#charles phipps


So I’m starting to think that the Snow Queen story in Chapter 101.5 might show how Ciel is going to save Lizzy and Lizzy is going to save Ciel.

So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now since the series has gotten so far with its story, and more recently I came across an interview with Yana talking about how she has been doing the scenarios for the Twisted Wonderland game; and one thing that popped up in my mind was how, when she was talking about the films she got to watch that she really enjoyed the fairy tale aspect of them, excited she seemed about the idea of crafting her own fairy tale. And the more I thought of this the more I thought of Chapter 101.5, the bonus chapter with all the fairy tales, and looking it over there’s been some interesting developments that has me thinking that maybe the chapter is more a roadmap for what’s to come.

Take for example the characters in the chapter as presented.

The Double Charles as hunters there to take down wolves in the forests, and Ciel as their rival with his team of wolves out to solve cases. We’ve already seen that Ciel and Charles Gray certainly have the makings of a deeper rivalry if she keeps going with it. Oddly though the hunter is the one in most cases that saves Red from the wolf in the end, so I have to wonder if this is a clue that the double Charles will be playing a role later on in the story and may actually play a part in the whole Saving of Ciel.

Then you have Soma and Agni as the genie and Aladdin. Given what’s happened in recent chapters, Soma asking the Genie (who is a spirit) for guidance and help, fits in with the death of his friend and the fact that he’s gaining powers to protect those he’s closes to. Also adding that I think the clue of Soma being Aladdin might tie into the Snow Queen as well.

Lastly you have Undertaker as the witch in the Little Mermaid. Now on a side note, I have to wonder if this is a nod to the idea that Grell might do something dumb and make a deal with Undertaker for the chance to be with Will, but that is a long shot given that for all of Grell’s actions, they are the type of person that does get their job done. So that leaves us with Undertaker, and what’s interesting here is that the Sea witch in the original wasn’t a pure evil being, but rather more of a neutral type party similar to a lot of fae folk were used in a number of tales. However the sea witch did take the voice of the mermaid but she also warned her of the dangers of taking the potion, so she wasn’t acting as Ursala did in the movie. There was no malice in the transaction. Which makes the choice for Undertaker as the sea witch an interesting one, given what we know about him and his way of making deals.

So that brings me to the main point here. I feel like the Snow Queen section and the actual fairy tale is a key to knowing where Yana might be going with the story of Ciel and Lizzy, and that the bonus chapter is a clue to who might be playing what part in the story and how it will effect things.

So from the chapter we already know that Ciel is representing Kai, the boy who had his eye and heart pierced by a shard of “Devil mirror”, which we can easily connect to the seal on Ciel’s eye and that he hardened his heart. And Lizzy is Gerda, his childhood friend who went off in search for him as she didn’t buy that he was drowned in the river. We already see the same sort of spunk in Lizzy that Gerda has in the story along with the smarts too.

(Page coloring done by https://colorshitsuji.tumblr.com/)

It’s also important to note that Ciel mentions the story of the flowers, that he watched Lizzy sit by the roses. We know that the Phantomhive estate has those flowers, and in Lizzy’s chapter in the Boat arc, it’s shown that roses are equated with the girls of England and they have connections to Madam Red who inspired some of how Lizzy holds herself. So this line that also comes from the Snow Queen story has more meanings in it than what it first appears as. The Roses are an important part of Ciel and Lizzy’s outfits and typically associated with love as well as friendship and loyalty. So the roses will more than likely come up at some point in how things sort out. So what about the other important characters in the story then?

To start with we already have a “Grandmother” figure for both characters in the forms of Aunt Francis, and the missing Claudia. Both characters are there to guide Ciel and Lizzy. It’s important to note that in variations of the story the Grandmother is the one that sets out Gerda, the lead, off to find the missing Kai. If Ciel, or rather O!Ciel ends up being taken by Sebastian some place, no doubt that

Aunt Francis would help Lizzy on her way to find him, and, while she probably can’t make the moves on her own, her cunning nature will probably give a lot to Lizzy to help her push forward to find a way to Ciel. Meanwhile we have the funeral Chain that Ciel still has from Undertaker that has his grandmother’s hair in it. We know there was a connection between the two, and this might be part of the key in saving Lizzy from R!Ciel by getting Undertaker to help him out through using the memories of his grandmother.

The Snow Queen is obviously Sebastian, a creature of now questionable morals. However, as with the original story there’s more to him then just “I want to eat your soul”. Our Demonic butler had a chance to fully eat Ciel long ago but hasn’t, rather, as with the Snow queen, he’s waiting things out to see if Ciel can save himself or be saved. It’s interesting to note that the Queen herself in the tale give Kai two kisses, one to numb the cold and the other to forget about Gerda and his family.

This can be seen with Sebastian as not a direct one to one reference, but rather a case where he “Kissed” him once by the seal when they first made the deal, and then later again when he got O!Ciel to Confirm his desire to continue the mission that they started on. Now here comes the part where things get funny in a way that has me thinking theoretically. In the story of the Snow Queen, the Queen gives Kai a task to complete which is spelling a word out for her with the ice pieces, if he can complete it he gets to be free, if not then he will have to stay with her forever.

What I’m thinking here is that there’s a chance where Sebastian probably will give Ciel a chance to get out of the deal, as he’s changing himself since the start of the story. We know Agni and the other characters have affected him a lot, though he hasn’t vocalized it, we see it in his looks and the way he presents himself compared to the start of their journey. Ciel has to complete something, and Lizzy is trying to find him at this time because of her own realization of her feelings for O!Ciel and wants to save him from what’s going to happen to him.

In the story of the Snow Queen, Gerda starts out her journey seeking Kai by offering her shoes to the river. The river in turn tells her the right path to take and she heads down it via boat to find Kai. In this case we already have had Ciel covering this part of the story by heading down by water to find the blood and connecting with Lau who is helping him free Lizzy and stop his twin brother. In the case of Lizzy I don’t think she’s going to need to have the river moment, or if she does it will be through someone who can give her a lift to where she needs to go to get to Ciel.

Later on Gerda ends up in an enchanted garden run by a witch. This witch hides the roses as they will remind Gerda of Kai and she wants to keep the girl in the summer garden forever. In the Snow Queen Story, Gerda eventually notices a rose on the hat of the Witch and it makes her cry as she remembers Kai. Her tears cause the roses to come from the ground who tell her that Kai is not dead, and she ends up fleeing the Witch and summer garden in order to continue her journey. With Lizzy I think it might be a bit more complicated. We can point to both Undertaker and R!Ciel as the witch here. Undertaker seems to want to recreate a reality where both boys are alive and well, among other dubious things we don’t know about. Meanwhile it seems R!Ciel simply wants to have some form of control over his younger brother and to keep him by his side always. To do this both seem to have imprisoned Lizzy, first in a real sort of prison as with the whole situation with her discovering the truth of the twins, and second in her mind as she feels guilt over not seeing the truth of O!Ciel and possibly is being lead along much like Gerda.

This is where the whole Ciel saves Lizzy aspect comes in. I’m suspecting that in some way Undertaker, who seems to be not to thrilled on the actions of the newly come back to life R!Ciel, may be swayed to join O!Ciel’s side once more, at least for the present. This brings up the situation with the roses, as I’m guessing at some point in time during this Undertaker will get Lizzy to see the truth of the matter in his own weird way, though the use of the flowers as a metaphor for her connections to O!Ciel, and maybe clue her in that R!Ciel may not be as devoted to her as she is to him. Thus allowing Lizzy, to escape from R!Ciel and flee to find O!Ciel. So O!Ciel has saved her from her situation and she’s realized what she has to do going forward.

Gerda eventually makes it to crow who tells her where a princess and a prince are staying. When she goes there she sees the Prince looks like Kai but isn’t him. The couple then give her gifts of clothing and a carriage to get her to where she’s going after she tells them her story. Now I’m not sure how this will play out. The Princess and the prince could be a number of characters, but my best guess is that it’s probably going to be Lau and Sieglinde. The reason why is because of who they are and their roles in the chapter. Lau is the prince and Sieglinde is Cinderella. One can easily see both providing Lizzy the means of doing some amazing items to help Lizzy. Sullivan’s chemicals and Lau’s cunning would make one hell of a team to work with her. Additionally it could be also the double Charles as possible helpers here too for various reasons.

Additionally I feel like the Robber girl is going to be Soma who takes on the role of the Reindeer as well in the story. The Robber girl’s band of men capture Gerda, and she helps Gerda escape and gives her the deer which Gerda travels onto Lapland with. I suspect that Soma is going to be playing that robber girl in the form of protecting Lizzy since it would fit in with how his role is right now and where he’s at seeking revenge, and by the point Lizzy goes to save Ciel, he’ll be more in the Agni stages of his issues and wanting to sever Ciel in some way.

Edward and probably Dee with the other Evil Lords, are going to play the parts of the women of Lapland and Finland. These two women assist Gerda on the last leg of the journey to finding Kai and the Finn woman notes that Gerda has the power to free Kai, due to her heart and innocence. Not sure how this would play out exactly but I feel like various characters will be coming in to help Lizzy get to Ciel at this point and push her forward.

The angels that come in to fight with Gerda to get her in the castle will be the servants who want to help Ciel. This will probably be a case where we have several things going on at once everyone trying to do their best for the young Earl after their fight with whomever killed his family and the cult that took him and his brother. I honestly feel like the Servants here will be playing a role as saviors to Lizzy to help her get to Ciel whom they want to reach too. Again, he saved them, so they will save him.

By the end of the story Gerda finds Kai and kisses him to save him with the power of her love for him. This action, and the crying of Gerda on Kai, allows his heart to be melted and his memories to come back to him, leading him to cry and the shard to come from the eye. The two dance and the splinters that Kai had been working to solve dance with them, leading them to solve the riddle when they stop as it spells the word “eternity,”. The two end up leaving the castle of the Queen with the two women, the reindeer, and the robber girl. The story ends with the two young kids realizing that they have been away so long they’ve grown up and, depending on the version, they either renew their friendship or marry.

Now this can easily fit into what we see in the bonus chapter and show how things play out in a more upbeat ending. Rather than Just Lizzy alone going to save Ciel, it would be those closest to him. This would be Soma, the servants, Sullivan, Edward, and maybe undertaker, or some other person at this point. The point being that Lizzy not being alone to convince him would mean Ciel would have a harder time choosing his path. Given the way Yana draws, and what she’s done within her other work, I can easily see her choosing to have Lizzy cry for Ciel and get him to realize her feelings for him. The fact that he has so much to live for, that there are those who love and cherish him, etc. (I wouldn’t mind a kiss but I’m not sure if that would work here). It would also connect to the whole “Sun child” thing Sebastian had going for her in the bonus chapter, and her causing him to break the seal could lead to an interesting moment between her and Sebastian. Namely, if he is testing Ciel, it might be a cool nod to the story if Sabastian pledges loyalty to the Phantomhive family for “eternity” as their loyal butler. After all a demon can do as he wants, and I honestly think Lizzy would be the only one that would be able to take Sebastian on directly due to her feelings for Ciel and wanting to protect him. We saw what she did to protect R!Ciel, now think of that only way stronger and more willing to fight to the last breath for O!Ciel. This is why, I honestly think, Sebastian probably regards her as one of the few that is strong enough to match him and why he respects her as he knows that she would do anything for Ciel, down to outright dying for him.

Certainly it would make sense that the two kids we started off with have grown into adults in a way, and would make a nice wrap up to how the story started. You would go from the December season where they are children at the start of Black Butler, unsure of themselves, who they are and their roles in the world, and then growing up into mature teens or young adults who are ready to make their way into the harsh world of the new coming century, whatever that is, together as family and connected in a deeper way then they would have thought.
