#chameron hanahaki


Chameron + Chronic Hanahaki Disease

Inspired by OG post here

here’s a messy hc/fic idea thing laksjdlkas

Ok so like, in this version of the hanahaki disease trope the only people who can see the petals you cough up are the people who KNOW about your crush. It’s not gonna kill you, it’s just really annoying when you’re choking on petals and spitting them up. Also in this version, it’s not just unrequited love, as long as you have a huge crush you dont wanna admit to anyone, the amount of flowers grow the more people know + the more you like the person and wont confess (the more unbearable it is to keep a secret). it will only stop when the one you like KNOWS and they end up seeing the flowers, but they don’t have to like you back, once you confess- the flowers will either rot if they dont return it or fly away if they like you back.

Charlie has this problem, he likes to say how much he doesn’t like Cameron, until one day he didn’t really mean it and a rose petal appeared on his tongue.

Neil was the first to see one of the petals because he noticed charlie was being EXTRA mean to cam one day. neil realized he was bluffing. when neil told charlie, he says “no wonder i’ve been coughing up more of these.”

The next to know is todd because, well, it was the same thing with neil except todd was also coughing up petals. when they both told each other they liked each other, the petals flew away and they became a thing. they’re trying to explain to charlie to just confess while the flowers arent a lot

Charlie doesnt listen. duh

Cameron’s being more insufferable to charlie, by that he means that cameron’s gotten unbearably more attractive. his nagging became endearing to charlie, his face and freckles became overwhelmingly beautiful. cameron’s presence made charlie falter in his insults.

knox, meeks, pitts immediately notice. for an academically upright guy as cameron, he didnt pick up on charlie’s change of demeanor AT ALL

Charlie and Cameron’s room was COVERED in petals and friends think this is getting out of hand. the whole class knows. it’s obvious. and they’re all just telling charlie to just confess. some guys were nice, making sure no one outs Charlie in front of cameron or the teachers. but it’s getting really hard to use the locker rooms and bathroom

Charlie doesnt want to confess, they wont work. Cameron wont like him because they’re so different. but that’s why he really likes cameron. he wont bullshit charlie when he’s being chaotic, he could ground him and tell him when to be better. charlie needs someone like cameron but cameron wont need or want him.

One day charlie gets into an accident, like he tripped and hit his head or something and he gets rushed to the ER.

when he wakes up cameron is there and there are still a shit ton of flowers anywhere. but when he coughed one more time, no petals came out. a few more coughs and huffs. nothing.


he must’ve gotten over cameron. he got kinda sad, but when he starts talking to cameron he’s so happy. he knows he still likes him.

little did charlie know that moments before that, cameron had been coughing up so many flowers, he’s been coughing flowers for years for charlie. he didnt want to admit it because charlie was out of his league, he was a nerd and charlie was charlie. amazing.

their room was filled with 10 times the amount of flowers than anyone else could imagine. these two have been blindly in love with each other for so long (at least cameron has)

when charlie was rushed to the ER, charlie’s room still getting petals everywhere because of coughing + unconscious charlie , neil complained that he only got into an accident because he slipped on a bunch of petals for cameron and immediately slapped his mouth shut. Cameron found out (stopping charlie from making petals). He suddenly saw all the petals covering all this friends.

Cameron may have been coughing up petals for years but charlie produced as much flowers in the span of months as cameron did in years. He likes cameron THAT much. (also how many people KNEW??)

Neil apologizes but Cameron blurts out he likes charlie too and then suddenly the petals in Neil’s view TRIPLED. “damn it– but hey at least yours are pink and not bright red like charlie’s. can you just.. confess to charlie? please? so this is over with”

so when cameron stayed with charlie, he was still coughing up flowers but this time they were multiplying, his crush– his love for charlie was getting stronger.

charlie wakes up, sees cameron and before he could confess, cameron tells him he likes him.

Suddenly the room was a mix of red and pink petals. charlie was in awe but immediately returns cameron’s confession.

they watched as their petals danced together in a mini tornado in the room before they dissipated.

they liked each other.

Thank god.
