


Author’s note: I know this took me forever to finish but, I did! This is my last submission to @choicesnovchallenge2021​ and from the OTP ask I received a while ago. One last thing: if you’re a Twilight fan, you might not going to like this fic. Sorry not sorry [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Desire & Decorum (modern day AU)
Characters:Prince Hamid, MC (Daphne), F!OC (Malak), F!OC (Sevim)
Pairing:Prince Hamid x MC (Daphne)
Word count:2115
Reading time:~8min
Summary: Away from each other, Hamid and Daphne search for ways to have fun together and Daphne comes up with an idea to lighten up the mood.
Based on the prompts: OTP question meme #28: What do they do when they’re away from each other? /Choices November Challenge - day twenty seven: idea

The phone buzzed on the side table, waking Hamid from his peaceful slumber. As his left hand rubbed his eyes, he considered ignoring it and going back to sleep. Just then, his alarm clock song played and he remembered why he had to wake up early on a Saturday morning. He then turned off the alarm, got out of bed and left the master bedroom.

As he stepped into the living room, Hamid greeted his housekeeper, thanking her for setting up breakfast on the coffee table. He then tapped his phone screen a couple times and made a video call.

“Günaydın, bir tanem!¹” Daphne beamed and waved to the the screen.

“Good evening, my dove.” He smiled at the screen, his eyes drinking in every possible detail he could see. “I see your new winter pyjamas arrived today.”

“Yes! It’s so warm and soft. And look at this!” She pulled the hood of her Totoro pyjamas by its long furry ears.

He chuckled. “You look adorable.”

“Thank you. Did you sleep well?”

“I did. I was having the nicest dream about cuddling my girlfriend when the alarm woke me up.”

“You thought about going back to sleep, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but then I remembered I had a date.”

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Author’s note: And here I am ignoring my series because I’m in the mood for Chanevi fluff. Very late submission to @choicesnovchallenge2021​​ [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Desire & Decorum (modern day AU)
Pairing: Bartholomew Chambers x Yusuf Konevi
Word count:1734
Reading time:~7min
Summary: Bartholomew reminisces about days he didn’t believe he could truly love someone so deeply.
Based on the prompts:Choices November Challenge - day twenty three: dance/The Man I Love

A gentle breeze caressed Bartholomew’s face as he watched a flock of seabirds soar through the sky from the balcony of his hotel suite in Puerto Vallarta. Away from the cold weather and judgmental looks in UK, he took a deep breath, savoring the much needed fresh air and deep feeling of bliss. In the background, the rhythm of a song he knew so well brought back memories of a time he almost believed he wouldn’t live a moment like this.


Three years earlier

“Yes!” Bartholomew cheered as he managed to open another glass of wine and poured it two glasses whilst Daphne placed another charcuterie board on the coffee table.

“Look at you spoiling your guests even when you’re sloshed. Lady Dominique would be proud,” he grinned, reaching for a slice of Gouda cheese.

“Somehow I doubt she would be proud to see me this drunk.”

“Please… Don’t tell me you think the senior ladies book club stay up until one in the morning drinking tea.”

“They don’t?” She stared at him in utter shock as her friend snickered. “So that’s why she always shoes Briar and I away and locks the door whenever she hosted book club!”

“Sweetie, we’re British. Drinking is what we do.”

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Open Heart


Desire and Decorum
