


And that’s how I think chlogami would go.

why yes, i do ship chlogami.

why yes, i do ship lukagami.

why yes, i do ship lukloe.

why yes, i do whole heartedly believe that chloe and kagami are lesbian lovers who both have luka as a side piece.


Mini comics dump… this time it’s chlogami

Almost all of the comics I draw are just about Marinette and Adrien, but sometimes I remember about lesbians!!

Hello, friends! I’m not usually one to reach out like this, but given the circumstances I could use some help. Long story short, I’m not able to work because of quarantine and self-isolation. That’s why for every donation (coffee), I will draw you a quick sketch of any character or ship of your choosing. Having said that, I refuse to draw pedophilia, incest, etc. However, I am willing to draw nsfw content. If you are interested in a full color commission, my other rates still apply and you can find them here

I hope you are all well and are taking care of yourselves and one another.



For anon who asked for chlogami


chlogami sword lesbian au where chloe is a new butterfly user whose goal is to defeat ryuko. she asks adrien to be her fencing instructor, but he’s too busy, so kagami replaces him. :)


And that’s how I think chlogami would go.


chlogami sword lesbian au where chloe is a new butterfly user whose goal is to defeat ryuko. she asks adrien to be her fencing instructor, but he’s too busy, so kagami replaces him. :)


chlogami sword lesbian au where chloe is a new butterfly user whose goal is to defeat ryuko. she asks adrien to be her fencing instructor, but he’s too busy, so kagami replaces him. :)


And that’s how I think chlogami would go.


And that’s how I think chlogami would go.
