#character death if you squint


Obligatory Morning After Fanfic

The obligatory Morning After fanfic because everyone has to write at least one in their lifetime. Might involve demons?



Pairings: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson

Word count: 334


Notes:Okay… so context might be a bit important? This is an except from an abandoned demon au fanfic idea I had and will never finish. Yes, you read the right; demon au. Basically, this was set around 3x5 (“First Time”), and Kurt is unknowingly a demon (something about his mom being a witch, and him being the Prince of Hell? idek). Thus when he and Blaine have sex for the first time (virgins and ritualistic sex being staples of demon culture), Blaine “accidentally” dies and is resurrected as Kurt’s demon consort?

God, what was I thinking? Anyway, the dialogue was just too good to toss in the trash, so here it is… You’re welcome? Or not? I don’t know.

Kurt: Morning.

Blaine: Mornin’… […] I can’t believe we did it. I love you.

Kurt: Love you too. […] How do you feel?

Blaine: A lil’ sore. But thats to be expected right?

Kurt: Right.

Blaine: How do youfeel?

Kurt: Alright, I suppose.


Kurt: Well, I thought I would be more sore… I mean… […] Last night, you kinda checked out-

Blaine: Wadda ya mean?

Kurt: I don’t know… It was like you went unconcious or something?

Blaine: Fucked me that good, huh?

Kurt: Blaine, I’m being serious. […] I was really worried. Your eyes rolled back into your head, and you suddenly stopped making noise… a-and you were so still. It was like you weren’t even breathing.

Blaine: …Did you keep fucking me?

Kurt:Blaine! […] Of course not — how could you- […] I thought… I could jolt you back awake.

Blaine: Kinky.

Kurt: God, I’m a terrible person. I wasn’t thinking straight-

Blaine:Obviously. […] But everythings okay, hmm. I’m alright and there’s nothing you need to worry about. I did really enjoy my time last night, and I mean that.

Kurt: Yeah, you weren’t the one who had to do all the work for Round Two-

Blaine: I did all the work for Round One though!

Kurt:That was a team effort, thank you very much.

Blaine: Tell me you enjoyed yourself.

Kurt: I enjoyed myself. […] Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever.

Blaine: We should do this again sometime…

Kurt: We should… […] Although, right now we should probably get up and have a shower — we have a Matinee today.

Blaine: Noooo…

Kurt: Blaine, c'mon-

Blaine: Stay. Please.

Kurt: No, Blaine, we need to go-

Blaine: I can’t! My legs feel like jelly. […] Go on without me – you’re my Understudy.

Kurt:Unofficial Understudy. […] Jelly legs are no excuse to miss a performance. And I can’t imagine Rachel and Artie will be very impressed-


Kurt: You’re awfully moody after sex, Mister. I thought it was suppose to have the opposite effect.

Blaine: I just want to cuddle with my boyfriend!
