#chameleon knight



Wholesome Jaune Ship Prompt

Jaune: (Sighs) I wish my girlfriend wasn’t so horny.

Ilia: Jaaaune…*pressing into him as she snuggles and rubs against him her spots in flux of colors* Jaaaune, it’s mating season and I need to be bred!, give me the Arc!

Jaune: *sighs and shakes his head as he chuckles at her antics but she was not wrong he kept a notepad for this kind of thing counting every Cycle of the Faunas cultural rituals.* not only is she in this state but also means I’m gonna need shop and stock up on snacks..

Ilia: Jaaaune, stop talking to yourself and fuck me *she demanded* 

Setting down the last of the boxes from the moving truck into their new home Ilia then stretches and yawns looking around the house as she hums in content, it took sometime but Jaune and her were able to find a home a house no less to call their own, no mortgage to down pay and rent to deal with, cause their job as huntsmen and huntress on top of hers and Jaune’s saving they manage to outright buy the house which meant this house was theirs to do as they please, she walks over and begins putting together the Bearded dragon’s enclosure wasting no time to settle in Beardie.

Walking over to the couch after paying the movers and closing the door he exhales his breath as he leans into the couch. “man that took forever, now only comes the even more long part, unpacking and setting up then breaking down the boxes” exhales as Jaune rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking over at his Chameleon girlfriend as he chuckled. “wasted no time I see” smirking as he sits up right.

Opening the pet box with holes in it as she took the lizard out of the box and placed the lizard on it resting tree then closes the glass door. “well I didn’t want Beardie to catch a cold out of his tank, he been a real good boy the whole trip” getting up she walks over to Jaune and sits next to him and leans into her knight. “3 beds and 2 bath, it was heck of a local and the house is pretty big” her spots turning pink as she nuzzles him. “I love you Jaune, and I’m happy to be here with you” she said.

Wraps his arm around her as he held her close and nuzzles into her in return. “I love you too Ily, this is just a page in our chapter and the next page will be a story long to remember” smiles to her as he closes eyes as the both rest into one another’s embrace.

mrk50://slides into the rwby fandom: heyi love jaune arc, he is my tall dorky knight baby and i will


//slides into the rwby fandom: hey

i love jaune arc, he is my tall dorky knight baby and i will hug him forever until i die.

I wanna give him 13 kittens~

I-I’ll give him babies…

if he want more Lizards I’d be more then happy to give <3

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