#chloé says stuff




No one can convince me that we don’t need feminism or that women in the West have it good.

We have gone backwards, we are in the dark ages. Where to even begin with this.

interesting how only the women in the family got it…

This is so sad. Here’s a look at what internalised sexism and racism can do, pushing white standards of beauty on girls and women create psychological damages of course, the problem is this isn’t even treated as an issue. It will be commented with “their bodies, their choices” and “stop shaming them for wanting to love this part of themselves” instead of thinking of the reasons why they are doing such a thing. It’s the language of the oppressor used to pretend to defend the oppressed. All these girls/women are from the same family and are collectively physically opting to erase these features from their faces.

What makes them individuals, human beings, with flaws and beauties, an heritage, something they should be proud of, is seen as errors to be rectified. Feminism is always needed because the hatred against women is persistent, to the point it is internalised and acted on in extreme ways.


Tried to watch this video essay called “how to read more books in the golden age of content” and it was just… so bad. It’s some white dude talking to some white ted talk dude about how he is anxious about how many books he’s read and their solution is to time him reading a page and calculate how many books he could read in his remaining life if he did x minutes a day and it’s intercut with vlog footage of him travelling to different cool bookstores in europe, new york, and south america. It’s impossible to follow and honestly so shallow and devoid of any originality.

But i am so sick of this life hack way these tech bros try to optimize their life. Newsflash bro, you are not a machine to optimize to get maximum skill points. If you want to read more, make time for it, read books you ACTUALLY like, and don’t try and make rules about it. This dude is complaining he only reads a couple books a year when he is trying to read war and peace. Like put down the classics and the “i SHOULD read this” books and ask what you actually like reading, get a fucking library card, and don’t keep reading books you hate. Literally that is all I did. Also finding ways to make books really accessible (libby app on my phone, I literally always have a book with me and can put holds on stuff, you can have cards at multiple libraries too). He even interviewed one woman who said she reads 50-60 books a year and he was like “how??” And she was basically like i read for a couple hours a day most of the days and I don’t watch as much TV. And instead of him being like hmmm maybe she is onto something he is like “if I read 30 minutes a day every day i’ll read almost 1000 books assuming i die by 90” and ted talk bro is like “yeah if you put on an audio book while you get ready in the morning there’s your 30 minutes crammed in.” Optimized. Efficient. Bland. Flavorless. An easy way to brag about your personal accomplishments while having no personality at all. This video has nearly 4 million fucking views. I didn’t even watch all the way through bc i realized i’d rather be reading lmao so thanks for that i guess.

The effect of capitalism on normal calm “non profits” activities is pretty obvious when you come across videos like that. It’s all about optimising your time, being the most productive (here : reading as much books as possible), the most this and that while reducing this or that perceived annoying aspect involved in the activity, as if your whole life was a performance. As if you were still at work trying to compete with others, which even then shouldn’t be a reality. Life is to be enjoyed at least, it’s not about statistics, it would be very depressing. These men, because mostly it’s men who “think” this way, are brainwashed by that unhealthy system, none of this will ever be a good way to live one’s life. Grow some personality and appreciation for life as something that substantially defies and overpower an Excel table.
