#character development


How sick does your OC have to be before they go to a doctor?


what’s the first thing your muse noticed about mine? 

tell me what it is about my muse that drew yours in. physical attributes, mannerisms, appearance etc. 


Do they have a specific animal you think would represent their house? Particular colors? Feel free to tell me!


☮ Do you like to fight? Why or why not?

✈ Do you prefer fighting in the air or on ground? The sea?

☠ What kind of death do you expect on the battlefield?

☯ Have you ever fought a war for your country?

✌ Tell us about your best victory!

✖ Tell us about your worst defeat!

☢ Do you have any magical/super/mutant/etc. powers?

☤ How decent of a healer are you? Can you heal on the fly?

♫ Tell us your battle theme!

★ Did you have a mentor or an idol you looked up while training to become a great warrior?

✞ Do you believe in revenge? Exacting it on others? Others coming for you?

♛ Any enemies or rivals to speak of?

◔ What kind of fighting style do you have?

☭ Your favourite kind of weapon?

☫ Do you like to play with your opponents or finish them off neatly and quickly?

ø Does death of your comrades in arms ever bother you?

♠ Do you remember your first kill?


Questions for muses who have superpowers, psychic powers, medium abilities, magic, or any other power that is not considered ‘ordinary’.

  1. When did you realize you had an ability?
  2. Were you born with your ability?
  3. Did you have to train or be educated to use your power?
  4. Describe the first time using your talents.
  5. Does anyone you know have similar powers at their disposal?
  6. Have you ever been bullied, ostracized, or feared for being different?
  7. Has your ability altered or manifested in your physical appearance?
  8. Does everyone know about your power?
  9. Is there anyone who doesn’t know and who you are afraid to tell?
  10. Is having special abilities normal in your community/society?
  11. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while using your ability?
  12. What is the hardest thing about having a special power?
  13. What is the most useful thing?
  14. Would you ever choose to give up your abilities?
  15. Would you ever choose to trade your ability for another?
  16. Does your power cause more good, or more harm?
  17. What does it feel like when you use your talents?
  18. Have you ever hurt yourself with one of your abilities?
  19. Describe at least one of the things you can do in detail.
  20. Do you find people are impressed by your abilities, or do they express a negative reaction?
  21. Do you have limits of how much of your power you can use?
  22. Have you ever had to hide your abilities around people who wouldn’t understand?
  23. What is one of your favorite ‘tricks’ you enjoy doing with your power?
  24. How did your family/friends/significant other react the first time they witnessed your abilities?
  25. Do your powers cause you any discomfort?
  26. Do you ever consider having a special ability to be a burden?
  27. If you could give your abilities to one person for a day, who would it be?
  28. Do you use your abilities on a daily basis?
  29. Does it ever offend or exhaust you if someone asks for your help because of your special power?
  30. Name one skill you haven’t yet perfected that you want to master.



They don’t remember your muse, nor who they are. They can’t recall what happened, what’s their favorite meal or special abilities that they have (if they have any).

How you’re muse will help them to remember? Or maybe they will use it as an opportunity to get benefit from my muse?
Watch my muse discovering themselves and the world anew.

P. S. This is great for first interactions. (It’s a completely fresh start + you can develop a strong bond between muses).


Yankee Candle Asks

Balsam and Cedar- Is there something you do or once did that you never would have considered in the past?

Christmas Cookie- What do you love/hate about the holidays?

Vanilla Cupcake- How do you celebrate your birthday?

Macintosh- What are some ways you stay physically/mentally/spiritually healthy?

Ciderhouse- Do you like or hate foods and drinks with bitter flavors?

Home for the Holidays- Could people describe you as childish or sensitive?

Sicilian Lemon- What are your thoughts on seaside themed decor?

Spiced Pumpkin- Describe your best friend/rival

Black Cherry- Do you have any secrets you are willing to share?

Banana Nut Bread- Describe something you find comforting

Cinnamon Stick- Do you like spicy things? Why or why not?

Autumn Leaves- What is something you find particularly beautiful about nature?

Clean Cotton- Do you have laundry that needs to get done?

Fresh Cut Roses- How did your first ever date go?

White Strawberry Bellini- Do you drink? What was your first ever alcoholic beverage?

Mistletoe- What is something you want in a relationship?

Chocolate Layer Cake- What is something you really want that is completely superficial? Why?

Whipped Pumpkin Spice- What are three guilty pleasures of yours?

Home Sweet Home- Describe your home, living space, bedroom, ect.

Dried Lavender and Oak- Describe the last dream you had that you can remember

White Christmas- Do you like snow? Why or why not?

Be Thankful- Are you…?

Child’s Wish- Tell is a funny story

Eucalyptus- How do you prepare for bed?

Coconut Beach- All of the money and power you need falls into your lap. What do you do with it?

French Vanilla- Does ice cream taste better in summer or winter?

Beach Walk- What is your favorite sea creature?

New England Blueberry- Have you ever gotten upset at someone only to immediately regret it?

Cranberry Chutney- What is a food or drink you really want to try?

Juicy Watermelon- Who is someone you will not miss?

Warm Luxe Cashmere- Do You like it cold or hot?

MidSummer Night- If you were on death row, what would your last meal request be?

Pineapple Cilantro- What is something unusual about yourself?

Mountain Lodge- Do you wish you could hibernate?

Magical Frosted Forest- What is your favorite mythological animal? Why?

Tropical Starfruit- What experience left a sour memory?

Life’s a Breeze- Is it true…?

Café Al Fresco- How do you like your coffee?

Mystic Moon- Favorite constellation?

- They are given praise
- They get scolded
- They meet someone new and first impressions are good
- They meet someone new and first impressions are bad
- They see their best friend
- They see their worst enemy
☺️- They see a friend
- They see a rival
❣️- They see their crush
♥️- They see their boy/girlfriend
- They see their spouse
- They see their children
- They see their family (specify if desired)
- They get asked to hang out
- They get asked out on a date
- They get stood up/broken up with
- They win a huge reward
- They are given a gift they like
- They are given a gift they dislike
- They find a long lost possession of theirs
- They see something on sale for a bargain price
- They see something that is being given away for free
- They narrowly escape a perilous situation
- They hear someone knock on their door
- Someone asks to borrow their phone


“Don’t use words too big for the subject. Don’t say ‘infinitely’ when you mean ‘very’; otherwise you’ll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.”

— C. S. Lewis

While I agree with this 500% and actually thought of it myself while struggling with word choice today, I am also a little troll who loves subversions.

A character, or narrator, who always uses excessively grandiose verbiage to describe the smallest, dumbest things because they are flaunting their intelligence or trying to be funny, is met with something very serious and very deserving of all those bigs words, but they are so in awe (or live for the punchline) that they just say “That’s big.”

Any reader who has gotten used to the character’s broad vocabulary will understand the importance of this sudden OOC reaction. Even if they weren’t paying much attention, they’ll feel that.


People complain, but i actually like how Rockstar made John Marston such a greasy piece of shit in RDR2. He hates his wife, he’s drunk all the time, he’s angry, he’s an idiot… he’s hard to like, and i can see how that disappointed people.

But it’s also realistic and good writing. Someone raised by outlaws WOULD be a piece of shit. He didn’t come out the womb so cool and mature like he was in RDR1. He had to grow into that person, just like reality. Events in his life had to make him that way.

It’s called “character development”, kids, and it’s a GOOD thing. A character who chose to become mature is more interesting than a character who was mature from the start.

Boom. Educate yourself
