#chinese letters


  Since a long while ago, let’s say thousands years ago, people have used Chinese letters in Korea. Presently Chinese letters are not being used in Korean but still the meanings are remain.  By the reason understanding Korean with some Chinese might help you to learn Korean quickly, even help you to deduce unknown words you have never heard. 

Words with “식(食) - learn”

음식 ( Drink / Eat ) - Foods

음식물 ( Drink / Eat / Things ) - foods generally

음식점 ( Drink / Eat / Store) - Restaurant (식당 is commonly used. Basically same meaning)

식당 ( Eat / House ) - Restaurant 

식량 ( Eat /  Foods) - food; provisions

식품 ( Eat / stuff ) - Things can be consumed 

단식 ( Quit / Eat ) - Fast , abstain from foods (usually be done to show against opinion on protest) 

식사 ( Eat / Do ) - have a meal 

식탁 ( Eat / High ) - Dining table 

간식 ( Between / Eat ) - Snack 

식물 ( Eat / things) - Plant

식구 ( Eat / Mouse ) - Family (Nearly same meaning of family. Basic meaning is people who have meals together)  

외식 (Outside / Eat) - Eat out 

식욕 ( Eat / Desire )  - Appetite

한식 ( Korean / Eat ) - Korean foods 

양식 ( Western / Eat ) - Western foods 

일식 ( Japanese / Eat ) - Japanese foods 

중식 ( Chinese / Eat ) - Chinese foods
