#chinese lettters


  Since a long while ago, let’s say thousands years ago, people have used Chinese letters in Korea. Presently Chinese letters are not being used in Korean but still the meanings are remain.  By the reason understanding Korean with some Chinese might help you to learn Korean quickly, even help you to deduce unknown words you have never heard. 

Words with “학(學) - learn”

학교 (Learn / school)   - School 

대학 (Big / Learn) - University  

학생 (Learn / alive thing)-  Student

방학 (Prevent / Learn) - Vacation 

입학 (Enter / Learn) - enroll school / university

퇴학 (retreat / Learn) - Expel from school 

학습 (Learn / Learn by experience) - Effort to acquire knowledge

학자 (Learn / person) - Scholar

학부모 (Learn / Parents) - Parents of a student 

장학금 (award / learn / Gold) - Scholarship

유학 (Stay / Learn) - Study abroad 

학문 (Learn / Ask) - Academia 

수학 ( Count / Learn) - Mathmatics 

과학 ( Subject / Learn) - Science

철학 (Bright / Learn) - Philosophy 
