#check out this fic



[Image ID: A digital drawing of hands holding a cellphone with an article from the Daily Bugle on the screen. The artical is titled “Way With Words” and is written by AsperJasper. An image above the headline shows a menacing shadow of Daredevil with his hand reaching for the man in the mask. The caption reads “art by onemagpie.” Text beneath the picture and headline reads “Mattfog Bang 2021.” End ID.]

Way With Words

The first time Foggy seriously brought up “The Man in the Mask,” it was over takeout and too much paperwork. He’d kind of mentioned the whole thing earlier with Karen, called him a nut, and moved on as quickly as Matt had.

“Who do you think he is?” Foggy said casually over dinner later, completely oblivious to the outfit lying in a grimy heap barely even hidden in Matt’s closet.

“Who do I think who is?”

“You know, the masked man. Our brand new off-brand Avenger. The dude running around like he thinks pirate chic should come back in style.”

My second piece for the Mattfog Bang run by the @themattfogblog! This one is a collaboration with the incredibly talented @onemagpie who made two wonderful pieces for this fic, the banner and the one I’m about to share below!

[Image ID: A digital drawing of Matt and Foggy sitting at a table. Matt is drinking out of a glass and sweating nervously. He has one eyebrow raised. Foggy has a cup of coffee in front of him and is on his phone, reading something and laughing. The table is scattered with papers. End ID.]
