#chatham new york

Haworthia attenuata seen at The Berry Farm in Chatham, NY.  Top pic plant is wildly colorful and groHaworthia attenuata seen at The Berry Farm in Chatham, NY.  Top pic plant is wildly colorful and gro

Haworthia attenuata seen at The Berry Farm in Chatham, NY.  Top pic plant is wildly colorful and growing pups!  A common, but very charming succulent.  I got a pup from a fellow member of the NY Cactus and Succulent Society, so far it is staying small, but I have high hopes!

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Two lovely Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum) at the Berry Farm in Chatham, NY.  Too big for my collectioTwo lovely Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum) at the Berry Farm in Chatham, NY.  Too big for my collectio

Two lovely Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum) at the Berry Farm in Chatham, NY.  Too big for my collection currently, but if I someday have an outdoor space I will buy a whole slew of these guys!

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