#character qa



Okay, guys, I can’t quite believe it, but I think Max + I have figured it all out. Or, at least, most of it. Some of it. Enough of it. We don’t have much time to think about our next move, so we need as much help as we can get.

Send me your questions, your theories, your thoughts - maybe if I answer whatever questions you guys have, something will shake loose.

Alright, let’s get down to this. Lots of questions from you guys - you’ve given me…a lot to think about.


What can you tell us about your family? Siblings, parents? How do you get along with everyone?

Someone asked about my siblings specifically below, so I’ll answer that part there, but in general, I get along with my family fine. My parents work a lot - my dad’s a lawyer and my mom teaches at the elementary school. We try to have dinner all together every Sunday night, and that’s always chaotic but pretty okay.

What’s your favourite subject in school, and what do you think you would you like to do for a career when you get older?

God, I have no idea. I really like history, and science is pretty cool too, but mostly I just want to get out of Hastings. I figure I’ll figure out what I want to do in college? I know my dad wants me to be a lawyer too - or at least one of his kids to be a lawyer - and that definitely sounds kind of interesting? But I’d rather do law in a bigger city I think.

Joe Miles described you and Max being ‘at war’, not that long ago. What brought that on, exactly?

I’m sure Max would say that it’s because I’ve spent a lot of the past few years being a nuisance and…well, I guess that’s not totally incorrect. After her parents died, I don’t know…I feel like I wasn’t the best at comforting her? I tried to be around, you know, just be there if she ever needed anyone. But I think maybe I just pissed her off–she was kind of on edge for a while, which makes sense. It really started when she stole my basketball because the bouncing sound was annoying her and then I got her back and she got me back and it’s been like that ever since.

What made you want to start sleeping in the treehouse?

I share a room with my older brothers and they’re loud. They’re literally always talking or playing music but they go to college next year, so I’ve decided to just get whatever peace I can until then. The treehouse is a good solve.

from @nocluewhatshappening

Hi Ross! I’m not sure if this is relevant info, but Ms. Honeywell got the Inn because Ms. Maplethorpe recognized an old family name “Mason”. And Riley’s birth certificate shows that his mother’s name is “S. Mason”. Ms. Honeywell also said that “she’d seen bright young women destroyed by nice boys with clever smiles”. Could she have meant Ransom getting Riley’s mom pregnant? And if so… Why would she start dating Ransom? Any theories?

I have no idea how Honeywell fits into this, but it sure feels like she does. I feel like Ransom would have recognized her if she was his old girlfriend, but she’s gotta be connected to Riley’s mom somehow, right? But she doesn’t seem to have known anything about Riley going missing, so I don’t think she’s involved with that but…I don’t know. It feels like there’s a lot of Archer family drama.

Out of the three possible theories which is the most probable in your opinion?

When I think of Hastings, I think of the Archers and the mine. Those are the two things that prop the whole town up, so Riley being a threat to those things feels like a good reason for him to go missing. Them moving up the demolition makes me think that what Riley found–that any evidence he might have about the new mining project–is scaring someone.

Do your parents know about your investigation with Max? Also when you were spying on Mr. Beatty and staying in the treehouse for whole nights… did they not notice?

They don’t and they’re not going to find out. They usually go to bed around 9pm, because they both get up super early for work, so I usually just sneak away when they go upstairs. And my brothers just think I’m still downstairs doing homework I think.

from @mzchiefmanaged

My theory is that Ms. Honeywell’s friend is Sherry and that the “wrong person she fell in love with” is Ransom. I think she decided to investigate the whole thing and that was her true motive in moving to Hastings. I think she took the date with Ransom to get the stolen documents in order to get proof of her theory. I suspect she drugged him and that’s why he can’t remember anything and also why his hangover, the next day, was so bad.

As for where/why Riley went missing - I haven’t fully figured that out…

That honestly makes a lot of sense–Ms. Honeywell has to have a reason to be dating Ransom and knowing Sherry would be a good one. And she has to be the one who drugged him, right? Who else would have had the opportunity?


Hi Ross! What theory makes more sense to you: that the mining company tried to kidnapped Riley or that the Archer’s tried to? Or maybe that Riley left because of the revelation of his parentage.

I think if Riley left because he found at that Ransom was his dad…actually, no I don’t think Riley would leave because of that. Riley doesn’t run away from stuff, which is what makes what happened with Max at the Inn so weird. I feel like he would have confronted Ransom, or his parents–maybe he did confront his parents. But he knows that the whole town would freak out if he just up and disappeared so something must have happened.

Another question from me, if you’ll indulge me. If Max can truly trust you, why did it seem like people had been talking to you about her behind her back? Sheriff Combs for example seemed under the impression that you were “supposed to be looking out for her”. Is there something here we should know about?

Uh, I mean, I haven’t been talking about Max behind her back or anything. I wouldn’t do that. She definitely can trust me. But, like, I don’t know, I guess the Sheriff and some other people are maybe under the impression that I…I don’t know, like, pay attention to her or something? Or that I want to keep her safe? I mean, everyone wants to keep her safe–and all the kids of Hastings–but, yeah, maybe some of the adults who have known us for a long time can tell that, like, I’m there. For her. Like, as a friend person, someone to watch out for her and stuff, you know?

Thanks, Ross! I hope you and Max figure it out!

Me too.

and from a bunch of anonymous folks (I like your style)

How many siblings do you have? And what are their ages?

I’ve got four–Buckley and Chris are identical twins, they’re seventeen; Charlotte is ten; and Ansel is seven.

Why does your family keep stealing gnomes?

It’s something Buckley and Chris started when they were kids and I guess it’s become a bit of a…family tradition. Or competition or something. No one’s beat Buckley’s record yet of stealing 22 gnomes from around the town. A lot of people in Hastings like gnomes.

Is your family part of a Satanic cult? Asking for a friend.

No??? What a weird question. Who’s your friend?

You’ve said you don’t sleep much. Are you a vampire?

Ha, yeah, totally. And I guess all these questions count as an interview, so that makes me Brad Pitt.

Alright, fess up. How long have you been crushing on Max?

Uh, what?? Who told you that? Who is this? If you’ve heard something, well, I don’t know, don’t trust everything you hear, everyone in Hastings is always trying to be in everyone’s business but that doesn’t mean that stuff is true–I mean, like, why would anyone think that? Does Max think that?

Hey, this mining project is supposed to be Warren Archer’s baby, right? He even wanted to be the one to push the plunger. So how are they moving it up to so soon when he’s not due in town for three days? Does he even know about this?

Right?? Isn’t that weird? I assume he knows because I think Ransom would probably tell him, but I don’t know if he’ll be there. Moving it up feels urgent in a way that’s very suspicious.

i know max isn’t sure what to do, but what do you think will get you guys the most information? also, why is talking to ransom as urgent? mr. beatty has his deadline and obviously the demolition, but couldn’t you talk to ransom later?

I know Max would make fun of me for always suspecting him but Mr. Beatty definitely seems like he knows a lot more than anyone else. Like, what was with that money? What was with the Charleston Chews? Why is he always going places late at night? There’s something there. And yeah, we definitely could talk to Ransom later, but what if he knows where Riley is? What if his dad has done something to Riley and he’s in trouble?

Mostly irrelevant but important question: Do you like cheese?

Hell yeah.

what’s your plan once you get the environmental survey? are you going to bring it to the demolition?

That’s the idea–I know that the Mayor and everyone isn’t going to believe a couple of kids who say the new mining company is bad, especially since we’d be accusing the beloved Archers too, so the more evidence we have, the better. But I have no idea if I’m going to be able to get it in time and get to the demo, but I’m sure as hell gonna try.


Hey kiddos - Max thought it’d be a good idea for me to talk to people in Hastings and start to winnow down my list of enemies. Kidding. Sort of.

Anyway, ask me questions, I guess. I’d say I’m an open book, but I’m trying to lie less. It’s easier than giving up smoking.

Well, aren’t you all a curious bunch. I have to say, I was expecting more hate mail, so these genuine questions were refreshing. Alright, let’s get to it.


What can you tell us about your family? How do you feel about them? Get along with your siblings? Your father?

My family is big and opinionated and very particular about thing. I suppose I get along with my siblings just fine, though I wouldn’t say we’re close. But does anyone really get along with their family? I never buy it when people say their parents are their friends. Parents are parents, you’re not supposed to be all chummy with them.

What do you remember about Sherry, or her family? Did you ever consider reaching out to her, over all these years? Wonder what she’s up to?

I honestly don’t remember her family all that much, I was mostly wrapped up in her. But given that they moved her away suddenly, disrupting her life right in the middle of high school, I can’t say I’m the biggest fan. I did try reaching out to her in the years right after they left. I was in the post office every week, trying to get them to give me her forwarding address so I could find out where she went but I guess that’s “confidential information” or something. She didn’t tell me anything about where she was going, didn’t leave a number…by the time I graduated high school, I figure she just didn’t want to hear from me ever again. It still stings if I’m honest.

Who’s better at poker: Walt, Joe, or you?

Definitely me. Poker is big in my family, so I grew up playing it, and with very competitive people to boot. Playing with Walt and Joe is a picnic in comparison. That said, Joe’s definitely not too shabby either. God bless him, but Walt can’t play for shit. Though there’s something comforting about our Sheriff having zero poker face, I guess.

What was your life like growing up? Did you do well in school, have a lot of friends? Get into trouble?

It was pretty average I guess–I did okay in school, I helped out at the family businesses, I did sports, hung out with my teammates, dated a bit…the usual. I may have gotten into a bit of trouble here and there, but thankfully it was all before I turned 18, so all those records have been expunged, which means I don’t have to talk about it.

Your family’s name is on a lot of businesses, but is there one that you would consider your favourite?

If I say the Tavern, will I seem like an alcoholic?

How do you feel about Hastings, and the people in it?

It’s the only place I’ve ever lived, so I don’t spend that much time considering my own feelings on the place. It’s a good town, as far as towns go I guess, and everyone in it seems to care about living here, which is nice. I don’t know, as long as people keep buying things at Archer stores, I don’t need them to like me much.

What’s a day in the life of Ransom Archer look like?

I usually sleep through my first five alarms and then when I do get up, I start in on the rounds of the businesses. I’m in charge of the bookkeeping for all the businesses here, but honestly most of the store managers keep good books, so I don’t need to do much. I usually go down to the ski resort we own every month–more in the winter–to check on things there. Just…constant maintenance on all our holdings. I have dinner at the Tavern most nights and then I go home and…rinse and repeat.

From @nocluewhatshappening

Do you wish more of your family lived in Hastings and not just you?

My feelings about this are a mixed bag. I wish someone else could move here and take over the businesses, but I mostly wish that so that I could leave. I have no strong desire to live near my family.

Hi Ransom! Do you know of any sibling or relative of yours who was given up for adoption? And to be more specific… Do you think Riley is an Archer?

What a weird question–you know something I don’t? Kidding–if my parents had had another kid, there’s no way they would have given them up for adoption. Carrying on the Archer name is pretty much the only reason they had kids, so the more they had, the better chances they’d get someone who wouldn’t sully it. The idea that Riley Stevens–that’s who you’re asking about, right?–is an Archer is completely ridiculous. I literally don’t know how that would even work.


If you had the opportunity to leave or move out of Hastings, would you?

Without hesitation.

And from some secretfolks:

hey it’s my friend’s birthday this saturday and he thinks you’re neat. he doesn’t live in hastings but he’s been learning about your family’s legacy for a project. could you wish him a happy birthday?hi it’s birthday anon again his name is leoh i forgot to mention that.

Oh hey, your friend sounds awesome! If he thinks I’m neat, then I think he’s neat.

Happy Birthday, Leoh! I hope you have a good one, pal.

what drew you to that girl during high school.

I don’t know how to put it into words but she was just…amazing. She didn’t take shit from anyone, she was smart and funny and gorgeous. And she’s the only person I’ve ever seen stand up to my father–on my behalf of all things. That’s pretty much the moment I fell in love with her.

are you into men?

Like, romantically? Honestly, the thought has never crossed my mind. I never have in the past but my romantic endeavors with women have been such a disaster, maybe I should expand my dating pool.

What the heck kind of a name is Ransom? What are your siblings called? Robbery Archer? Arson Archer? Tax Evasion Archer?

Here we go. No, my siblings all got the normal family names, while I got stuck with the name from some obscure great-uncle or something. Apparently it means “warrior’s shield” or something like that, but my dad always told me that they’d named me for the Middle English definition of the word: redemption. But I think that’s just something he made up after the fourth time I got arrested to try and guilt me into behaving.

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in your name, you get ‘Romancer Rash’? I hope you know there are steps you can take to avoid that…

I will say, this one is at least original. I haven’t heard that one before.

What did you and Ms. Honeywell talk about, that night in the tavern?

God, I talked poor Alana’s ear off about my family. My dad had called me earlier that day and…well. Let’s just say I’m astonished she went out with me at all after that.

What sorts of rules did you break when you were Max’s age, exactly?

I broke most of the usual teenager rules: curfew, sneaking out, skipping school, dating the wrong girls, lying…all the stuff that most teenagers do. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with teenagers pushing boundaries, so I hope Max doesn’t get too wrapped up in worrying about breaking the rules as long as she stays safe. And I really hope she doesn’t end up breaking laws like I did–that’s a very different sort of trouble.

Why does your father think you’re a screwup? Do YOU think you’re a screwup?

Oh god, how much time do you have? Because I got in trouble as a kid, because I didn’t go to a fancy Ivy League school, because I was never a star athlete, because I’m not married to some high society gal with five kids, because I’m the youngest, because I never had ambition to add more businesses to the Archer portfolio…take your pick. I like to think that I’m not a screw up–I’ve got my act together a lot more in recent years–but I don’t think that’s really for me to decide.

Did you know that smoking is bad for you?

Yes, thank you for the reminder, Max.

What are your opinions on kids?

They’re pretty loud when they’re young. Kids are okay when they’re a little older, I guess. I like that some of the kids in town haven’t gotten the memo yet that I’m an idiot. As for having my own, I know my parents expect all their kids to populate the world with more Archers, but I really don’t see myself contributing to that.


Good morning, Hastings. For those of you who don’t know me yet, I’m Alana Honeywell, Hastings’ newest resident. I recently purchased The Maplethorpe Inn and am very excited to return it to its former glory. Everyone in Hastings has been so kind to me as I’ve gotten to know the area, and I would love to get to know you even better! In that spirit, I’ll be taking your questions for the next several days before answering them on Monday afternoon.

So, please, don’t be a stranger - tell me about yourself or satisfy your curiosity about me!

Happy Monday, everyone! Thank you so much for the thoughtful questions - things are quite busy with the renovations at the inn, but I’m going to try to answer as many as I can!


What do you think of Hastings so far?

I think it’s charming. It’s much smaller than I’m used to, so it’s taken some adjusting to the fact that I can’t leave my home at 10pm and get something to eat! But what I give up in convenience, I feel I’ve gained in community. I have a wonderful set of friends in New York and lived in a very neighborly neighborhood, but there is something special about knowing every single face you see in a day. I haven’t met everyone personally yet, but every person I have met is so wonderfully kind.

Did you know that Joe Miles is also from New York? I bet you two would have a lot more in common, too!

I think I did know that! I haven’t had the pleasure of really meeting him yet - we’ve mostly just been ships passing in the night - but I would love to get to know him. I’m sure we have a lot in common indeed, not the least of which is a deep affection for Max.

How did you meet Mr. Beatty?

I was trying to get supplies for the inn - when I moved here, I had this romantic notion that I could fix the place up by myself, barring any plumbing or electrical work, and I’m humbled to admit that it’s quite a bit more work than I anticipated. Pat saw me struggling with the different types of wood saws and asked if I needed help picking one out. Ten minutes later, and he was agreeing to come and help with the repairs directly!

What was your life like before moving to Hastings?

Far,far busier. I worked in hospitality in New York as well, but the hotel industry in there is break-neck and intense. It was thrilling, something new and exciting every day, but also exhausting. It made it hard to make time for friends and especially difficult to have any kind of more serious relationship.

Did you ever get those blueprints from City Hall? What did you learn from them?

I did! They’ve been extremely helpful in finding the bones of the Inn - it’s been added to and altered throughout the years, and my hope is to restore it to its original glory. It’s also been fascinating to see how little was in Downtown Hastings just 100 years ago!! A small town indeed.

From @nocluewhatshappening:

Hello Ms. Honeywell! Did you have a bad/odd first impression with anyone in town? It seems like you got to know everyone’s good side despite their reputation, so I’m just curious if there’s an exception.

Hm, what an interesting question! No one immediately springs to mind. I had a bit of a stressful first meeting at the local bank in trying to open my account–I think the bank manager was having a bad day, but we worked it out in the end. And I understood the frustration–I only had my temporary New Hampshire license then, so it wasn’t as easy for him to verify all my information. Other than that, everyone has been so immediately pleasant!

What are your favourite things about Hastings so far?

The people! Hastings is such a lovely and welcoming community and it’s been really amazing to see them rally to find Riley. To say that my heart breaks for him would be…an understatement. I sincerely hope he’s okay, and I know that this community will do everything they can to find him safe and sound.

And several from some mysterious question askers!

What was the name that you said Ms. Maplethorpe recognized? Was it Honeywell, or something else?

It wasn’t actually! She knew of me by an old family name, Mason. The Maplethorpe and Masons knew each other quite well in a previous generation and I’m so glad that it was enough for Ms. Maplethorpe to entrust me with her beloved property.

You seem to be very curious about people. Some might say suspiciously so. Thoughts?

Oh goodness, I hope I don’t come across as suspicious! I never intend my genuine interest in people to feel invasive or unfriendly. After so many years of living in Manhattan and working in various customer-facing positions, I’ve gotten so used to learning about folks extremely quickly. I work in an industry that allows me to meet so many different people because I am so curious. But I suppose things in small towns might work a little differently.

You said you’ve seen bright young women destroyed by nice boys with clever smiles. I mean, as a woman, same, but it sounds like it might be a bit more personal than that. Is it?

It’s a bit personal for all of us, isn’t it? If not us, we know someone who’s been through something like this. Thankfully, I myself haven’t been through it, but someone very near and dear to me fell in love with the wrong person and her life was changed forever because of it. She’s doing very well now, but it took her a long time to get over it.

I know you won’t give us details about what you and Ransom talked about in the tavern, but was it related to anything with the town, or what’s going on with Riley, or was it simply personal?

It truly was personal. Which, I suppose for Ransom, means it’s always about the town at least a little. His family is very complicated, and very entwined with Hastings–the poor man has a lot on his mind.

You’re from the West Village, right? How does the tavern in Hastings measure up to the bars there? Like, say, compared to Stonewall? You ever been there?

Funnily enough, the Hastings tavern does remind me quite a bit of some of the bars in the Village! There are several bars in that part of town from the 1800s, like the tavern is, so I’m able to get the same kind of cozy feeling. Granted, the Hastings tavern is a lot less lively than Village bars–I do miss Maries Crisis especially, which has fabulous music and energetic crowds. And I have indeed been to Stonewall, many times. An old roommate of mine and her girlfriend would frequently go there, so it became a bit of a routine hangout spot for us.

You said you ended up in Hastings because life ‘pushed you in an unexpected direction’. Care to elaborate?

Without lingering too much on the details, I went through a particularly hard break-up. The man I had thought I was going to marry ended up not wanting the same kind of future that I did. He’s still a dear friend and the relationship ending wasn’t anyone’s fault, but it was still very painful. When my mother mentioned that old Ms. Maplethorpe was selling the inn, I thought “why not?” Get out of the city for a few years, see what a different kind of life looks like. Start fresh. I think it was the right choice.


Kids from the neighborhood said they need to interview folks who have lived in Hastings for more than thirty years for a school project. I’m one of those people. I guess I could answer some questions.

Alright then. I’ve gotten quite a few questions from you lot–some of which are very strange–so I guess I’ll just go ahead and answer them. If you didn’t ask a question and think of one after reading through this, you can keep it to yourself.


What’s a perfect day look like for you?

Any time spent outdoors marks a good day. But I’m not going to simply sit on my porch and look at the trees. I like building things and I like hunting and, when the occasion calls for it, other outdoor sports, though my prime years for that sorta thing has passed. If it ends with a nice steak and a good book, I’m a contented man.

We’ve heard that Riley was supposed to do some work around your home. What sort of work was it?

That he did–he helped me out around my property this summer. He’s a good boy and I hope…well. I hope wherever he is, he’s alright. Riley was interested in learning some craftsmanship, so I taught him how to do some house repairs, and started some woodworking instruction as well. He’s still pretty young to have the kind of steady hand you need for the more detailed stuff, but I think he’s got promise. And it was helpful to have someone with his youth to climb up on the roof and what-not–my knees can’t take that anymore.

How do you get along with your neighbors? Ever have any issues with them?

Oh, we get along fine. There’s been the odd disagreement here or there–it happens when you live alongside the same folks for so long. It’s usually the kids of the neighborhood who cause trouble. It can be frustrating, but I understand that kids will be kids and as long as they don’t get into anything too serious, I’m willing to cut them some slack. So long as everyone tries their best to keep to their site of the fence, I’m good.

What do you do for work? Does it pay well? And what do you do for fun?

I used to have my own contracting business, but the need for something of its scope shrank in the last few years. Now I make do with odd jobs here and there–the de factor repairman in most of Hastings.

As far as leisure, I woodwork, read, and hunt.

How long have you lived in Hastings? Do you like it?

I’ve lived in Hastings my whole life and wouldn’t think about living anywhere else. It suits all my needs just fine and I’ve learned every nook and cranny of it and know most of the folks who live here, so I rarely have to deal with surprises.

From @nocluewhatshappening

What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you?

I’ve been lucky in my life compared to a lot of folks. I still have my health and my home and that’s what matters. It’s no use to linger on the past.

Good day! Have you ever had “secret” phone calls with Mayor Hal?

I don’t know what you’re getting at here, but I’ve had plenty of phone calls with Hal through the years. Far as I know, no one’s been wiretapping us, so they’ve all been private.

From anonymous:

We’ve heard that the Mayor is a man who enjoys his butterscotch. Do you have a sweet tooth as well? How do you feel about candy bars? Like Big Hunk, or Milky Ways, or Charleston Chews?

That he does–I’ll never understand why he spends so much money on sweets. I’m not one for mainstream manufactured candy, but I do like to partake in salt water taffy when I find myself by the sea.

Do you have $700 I can borrow?

What do you need seven hundred dollars for? I’m not in the habit of giving money to strangers for not reason.

What’s with the gnomes?

They’re whimsical. I like that.

You’ve lived in Hastings for a while. Is there anything you can tell us about the key figures in town? The Mayor, the Archer family, the Sheriff?

Oh, sure, I know about all the folks who live here. Hal and I grew up side by side–he works very hard to keep this town safe and prosperous, and I respect that, even if you couldn’t find two people from the same time and place who are more different than me and Hal. The Archers have been around even longer than I have and I can’t say I’m too broken up about only one of them sticking around. They’ve brought a lot of business to Hastings through the years, but they’re not my sort of people. The Sheriff’s newer to me, but seems like a good lad.

Some have seen you coming and going at erratic hours, with suspicious items and equipment. Where are you going? What are you doing?

Who’s saying this? I don’t much like the idea that folks are watching my comings and goings, especially at night. I have insomnia from time to time, and often go out to work on woodworking projects or take a drive. I don’t see how that’s anyone’s business.

We’ve heard from various sources that you didn’t always live alone. What can you tell us about that?

That’s true. If you’ve got “sources” who have told you that, I’m sure they can fill you in on the rest.

Do you have any family in the area?

A coupla cousins still live over in Gorham. I don’t talk to them all that much.

Hi Mr. Beatty! What is your favourite type of tea?

In the mornings, I like a strong cup of Irish breakfast and in the evening, I very much enjoy some strawberry tea or the like.


Hi guys! Theo here! I heard about this question and answer thing you all have been doing on here and wanted to participate! I don’t know if you’re interested in books or poetry or what it’s like to be the son of the Hastings Sheriff, but I’m an open book. I’m trying to be more open and upfront with people, rather than hide behind my words. Though, I guess, I’m still writing words here, but this time I’ll be signing it.

Ask me all your questions here!

Hey everybody! Wow, thanks for all the questions - they were all so good, I’m going to try answering them all! I’m not always great at talking about myself, but writing is way easier, and a lot more fun. So let’s get to it!


What’s your favorite book of poetry?

That’s so hard!! There are so many great periods and movements and styles out there, so I’d probably have my favorites from each if I really sat down to think about it but…currently, my all-time favorite is the copy of The Complete Poetical Works of John Keats that I have. It was my mom’s copy when she was in college, so its a bit worn, but that makes it all the more special in my opinion. Keats wrote about love and sorrow so beautifully and died so tragically young…truly one of the greatest poets of his time.

Do you ever help your dad with police work?

My dad tries to keep his work out of home as much as he can, but he’ll definitely ask me questions sometimes - if I know something about a kid at school, their home life, who might be getting into trouble, that kind of thing. He’s never asking me to tell on anyone or anything, just looking out for anyone who might need help. But mostly we talk about other things!


What do you think happened to Riley?

I really don’t know - that’s probably a better question for Max or Ross. They’re the ones who are good at this sort of thing, and lately, they always seem to be whispering about one thing or another. I don’t know Riley all that well - not as well as Jenna or Ross know him - but he doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who would run away and not tell anyone. He seems a lot more thoughtful than that. But that only leaves all the terrifying options, so part of me hopes he ran away, or maybe just got a bit lost in the woods and is trying to find his way back. But I know my dad is going to find him.

What kind of poetry do you write? Rhyming? Free verse? Sonnets? Limericks? Haiku?

I try my hand at everything! I’m still figuring out my own personal style, but I like rhyming couplets and free verse the most. But free verse is hard! Sometimes its easier to work within the bounds of rules.

What’s your favourite subject in school, and are you in any extracurriculars?

English, definitely. History is probably my favorite second, because sometimes we read primary documents, and those can be really beautifully written. Hastings High has a small Lit Magazine - it mostly publishes writing by Juniors and Seniors, but they’re letting me help with copyediting and layout, so I’m hopeful I’ll get to publish in it one year! I’m also in band, which is more of a class than an extracurricular I guess - I play the clarinet.

How do you and your father get along? Being the sheriff’s kid must be hard sometimes. You ever get in trouble?

We get along great! It’s only really hard when something’s going on and my dad has to stay late or work weekends, but thankfully that doesn’t happen very much. I don’t think I’ve ever been in trouble with him and I can’t imagine ever getting in trouble with him - there’s not really anything I’d want to do that I think he’d disapprove of.

(okay, okay, I sort of lied - last summer, my dad caught me in the backyard smoking. I was reading a lot of the beat poets and it seemed like the thing to do! But I hated it so much that my dad just ended up laughing at how much I was coughing before taking it away and telling me never to do it again. But I think he maybe finished the cigarette, so he couldn’t be too hard on me)


Do you have any poets you look to for inspiration for ideas or style? Follow up, what’s your favorite style to write your poems in? Rhyming every line? Every other line?

I already talked a little bit about my style, and Keats is a huge inspiration obviously - really all those Romantic poets. Byron, Yeats…I love all of it. But I’ve been trying to get into more modern poetry too - the beats, of course, but also Mary Oliver and Maya Angelou and Bukowski and the like.


Hey Theo, how are you dealing with the stress of all this with your dad being the Sheriff? It’s just the two of you and he must be extra busy right now, on top of the fact this has gotta be scary for everyone in Hastings. You doing ok?

Thanks so much for asking! I’m doing alright - I hate seeing my dad this stressed out, but I know there’s not really any other option. He has to work this hard, obviously, and I’m really grateful he is. I’ve always admired my dad for how much he cares. I’ve been trying to help out more - making dinner and making sure the house is clean and stuff like that, being better about my chores. But on top of the workload of Freshman year, it’s proving to be a lot, so I think we’re both pretty tired.

Also, your dad and Max’s have apparently been good friends for a long time, but would I be wrong in saying going round to their house for dinner was unusual?

Yeah, it was definitely a bit out of the blue! We’ll all do stuff from time to time - me and my dad and the Miles and the Tellers and the Ambroses and all that - but this was the first time we’d gone over to the Miles’ house, just the two of us. But my dad and Mr. Miles - Joe, I guess, I’m supposed to call him - play poker every weekend, and we often host that, so I see him a lot. The dinner was good too - Joe’s a good cook - so I hope we get to do it again!

Final question: do you know anything about Mr Beatty’s family?

Not at all! I’ve only met Mr. Beatty a handful of times - if he even has a family, this is the first time I’m hearing about it.

From @nocluewhatshappening:

Hi Theo! What would you do if someone told you they have a crush on you?

Oh gosh, I don’t know. Why? Did someone say something to you? I think, as long as it was someone nice, I’d go on a date with them. I’ve never been on a date, but it seems like a nice way to spend time with someone and get to know them. Love can come in so many different forms, from so many surprising places, that I think it’d be worth spending time with anyone who liked me that way!

If this question isn’t too personal/hard to answer… What is it like without your mom around? Like being raised by a single parent?

It’s hard. Sorry, not hard to answer - it’s hard not having my mom around. I loved her so much - I still do, of course - but I was pretty little at the time, that sometimes it feels like it’s only ever been me and my dad. I love him a lot too, so even though I know he gets really sad and lonely sometimes, I think we’ve managed okay on our own. And, before this whole Riley thing, he was seeming a lot happier, so I hope that comes back once he finds Riley!

P.S.: your poetry is amazing keep up the good work! (Also I hope you find a new muse soon)

Wow, thank you so much! I hope I do too :)

And from some mysterious secret admirers of my own!

What attracted your attention to Jenna in the first place, anyway?

I guess I should be embarrassed that everyone knows I wrote Jenna those poems, but now that things are okay with her, I’m finding I don’t really care. Jenna is amazing - why wouldn’t I like her! She’s so smart and witty and so, so pretty and I’m a bit disappointed that she didn’t like me back, but I’m just happy that she wanted to stay friends.

What do you think about Hastings?

I love it here! For now, at least. It’s been a really nice place to grow up so far, but I can’t wait to get out there and see more of the world. If I’m going to be a great writer, I need to have experiences outside of rural New Hampshire!

Do you know about Max’s feelings for you?

What do you mean? Is Max mad at me because I was leaving Jenna those notes without saying anything? I know Max believes in always speaking her mind, so I’d understand that. But I hope she forgives me soon, because I like being her friend.

I’m not going to ask you a question; just give you some advice: Theo, no matter what peer pressure says, you are NEVER too old for half-priced books at the bookstore.

You know what? You’re right! I’m going to go.


Hey Hastings - Jenna here. I’m trying to keep Max out of trouble - a town-wide chore, let me tell you - and she thought it’d be helpful to my “case” to field some questions and maybe smoke out whoever’s been leaving me notes. I don’t know how effective that’s going to be, but I am kind of curious what questions you all might have for me so I figure, why not.

So go ahead: ask away.

Alright, kiddos, let’s get to it. I guess I’m the most interesting person in Hastings, because you guys sent a LOT of questions in. So thanks for that.

From @nocluewhatshappening

Hello Jenna! What do think happened to Riley? Do you have your own theories?

I probably have fewer theories than Max, but I’ve been telling myself that he’s run off to Berlin for some kind of lost weekend and just hasn’t come back yet. Riley’s not exactly what I’d call a wild child, so that kinda thing would be pretty out of character, but anything other than him running away is too hard to think about.


Genuinely, do you have any guesses as to who wrote the note at your locker? Or do you hope it was anyone specific?

I really don’t. If they weren’t poems, I would maybe think it was Cody, but unless he became a different person in the last few months, I doubt it. Honestly, the only thing I’m hoping is that someone just got the locker number wrong and all these notes are for someone else entirely.


For Jenna: Have you ever had a crush on one of your classmates?

Who hasn’t? I guess I had a crush on Cody once upon on a time, but I couldn’t tell you why now if my life depended on it. I guess I had those little kid crushes that you get on your friends when you’re younger, but nothing that’s stood the test of time.


Do you think Cody did the graffiti? And do you think he could be leaving you those notes in an attempt to win you back?

If I’m being totally blunt: yeah, it does seem like something he’d do. If it really was someone in a letterman jacket with spray paint from the mine, there’s few people who’d fit the description better. The thing I don’t get is the “why” - Cody isn’t anti-Hastings last I checked and this seems like a weird prank. Maybe some kind of dare?

Like I said, unless he’s transformed into a different person, no way is he leaving me those notes.

We know you’re in skate club, but do you have any other hobbies, or interests, or extracurriculars?

It’s kinda the same as skating I guess, but I like rollerblading in the summers when I don’t have time to go all the way to the rink. I signed up for the school paper first day but haven’t really figured out what other clubs I want to be a part of - I really love music, but don’t have much of a knack for it myself. And, don’t tell Max this, but I think the idea of an environmental club is kind of cool - I’m just not sure I want to take on the amount of responsibility that is sure to come with a Maxine Miles led club. My sister and I don’t get to the mall all that often, but I love fashion - I think its amazing how people can express themselves by how they dress.

I hear you like manicures and nail polish! I’m a big fan myself! Any particular colours or designs you like? What about your sister? Does she get the same as you?

We usually mix it up - she’s a senior, so she’s kind of defined her style already, I guess. She tends to go for the classic reds and pinks, and French manicures when we actually manage to go to the salon. But I’m a pharmacy nail polish kind of girl - I go in all the time and grab whatever new color they’ve got, especially if it’s got sparkles or those little confetti stars in them. I remember this one time when we were in Manchester for a family wedding, my mom and my sister and I went to this fancy salon where they can paint little flowers or whatever - I got a ladybug design that was so cute. I’ve been trying to recreate it ever since but I don’t think I have the right brushes for it.


What is an incorrect assumption that people make about you?

I think people assume that, just because I don’t, like, go nuts and get excited about stuff that I’m not interested in things. I am - I’m interested in a lot of things and I care about a lot of things - I just don’t feel the need to crow about it all the time.

How long have you known Max?

God, forever. Me, Max, Riley, Ross, Theo…I don’t think any of us remember meeting each other. It must have been kindergarten I guess. Maybe preschool for some of us. Max has just always been there.

I’ve had plenty of anonymous notes recently, so I figure answering a few anonymous questions can’t hurt:

Hey! Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment? And if yes who?

My love life really is a hot topic at the moment, huh? Nope, no one’s really holding my interest. I think the last time I had a crush was…summer camp in the seventh grade maybe? I’ve known everyone in Hastings way too long to find any of them dating prospects.

i was thinking about joining the newspaper at school! what’s your favorite part about doing it? what do you want to do after you graduate? who do *you* think put the notes in your locker? do you think the adults are taking the riley investigation seriously enough?

I’ve already talked about the notes a little bit, but I’ll answer the other questions - the paper is great and you should totally join yours. I think my favorite thing so far is getting to learn about different stuff. Riley really likes the investigative journalism, I guess its called - interviewing people and putting the story together - but I love being handed an assignment and having to learn everything about a specific subject. I don’t know that it’d be something I’d want to do in college or beyond, but it’s fun for right now.

I have no idea what I want to do after school. I say I’m not sure I’d want to work for a newspaper, but a magazine could be really cool - something with fashion or trends maybe. But I guess that’s what college is for - to figure all that stuff out.

Speaking of figuring stuff out…yeah, I definitely think the adults in Hastings are taking it seriously. They’re all trying to act like everything’s fine and we don’t have to panic, because I think they don’t want us to be freaked out, but I can tell that it’s a five alarm fire kind of situation when there aren’t kids around. Seems like everyone is taking curfew pretty seriously and the Sheriff has even gotten a few community watch folks to patrol downtown at night, like in shifts and stuff, as if another kid is gonna go vanishing in the night. Like I said, I’m trying not to think about it.

As far as you know, is there any history between Riley’s family and the Archer family?

No more so than anyone else in Hastings - all of us have encountered the Archers in one context or another. Although, it’s been a little while since an Archer was actually a student at Hastings High - Ransom’s older brother Warren moved away when his kids were still in elementary school - so we’ve definitely had less interaction with them than, like, our parents’ generation I guess. But Riley’s parents aren’t super involved in town stuff in the way some other parents are, so out of all of us…I guess the Combs have probably had the most history. I’m pretty sure the Sheriff has had to pull Ransom out of the tavern a few times for not leaving when it closes.

Jenna - what happened between you a Maxine?

I don’t know what you’ve heard - or if Max is telling people something, which would be really weird for her - but nothing really. I know we used to be, like, attached at the hip, but that doesn’t mean we have to be besties forever. I think a lot of people grow apart from their childhood friends. Max was…a lot in middle school. I mean, what happened with her parents was terrible, obviously, but it feels like maybe she overcompensated by being intense. She always wanted to do stuff - go around and get everyone in Hastings to recycle more, start a book club at the library, create a teen community watch, whatever. And that’s great, it’s cool that she has so much energy for stuff, I guess, but that’s just…not me. I kinda just wanted to mind my own business in middle school. So our paths just…diverged.

How do you feel about Ross Teller?

I get Ross. We’re not, like, best pals or whatever, but we’ve always gotten along. He’s someone who also just wanted to be left alone in middle school, so it was nice to have someone to hang on the sidelines with. I don’t really know what his reasons are for holding back, because it’s not like we talk, but I have my suspicions. He tries to act all calm and cool but that boy wears his heart on his sleeve and he’s just lucky that some people don’t notice.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I definitely know who’s leaving those notes for you

Okay, seriously, just tell me. I trust Max to figure it out but the suspense is killingme.
