#child abuse prevention


If you haven’t had an opportunity to listen yet, just a quick reminder that the episode I recorded with the dynamic Lori PolandforNational Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect podcast, Louder Than Silence, is now available.Listen here: https://endcan.org/episode-42/ To watch Tomorrow-The Movie head to www.TomorrowtheMovie.com

This #SupportSaturday we want to shine a light on the work that is being done by the Joyful Heart FoThis #SupportSaturday we want to shine a light on the work that is being done by the Joyful Heart FoThis #SupportSaturday we want to shine a light on the work that is being done by the Joyful Heart Fo

This#SupportSaturday we want to shine a light on the work that is being done by the Joyful Heart Foundation.We have been following their work for quite some time and it is a comprehensive approach to an epidemic that so often lies in the shadows. Their integrated program, which began in 2004, is centered around education and advocacy: finding new and progressive approaches to treating trauma; shifting public perception; and advocating for policy changes to ensure access to meaningful justice for survivors of sexual assault, child abuse, and domestic violence. One of the many reasons this organization felt particularly resonant for us is how it was born out of a seamless fusion of artistry and activism. Mariska Hargitay best known for her work on the powerful series, Law & Order SVU, she made many meaningful discoveries as she prepared for her role and the various storylines which highlighted the disturbing realities around the lack of justice and advocacy for survivors. She leveraged her celebrity to create, along with an extraordinary team, a platform for helping to secure justice and holistic healing for those moving through trauma. Some of the many incredible things they have accomplished with the foundation, Heal for Healers, Mind-Body Retreats for Survivors, Engaging Men and Boys (a mission very close to our hearts), Ending the Rape Kit Backlog and producing thoughtful content that amplifies their mission to heal and transform.We are proud to be sharing their work with you. Visit their website to learn more and help support their action-oriented mission.https://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/

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One of the disconnects today, specifically in regard to Child Abuse Prevention, is that we need to dOne of the disconnects today, specifically in regard to Child Abuse Prevention, is that we need to dOne of the disconnects today, specifically in regard to Child Abuse Prevention, is that we need to dOne of the disconnects today, specifically in regard to Child Abuse Prevention, is that we need to d

One of the disconnects today, specifically in regard to Child Abuse Prevention, is that we need to do much more than demand “awareness” and conversation.  Yes, these things are part of the larger battle, but they are mostly reactionary and from a defensive position.  We must also go onto the offensive with actionable plans.The Children Rescue Coalition understands this and is our featured #SupportSaturdaynon-profit!https://childrescuecoalition.org/This non-profit seems perfectly built for 2022 and for taking action.  Using technology and data collection the Child Rescue Coalition (CRC) collaborates with a global force of child exploitation investigators, police officers, digital forensic experts, child welfare agencies and donors to rescue children and apprehend abusers in real time.
It’s like data usage, for good!  Where companies like Facebook use data to sell you things, CRC uses data with their Child Protection System (CPS) Technology to accurately and quickly help investigators and law enforcement do a whole host of helpful things such as helping investigators quickly obtain search warrants and monitor the areas of the internet where predators lurk. CRC’s technology has improved the success rates of investigators and policing operations in the ongoing pursuit to identify, apprehend and convict individuals and networks associated with child sexual exploitation.To date, their technology has lead to over 13,800 arrests across 97 countries and is free of charge to law enforcement!  If you’d like to get involved, find out how here: https://childrescuecoalition.org/involved/

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