


Charlastor Day 7 - Free Day [Family]

This is where he was newborn baby. It belongs to the Charlastor family. It’s only his memories or portraits. Well in that case, hope you enjoy the Charlastor week.

Michael Magne the second.


I love you baby ❤


Charlastor week

Day7: -Free day-

Their hate for each other is so strong it’s almost romantic.

Shamelessly, I crossed these 2 worlds together again cuz I love them both and no one can stop me.


Idk wat it meant by ‘free’ but here’s my second to last entry for the week anyway

I’ll post Day 6 tomorrow cuz that’ll be my final “hurra!” For this week

My reference for this drawing is •°here°•


Charlastor week 2021 Day 6 (late) ❤️ Confession

“I think *hic* I like him…”

Then he turned around and left before she knew who she was actually talking to

«She’ll tell me when she’s ready… and sober » he tought


Charlastor week. DAY 7: free day

huangman:2021 Charlastor Week Day7:Free Day[Seaside vacation]huangman:2021 Charlastor Week Day7:Free Day[Seaside vacation]


2021 Charlastor Week Day7:Free Day
[Seaside vacation]

Post link


Day 4: Song

“I like to make you happy”

Sheet music here: https://musescore.com/user/12149851/scores/6658877



Pc had enough of you


Edit: forgot to attach link hehehe *disappears*


Charlastor week. Day 5:song


Charlastor Day 6 - Confession

I’m guessing to draw something else.


So I did Prompt 3 of Charlastor Week, Nightmare. It’s Charlie’s worst nightmare, Alastor betraying her and killing all of her friends while destroying the hotel.



Charlastor week 2021 Day 5 ❤️ Song

“It’ll help, it’ll help… If you just sing alooooong!”

What? I felt like making something fun and silly and the “Campfire Song"song from Spongebob Squarepants is just perfect


Charlastor Day 5 - Song


Charlastor week

Day4: Sick Day

This took much longer than it should have and I also must admit that making comics is not my forte so sorry that this isn’t as good as my other posts. I also couldn’t keep things consistent at the end so sorry again.

@charlastor-week the tagging system isn’t working properly for me so I hope you don’t mind me mentioning


Hola, les comparto este fanart para la Charlastor week 2021. Día 5 “Canción” tomé de referencia la canción Stereo hearts de Gym Class Heroes ft Adam Levine.

También he escrito una serie de one shots con las temáticas de Charlastor week para celebrar a esta linda pareja. Espero sean de su agrado.


Hot damn charlastor week #sick


Charlastor week #protect the cuteness
