#chocolate bonbon cookie


Nobody can change My mind ,THIS IS THEYRE DINAMIC HKSHFKSJKSJD they’re besties XD

I am obsessed with this new Cookie Run update. As someone who loves J-fashion and am dipping my toes in fashion as a whole, I LOVE the fashion theme, and I love Chocolate Bonbon Cookie’s design.

However, I also love Sour Belt Cookie and completely agree with fans that she must be related to Dino-Sour Cookie. Similar color palettes and candy themes, and both have fangs! It especially convinced me when Sour Belt mentioned Dragon’s Valley. I even looked at her character relationships (I have yet to unlock them) and saw that Dino-Sour is there!

Lastly, I LOVE the new jelly designs. The patchwork  theme with the stiches, buttons, and needles with the bear faces reminds me a lot of plushie furry art. Oh yeah, and I’ve almost done a perfect run in the Fashion Week run. I’m usually more of a get-to-know-the-characters person than an achiever, but I stan Bonbon and want that A grade from her.
