#choices shuffle challenge


Choices Shuffle Challenge - Endless Summer

Thoughts: Instead of angst this time, we got country and covers. Jake somehow ended up with two country songs - not sure if he’d like that or not. Zahra would hate her song choice, that’s for sure. Estela and Michelle got songs that are spot on for them. And actually, I really like the Estela/MC song as well. “I’m Yours” is great for Diego/Varryn, the cuties. And I kinda like “A New Hope” as an angsty ship song for Sean/Jake.

Choices Shuffle Challenge - Open Heart

Thoughts: First off, I was 16 when High School Musical premiered - don’t judge me. Now that that’s out of the way… a lot of angsty songs came up this round. (Maybe this is everyone in Book 2?) “The Sound of Silence” works really well for Kyra, and “King of Anything” fits Harper like a glove. “The Islander” sounds like it fits Bryce, but the title is deceiving. (Beautiful song, though, go listen to it.) Overall, a slightly depressing selection, with some hits and some misses.

One thing I enjoy doing with my sister is a music shuffle challenge for one of our favorite fandoms. Basically, we make a list of characters and pairings, set our music libraries to shuffle, and assign each song in order to each item on the list. Sometimes the song fits; usually it doesn’t. The latter is way more fun.

I’ve been wanting to do a music shuffle challenge for Choices, but there are way too many books and characters to do all at once. So instead, I’ll be doing a series of a shuffle challenges, one post per book.

Anyone is welcome to join in. I’ll be using the tag #choices shuffle challenge. Here are the basic rules:

  1. Choose a book/series. Make a list of any characters or pairings or whatever else you want. Include side characters or non-MC pairings. Exclude characters you can’t stand. Anything goes.
  2. Go to where most of your music is kept (iTunes, Spotify, your phone, etc.) Put the full selection on shuffle and start playing songs. You can skip things like audio book chapters or duplicate songs.
  3. As the songs play, assign them to the next item on your list. Do not try to match specific songs to specific characters - the randomness is the whole point.
  4. Share your list/songs with us, if you want to. Or just have fun by yourself. Leave commentary or include links to the songs, or don’t. Whatever you want.

As an example, I’ll do a shuffle challenge for Passport to Romance, under the cut.

Passport to Romance

Thoughts: “Back to Hogwarts” would work better for the crew from The Elementalists, but whatever. I actually love both of the songs related to Marisa, though “Toy” works better for her and the douche boyfriend than for her and MC. Also, I’m in love with “Can’t Take It In” for Ahmed/MC. That soft boy deserved better.
