#chinese restaurant


Authentic old school Chinese food for dinner tonight. - Rice Bowl, Bakersfield CA

Date night at a Hollywood legend… Formosa Cafe!

Dimmer and drinks at the historic Fomosa Cafe in Hollywood. Such a beautiful restoration.

Hello, everyone!I was really surprised that you showed so much love for Jake fanart that I drew rece

Hello, everyone!

I was really surprised that you showed so much love for Jake fanart that I drew recently
It’s a little late, but… The only thing I can give you as a gift is my painting, so I made my second mobile wallpaper.
I hope you like it.
Thank you Duskwood fandom, and all the people who like my paintings


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1998 (1999) vs 2018


took me three hours to find this clip to realize it was cut from the 20180817 episode.

she could be talking about zhao min and zhou zhirou. but also she could be throwing shade.

what happened in 2002: rumors were rampant back then


zhao wei who only reads the wuxia books that su youpeng acts in

Portland, Oregon Chinese Restaurant. Open until 4am on Saturdays!

Portland, Oregon Chinese Restaurant. Open until 4am on Saturdays!

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