#dewey denouement



modern AU where Dewey created a groupchat and added all the people who knew he about him and constantly sent them random facts he read on wikipedia

modern AU where this is how most people who know find out Dewey’s still alive (and in at least one case, that he exists at all) because he didn’t tell anyone he was going to do this, they all just woke up one morning to “the first known usage of the word apiary was in 1654″ and a link to the article in question because he always cites his sources 

at least one person still doesn’t know Dewey’s behind it and is convinced they accidentally subscribed to the Daily Punctilio’s fact-of-the-day service; at least one person is fully aware it’s Dewey and communicates with him by sending extremely pointed facts and articles right back; and at least one person who is also SUPPOSED to be in hiding texts back full-length commentary on the relevance, credibility, and interest level of the facts in questions

“urban legends live forever though,” beatrice says. “a tale pass on to generation after generation. so even though you’re legally dead, you’ve been immortalized, living on as another legendary tale in this city, like -”

she pauses for a moment, and dewey looks at her expectantly.

“like giuseppe verdi and unicorns!” she exclaims.

“verdi was real person.” dewey points out.

“and unicorns are real and so are you,” beatrice says sagely. “one doesn’t have to be made up to become a legend. my point is, you’ll live forever in people’s hearts! think of it this way. i’m almost jealous. i wish i could be remembered just as long, instead of, you know, only being the most famous actress of the decade.” she sighs thoughtfully. “maybe i should become someone’s muse, perhaps they’ll write poems about me after I break their heart.”

“ah, the one that got away,” dewey says.

“it makes the memories of me even beautiful than i already am,” beatrice nods. “still, that’ll probably never happen.”

dewey looks skeptical.

“what?” beatrice demands. “i am such a sentimental soul that it’s almost guaranteed that i’ll be the one getting my heart broken.”

he hums, noncommittal. “if you say so, beatrice.”

“come on!” dewey says. “can’t you see it? it’s just history repeating itself again and again! this has happened before, if you study the vfd history. it happens every schism! a small group separates themselves out from vfd, creating the schism. the two sides fight, and eventually enough people one side died or ran away or betrayed them there’s just one side left which becomes the new vfd - whether they’re actually the original vfd or the group that separated out and went against vfd or not, and slowly rebuild the organization again. until another schism happens. we just - we keep making the same mistakes!”

“are they mistakes though?” ernest asks. “or is it actually how things should be? the organization has gone down the wrong path and maybe that’s the only way things could change for better at that point - a group of rebels.”

“is that what the firestarters are doing?” dewey demands. “making things better?”

“sometimes, you can only fight fire with fire - i don’t necessarily enjoy it, but sometimes it’s what it takes.”

“it all sounds very philosophical put into phrases like that, but do you really believe in what your side is doing?”

“ask me again when i’m not sober.”

“you’re never drunk.”

“i know.”


“come on!” dewey says. “can’t you see it? it’s just history repeating itself again and again! this has happened before, if you study the vfd history. it happens every schism! a small group separates themselves out from vfd, creating the schism. the two sides fight, and eventually enough people one side died or ran away or betrayed them there’s just one side left which becomes the new vfd - whether they’re actually the original vfd or the group that separated out and went against vfd or not, and slowly rebuild the organization again. until another schism happens. we just - we keep making the same mistakes!”

“are they mistakes though?” ernest asks. “or is it actually how things should be? the organization has gone down the wrong path and maybe that’s the only way things could change for better at that point - a group of rebels.”

“is that what the firestarters are doing?” dewey demands. “making things better?”

“sometimes, you can only fight fire with fire - i don’t necessarily enjoy it, but sometimes it’s what it takes.”

“it all sounds very philosophical put into phrases like that, but do you really believe in what your side is doing?”

“ask me again when i’m not sober.”

“you’re never drunk.”

“i know.”

 some Very Frustrated Doodles aka I’m stress sketching and for some reason things are looking

someVeryFrustratedDoodles aka I’m stress sketching and for some reason things are looking good 


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