#internalized sexism




No one can convince me that we don’t need feminism or that women in the West have it good.

We have gone backwards, we are in the dark ages. Where to even begin with this.

interesting how only the women in the family got it…

This is so sad. Here’s a look at what internalised sexism and racism can do, pushing white standards of beauty on girls and women create psychological damages of course, the problem is this isn’t even treated as an issue. It will be commented with “their bodies, their choices” and “stop shaming them for wanting to love this part of themselves” instead of thinking of the reasons why they are doing such a thing. It’s the language of the oppressor used to pretend to defend the oppressed. All these girls/women are from the same family and are collectively physically opting to erase these features from their faces.

What makes them individuals, human beings, with flaws and beauties, an heritage, something they should be proud of, is seen as errors to be rectified. Feminism is always needed because the hatred against women is persistent, to the point it is internalised and acted on in extreme ways.

am i the only one who thinks that the concept of “internalized bigotry” the way some of y’all throw it around is just…fancy gaslighting? like regardless of what the term originally meant (and i realize that it’s being misused), telling a trans person that they have “internalized transphobia” just because they’re transmed or telling a woman that she has “internalized misogyny” just because she doesn’t consider herself to be a feminist is…really fucked up.

like shockingly enough, minorities are not a hive mind. we don’t agree with each other on everything. someone holding a different opinion than you is not the same as racism, sexism, homophobia etc and to act like minorities are incapable of forming different opinions on their own without the influence of their oppressors is so fucking condescending. 

firstnonbinarypresident: feministlisafrank:the-cancer-of-society-co-leader:feministlisafrank:Q





Quote by Inga Muscio.

I am a straight, white, cis, male, or in other words a bug of a person. Please tell me how I oppress my sister, my mother, my best friend, my teacher, my aunt, etc, personally.. Please tell me. I dare you

Do you want me to start with the implied threat in your statement, the way you appear to have created an anonymous blog for the sole purpose of insulting and criticizing blogs that argue for equality, the way you asked a total stranger to provide you with specific personal examples because you want to shut me down rather than engage in an actual dialogue, or the fact that you already consider yourself to be a blight on humanity without my assistance based on your username?

Or the fact that he used all the women he knows as leverage in this conversation as if knowing 50% of the population is so difficult and as if he chose to have a mother, sister, aunt, and teacher. As if by having those people in your life we automatically know for certain that you don’t treat them like crap.

Or how he immediately made this post about himself when he isn’t a poc or a woman so this wasn’t addressed to him, but I guess he just clicked the first post he saw on your blog because any blog with feminism in the name is one he wants to harass regardless of the kind of feminism it is.

Like… dude, we don’t know you, we can’t really tell you how you oppress them besides by willfully ignoring the fact that they are systemically oppressed by forces other than you, by the government and media and a lot of men that you aren’t, but we can certainly tell you that there are plenty of people that have daughters and sisters and mothers, men in fact, that rape them, abuse them, murder them, that’s an indisputable fact regardless of your beliefs on feminism. So no, you don’t get to treat this like just because you have a woman in your life you’re immune to the accusations of sexism. Unless you’ve lived in a strict commune in Antarctica, you’ve men some women. All sexists have met women. How else did they oppress them?

Post link







@silkypicrew your movement will die as time goes, and I’ll welcome that.

the women’s rights movement will die over time and you welcome that? damn. mask off moment

I’ve been for years vocalizing my discomfort with radfems in particular and all ideologies that prioritize cis women and gloss over situations where cis women are abusers/oppressors in general.

If you call it a “mask off moment”, it means you weren’t listening. Which is very weird for someone who responds to every single post I tag as “terfs” or “anti terf”, on this account and on my other ones.

feminism is for females. it’s obviously going to prioritize individuals of the female sex. radical feminism doesn’t gloss over situations with abusive women or female oppressors so idk where you got that from

By gender axis, cis women in general are oppressors of trans people of all genders and often an active threat to trans people.

Till you care about that, your movement is garbage.

And I’m just very much not into any movement that prioritizes my oppressors.

gender is not an axis of oppression. sex is an axis of oppression. how are “cis” women “often an active threat” to trans people? do you have a source for that claim? how do “cis” women oppress trans people?

Okay guys that’s it, as a feminist who isn’t from the USA I have to say that shit like that makes it obvious there’s a rise in sexism in your country. With that we can tell OP feels wary of feminism in general, hiding it in such sentences as “my discomfort with all ideologies that prioritize cis women” as if it was any less revolting. Why would trans people have a movement just for trans people, or a black movement just for black people, etc, but women cannot have our own, in your opinion ?!

The words of someone fed with so much misogyny it’s spilling everywhere around them, and all this on the day I’ve learned y'all are on your way to have Roe vs Wade overturned. Feminism has been fighting for women rights and that includes you OP, based on sex, regardless of anything you have to say about the movement, trying to sound like a MRA who doesn’t give a flying fuck about feminism won’t make you more of a man, I promise. Who do you think fought for women to have the right to get an abortion in USA ? Not that movement you want to see dying ? The very movement that made it possible for any of you in USA to have that option ? Option that keeps getting harder to get ? Trans men get targeted by this just the same and you know that, there’s a reason for it but you prefer not naming the common denominator. All the while the real oppressors keeps pushing their boots on our necks.

Images of female celebrities without makeup is a popular feature in tabloid newspapers and gossip and fashion magazines. Who looks the best? Who looks the worst?Do you recognise these celebrities without makeup?(Yes, always. It’s not really a challenge.)

So, what’s happening here?

These articles, and many of their readers, are simultaneously shaming these women for wearing makeup and for not wearing makeup. By wearing it, they are deceitful about their true appearance, yet their natural faces are just too “shocking” for them not wear makeup. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Occasionally, someone will try to defend these features. They claim these magazines are just presenting reality as it is and thus crushing beauty ideals.They claim these images are empowering women:

See, if even Beyoncé looks like crap, then you’re okay too! It’s all just makeup and Photoshop! No one is really that beautiful!

But if the headlines call these celebrities “shocking” and"unrecognisable“, are these articles really empowering women? Or are they just telling their female readers (and the concerned celebrities) that maybe they shouldn’t ever leave their house without their makeup on? Aren’t they really saying that the natural look just doesn’t work for anyone? And if the natural look doesn’t even work for Uma Thurman, you can’t possibly be fine just as you are, you regular woman reader you! No, they are not empowering at all, they are just encouraging further girl-on-girl-hate.

If you have to drag down one woman (famous or not) in order to empower another, you’re not really empowering her.
