


-Inhales deeply-

So I finally figured out Gpose for console…


Also some nice general screenies

Dohn Mheg is pretty uwu

Shhhh I’m putting these here too

✨Welcome everyone!✨

Well, time for a pinned post :D

-inhales deeply-

SO! Hi, welcome to my FFXIV blog that’s here to scream about MSQ, post screenies of my WoL, and some light RP and headcanon word vomit when I have the spoons for it!

Y’all can call me Kryss or Aster, and my WoL Krysanthe is just an incredible lore-compliant self-insert.

Now that that’s outta the way, Here are the ground rules:

  • I am over the age of 21. If you’re under the age of 21, do not follow me. Not for any nsfw reasons, I’m just very old and tired.
  • I will usually tag spoilers to err on caution, but if you think I missed something just send me an ask.
  • Any questions asked about my WoL will be answered IC for her. I love me some character development questions.
  • I mainly keep my RP regulated to here and in-game, and if you wanna friend me in-game, go ahead
  • If you have any kinda beef with me, just lemme know.

Also here’s her carrd: [X]

And that’s it! Lemme know if you guys have any questions and if you guys read my pinned post, thanks for taking the time to do it!

Local bunn tries to look cool but fails bc adorable is her default state

I suffered through pvp for parts of this glam… =^=


Under the cut is the patch 6.1 drip lol


Yeah, imma just… save up to get a nice commission of Krysanthe for my birthday. Just gotta set a budget and figure it out lol

…would anyone happen to be open for commissions tho?


Open Inbox over the weekend bc I feel like developing headcanons.

Any questions y’all have about Krysanthe will be answered in character.


Finally made a nice little carrd that has all of Krysanthe’s basics. Tbh I’ve never made a carrd before so I think I did ok ✨

Link: [X]

To everyone who’s been reblogging my screenshots and leaving nice things in the tag: I see you and thank you for the compliments. ^^

Also, I think you broke my WoL bc she’s been stunned to silence at the nice words XD

Like, I designed her to be mostly plain and normal-looking—and she’s more of a lore compliant self-insert tbh lol—so it’s sweet that y’all like Krysanthe so much ^^

Yeah, imma just… save up to get a nice commission of Krysanthe for my birthday. Just gotta set a budget and figure it out lol


Open Inbox over the weekend bc I feel like developing headcanons.

Any questions y’all have about Krysanthe will be answered in character.

Open Inbox over the weekend bc I feel like developing headcanons.

Any questions y’all have about Krysanthe will be answered in character.

“Sharlayan’s really beautiful at night, huh…”


Finally made a nice little carrd that has all of Krysanthe’s basics. Tbh I’ve never made a carrd before so I think I did ok ✨

Link: [X]

Me: I want to do more rp events in xiv and make new friends! :D

Also Me: *genuinely feels like I’m being rude if I walk into or join public rp events that are clearly advertised as public events and I don’t need to be invited. Seriously I’m like a social vampire, I need to be invited or dragged to places or else I just feel like I’m being disrespectful*

H e l p : D

Lvl 89 White Mage babey!!

I had to switch to my second favorite vanilla hair bc I needed to see the theophany circlet. It’s so cute!! ;u;



Finally, put up the littleAbout Krysantheblurb.
If ya’ll read it and got some questions that I can deep dive and gush about, the ask is open ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Did I wait until sunset in Kugane for most of this shoot? Yes

Also I farmed the Shisui Set of Healing for a day and it was totally worth it. Best Stormblood set


Screw it, open inbox until this coming Friday!

Any questions y’all have about Krysanthe will be answered in character.

It’ll be fun✨


Finally, put up the littleAbout Krysantheblurb.
If ya’ll read it and got some questions that I can deep dive and gush about, the ask is open ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
