#chas chats


Seeing old posts from my main Snicket blog (which, despite my vague attempts to return from hiatus, remains largely quiet these days) going around again is always absolutely wild because I started that blog in 2013(six years ago, folks!) and any time a ficlet or stray bit of literary analysis reemerges from the murky depths I’m always surprised by my own takes. 

(It’s about 50% “oh boy my prose style was uhh Something back then huh” and 50% “oh man can’t want to see where I’m going with this because I honestly don’t really recall but now I’m intrigued.”)

It also makes me feel like I should really start working on certain abandoned writing projects again, because I genuinely miss the Snicket style. And I’ve had most of the next OWMCH chapter written for well over a year now and just haven’t polished it up, whoops. 


modern AU where Dewey created a groupchat and added all the people who knew he about him and constantly sent them random facts he read on wikipedia

modern AU where this is how most people who know find out Dewey’s still alive (and in at least one case, that he exists at all) because he didn’t tell anyone he was going to do this, they all just woke up one morning to “the first known usage of the word apiary was in 1654″ and a link to the article in question because he always cites his sources 

at least one person still doesn’t know Dewey’s behind it and is convinced they accidentally subscribed to the Daily Punctilio’s fact-of-the-day service; at least one person is fully aware it’s Dewey and communicates with him by sending extremely pointed facts and articles right back; and at least one person who is also SUPPOSED to be in hiding texts back full-length commentary on the relevance, credibility, and interest level of the facts in questions
