#charlie hunnam


Charlie Hunnam is going to play “La Barbie” in “American Drug Lord” The movie is based on the story of Edgar Valdez, a high school football player from Texas who would become the only U.S. citizen to rise to the level of cartel leader in Mexico. From his base in Acapulco, Valdez, who brought the nickname La Barbie that was given to him by his high school football coach, made $130 million in one year moving drugs from Colombia. He became increasingly feared and allegedly ratcheted up the violence that involved filming the brutal executions of rivals and posting them on the Internet. As the drug riches escalated along with the violence, the rival cartels turned on one another, with the help of crooked cops. Valdez’s life became a “struggle to stay alive.”

American Sniper‘s Jason Hall will pen the script, while Hunnam will produce along with Legendary and Plan B’s Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner. Sarah Esberg of Plan B will executive produce. [Deadline]


Wow. They’re being really generous with the looks for this movie huh. No doubt this will definitely bring attention to Laredo.

Charlie Hunnam says ‘50 Shades of Grey’ after SOA would’ve been a disaster. Via Us

Charlie Hunnam says ‘50 Shades of Grey’ after SOA would’ve been a disaster. Via Us Weekly:

“I was going to finish playing a psychopath who’d just lost his wife [in Sons], and five days later I’d be on set playing Christian Grey,” the hunky 34-year-old told the mag for its December issue. “I was like, ‘This is going to be a f—ing disaster.’ It was the opposite of how I’ve tried to ground my career, not stretch myself too thin, and always do my homework.” Hunnam further explained that “there’s a tendency in this Hollywood machinery to take on too much. You end up not being able to give everything you want.” He learned early on that that kind of lifestyle doesn’t work for him. “Since I was young, I’ve been aware that I need time to myself to process everything,” 

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Hummina Hunnam. In addition to an appreciation of country music, another byproduct of my growing up

Hummina Hunnam.

In addition to an appreciation of country music, another byproduct of my growing up in the south is the love for a long-haired* and scruffy looking dirty** white boys. DWB for short. (I smell another tumblelog!)

Now that my Sawyer has gone into the light for good, it’s great having Charlie Hunnam back for another season Sons of Anarchy to take his place.

*Along with few short-hairedonesandposers to boot

**Dirty refers more so to rascally ways than the lack of personal hygiene skills. Not that I mind a bit muskiness now and then, it doesn’t need to be so overwhelming that it brings me to tears. So be a good boy like Charlie. Go on and git in the shower. Holler if you need me.I’m fixin’ to get supper ready.

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misterhunnam: Charlie Hunnamby Christophe Meimoon | April, 2017. misterhunnam: Charlie Hunnamby Christophe Meimoon | April, 2017.


Charlie Hunnam
by Christophe Meimoon | April, 2017.

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taelsden: Charlie Hunnamtaelsden: Charlie Hunnamtaelsden: Charlie Hunnamtaelsden: Charlie Hunnam


Charlie Hunnam

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I want someone with secrets,

That nobody know,

I need a gangsta,

To love me better,

Than all the others do,

To always forgive me,

Ride or die with me,

That’s just what gangsters do♥️♥️♥️


instagram  @addictedtohunnam


Jey’s Pride Celebration 2k21 Series

A/N: So this series manifested from the Writer Wednesday and Jey’s Pride Celebration 2k21 during the month of June where @autumnleaves1991-blogand@flightlessangelwings collaborated and provided word and photo prompts for interested writers each week. I’ve been doing Writer Wednesday for a bit so I took up on this challenge and wrote a mini series. Because the challenge was for Pride Month, I kept it GN!reader although I initially wrote it with M!reader in mind. I had a blast exploring this universe and even though it was short, I very much enjoyed spending the time I did with Will and reader. The fics are listed chronologically.

-The Kiss(no smut, GN!reader)
-When It Feels Right (no smut, GN!reader)
-This Christmas (no smut, GN!reader)
-Would You Ever? (no smut, GN!reader)
-Manhattan (no smut, angst, GN!reader)
-Taking Another Chance(no smut, GN!reader)
-Let’s Do This (no smut, GN!reader)

Almost forgot I wrote these. Participated n this last year and it was so fun.


Still wonder who won that fight

WATCH NOW: Charlie Hunnam steps into the role of the legendary British monarch in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. The Guy Ritchie-directed film follows the famed knight as he grew up on the streets, only to discover that his birthright was stolen from him by his uncle Vortigern (Jude Law). 

Eric Bana, Annabelle Wallis, Djimon Hounsou and David Beckham round out the cast of the medieval origin story slated for a March 2017 release. 

Del Toro goes large! The trailer for Pacific Rim has just crashed in and it is BIG!

Released 12 July

This is the first time we’ve seen Guillermo del Toro at the helm of a blockbuster and it doesn’t look as though he’s holding back! At this stage, the CGI monsters look cool but don’t appear all that convincing but who cares when you’ve got massive robots as well?!
