#child of light

Child of LightSquirrelpalooza 2014 Cosplayer | Photographer Find more photos on Tumblr | Facebook |

Child of Light
Squirrelpalooza 2014

Cosplayer | Photographer

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Willmanda Games fan-art by the infinitely talented Sonja!  Download link here:  http://janeesper.dev

Willmanda Games fan-art by the infinitely talented Sonja!  Download link here:  http://janeesper.deviantart.com/art/Willmanda-Games-desktop-481625966

Also make sure to check out her amazing MLP Tarot deck!  That girl’s got the moves.  :O

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stagbells:Message: I depicted a scene from chapter 25 of @wendywhite13’s amazing fanfic Child of Lig


I depicted a scene from chapter 25 of @wendywhite13’s amazing fanfic Child of Light. In the fic, the Radiance decides to adopt the hollow knight as her child rather & atone for her actions than break it and cause the second wave of infection. I don’t want to spoil the context too much, but in this scene the hollow knight (or Luna, as named by the Radiance who goes by Dia) has been reborn after an encounter with the Void. Dia clutches her child with relief after waking it, and Hornet watches tensely, conflicted with awe and concern for her kingdom. I loved the mythological quality this scene had, and of course all the Emotions.

(I hope me commenting on your fic didn’t spoil the surprise! x)
I decided I’d rather share my thoughts than remain a fully secret santa.)




Oh, my GOD, I can’t believe this! I can’t believe you actually read the whole fic to make this (like damn, you take your Secret Santa’s seriously!!), but it was so incredibly amazing of you. I don’t even have words for how happy it made me to see this–not only to have the characters represented so well, but an actual scene from the story! It’s just amazing! (and yes, I do see the Pale King’s nail stuck in Dia’s staff. I can’t believe you even worked in a tiny little detail like that from the previous chapter.) You absolutely captured this scene so well.

And my god, your work is gorgeous. The colors are incredible, and I love the shell details on the background and the perspective you did on the metal catwalk. And the movement and delicate folds in the clothes are so beautiful! and the FLOOF! Dia in particular looks amazing with all that fur. God, I just love this so much, what an incredible Christmas present. I wanna print it out and hang in on my wall. I can’t thank you enough. I’ve said oh my god a lot, but it’s heartfelt.

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