention, smoking and drinking, pov change at the end. 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI.

etc: please take the ‘toxic relationship’ warning seriously besties lmao. i’ve officially entered my unhinged thirst era, marc owns my coochie and steven owns my heart, end of discussion.

you canalsofind the playlist for this insanity here!

i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful — if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!

The thumping of your heart has yet to subside; the organ jack hammering inside of your chest cavity like a caged animal trying to escape, your rib cage feeling bruised from the deep thudding. The adrenaline in your body doing the opposite, settling itself the more you puff on the cigarette between your fingers, the more the hot breeze coming through the curtains hits your already flaming flesh as you sit in front of the window on one of the flimsy hotel chairs.

Keep reading

You know I love these fucked, raw, complicated relationships. Bravo.

fanaste: A companion mix to my fic New Years? I’ll Parse.Sorry (Acoustic) - Nothing but Thieves :: B


A companion mix to my fic New Years? I’ll Parse.

Sorry (Acoustic) - Nothing but Thieves :: Bad Days - Tove Lo :: Lonely Together - Rita Ora & Avicii :: Hey you got drugs? - Tove Lo :: High for This - The Weeknd :: Almost Famous - Noah Cyrus :: Tell me How - Paramore [XXX]

Post link


Mutuals March Master List

thank you to everyone who took the time to like/comment/reblog, it meant the world to me!! anything with an asterisk was written by @anaxandria-writes during her MM takeover!


@the-sinking-ship is the best. she’s a fantastic cheerleader- she’s been reblogging and commenting on these MM posts like the goddess she is. she alphaed my very first drarry fic back in july and totally made me feel at home in the fandom. later, she was my beta for my Herbtamer fic and was so patient and supportive throughout. i can’t thank her enough for everything she’s done for me! I’ve been listening to some of her fic soundtracks while putting together the last of the MM posts this weekend and they’re so satisfying and creative!

because she’s awesome, sly participated in @fandomtrumpshate this year, raising an exceptional amount of money, but not only that - she’s doing so in exchange for a longfic. she’s an incredible writer- I’ve reccomended fics of hers before, so it was really fun to read a bunch of new works of hers to put this list together. you’re sure to find something you like!!

random superlatives and recs:

contrary Draco tries SO HARD not to admit his feelings: Stupid Love// E // 16K // Drarry // I absolutely adored this fic. it’s clever, full of confident Harry and prim Draco who absolutely hates everything about Harry. until he doesn’t. what’s better is that sly gifted usherselfartworkby@bluebutter-art as a fanniversary present and my goodness I could look at it forever. added a new fic to my favorites list with this one!!

further proof that sly is the queen of longfic: Criminal// E // 83K // Drarry // 83K and not a single word wasted. sly does many things well, but her Draco is exceptional. he’s snarky and unashamedly posh and horny and - he’s just the whole package. and the way that harry is able to cut through all of that, get to the soft, squishy center of him. ugh, it’s too good. also ft. artworkby@3lvendorkand by@fictional.

let me be the first (probably not but let me have this) to proclaim this a perfect piece of fiction: Finely Drawn Lines // E // // Drarry // thanks, sly, for finishing this up just in time for this rec list, you’re the best! what’s the opposite of slow burn? flash flood? whatever it is, this is that. it’s hot from the get-go, but filled with sly’s amazing and particularly lovely brand of pining and idiots in love. I tore through this and know you will, too.

I would do anything for these two, for the record: Things We Do // E // 16K // Drarry // I just want to keyboard smash because this was sweet and perfect and hot and captured that essence of having a crush and then having it come together and then the panic that it might not work out and then the elation that you’re going to try and and and and…

sly, you’re just such a gem and I feel very lucky to be in your orbit. I hope you’re having a great day!

for more info on mutuals march and/or to figure out why the hell I just wrote an ode to you, check out this post.


The Mandalorian AU Series: Firefighter!Din and NursePractitioner!Omera

Chapter summary: Din and Omera, with help from some friends, embark on the rescue mission to save the child from Empire Incorporated.

Warnings: Significant injuries, blood. Gun violence. Death. (Forgive me!)

Word Count: ~9.4 K


[[Tumblr Masterlist]]       |       [[A03]]


Din reluctantly lays in one of the firehouse bunkroom beds, still hooked up to oxygen and the heart monitor, forced to recover from the smoke inhalation and minor burns. He knows it’s for the best, but it still felt like wasting time - time he could be using to rescue the kid. 

He turns his attention to Omera as she monitors his vitals. From his basic understanding, the stats seem to be improving which means the extra oxygen and IV fluids must be doing him good. And while his throat and lungs remain irritated, breathing is slowly becoming easier, less uncomfortable, less constricted. Ultimately, it’s her area of expertise and she’d know far better. At least she’s no longer frowning at the numbers and lines displayed on the portable machine. 

What he does know with certainty is that she’s an angel. The fact that she has stuck around after literally being shot at proves what kind of person she is. He had already known she was strong and enduring, but this showed her incredible perseverance in a whole new light. Omera is truly brave. She is resilient. She is unconditionally kind. He’s in absolute awe of her grace under pressure and beyond grateful to her, for her. He doesn’t think he could do this without her.

“Thank you,” he says, a small raspy cough escaping him. 

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Still need to finish reading but I already know it’s amazing

Everyone check this out! It’s the modern day AU we the Mandomera shippers didn’t even know we needed!
