#child death mention tw



Prompt: Do These Tacos Taste Funny To You?, Poisoned, Drugged

Fandom/OC: Original Work

TW: swearing, non-con, mutilation, poisoning, chained, force-fed, cannibalism, child death mention



time to go through another “national conversation” on gun rights and gun violence where we can’t unanimously agree on the fact that kids shouldn’t be getting shot in their fucking classrooms and the fact that we live in a society where an 18 year old is driven to commit mass murder on school children. like, this could’ve been prevented. we are no further along than where we were 10 years ago with sandy hook and it’s despicable. like we live in a country where they want to force you to carry a pregnancy to term, then not help you feed the child if you can’t find formula for them, and then not protect them in their classrooms where they should be fucking safe. what the fuck.
