#character actors

I was shown an ad for Australia tourism after watching “Captains Outrageous,” and I’m guessing the rI was shown an ad for Australia tourism after watching “Captains Outrageous,” and I’m guessing the r

I was shown an ad for Australia tourism after watching “Captains Outrageous,” and I’m guessing the reason is John Orchard as Cpl. Muldoon. Orchard, who played Ugly John in season 1, comes back clean-shaven and ornery as the Aussie MP demanding free scotch in a coffee mug. Temporary barkeep Chuckles is not hip.

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One delightful discovery of this MASH project has been that I love Johnny Haymer as Zale. “Goodbye R

One delightful discovery of this MASH project has been that I love Johnny Haymer as Zale. “Goodbye Radar” (part 1) marks his final appearance, in the mini-conflict over the generators during a camp blackout.

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#TheKitaJRevealShow w/Comedian Mr. Jaxn #ExistNNatureMedia #artist Pt.2

#comedy    #podcast    #will smith    #eddie murphy    #producer    #conversation    #creator    #stand up comedy    #brand ambassador    #character actors    

Morpheus meets my Cat (The Matrix) This Clip is Amazing! 

#youtube video    #owlkitty    #acting    #character actors    #male actor    #best actor    #funny cats    #happy kitty    