#day thirty


Kinktober 2021, Day 30

As usual, you can find the AO3 version of all my uploads [and some things I don’t post here to tumblr] via my Masterlist blog page.)

This one’s a bit short compared to others, but I think it suits well enough.

cratching an itch with a somewhat less hands on approach.

and Jobs, Kinktober, Kinktober 2021, Oneshot, Prompt, Reader-Insert, Shameless Smut, Thigh-Riding

Kinktober 2021, 30: Thigh-Riding
(Reader x Shizuo Heiwajima | DRRR!!)

It was late that evening, and you’d managed to catch Shizuo on an evening where he wasn’t out getting into the city’s trouble or chasing down a certain someone. He seemed calm for once, or at least as calm as Shizuo got, looking perpetually cranky. You knew well enough how to see past the irritable look outside, and better yet, how not to provoke the irritability on the inside.

Shizuo had never been the most physical, despite the control he’d developed over his monstrous strength, though he seemed okay with some physical affection being shown to him, which was lucky for you. That evening you were enjoying being cuddled up next to him sat up in bed, listening to the idle noise of the city outside. Traffic, throngs of people passing by, insects, all forming to make a chaotic but peaceful hum.

Though you weren’t as content as you thought, you realized sitting beside him. Perhaps it was the prolonged contact, or perhaps it was something in the air. You didn’t know. What you did know was that you had an itch stirring that needed scratching, if you could convince him. It was worth a try - and if you couldn’t convince him, then you’d just handle it on your own.

You turned in your seat until you sat on your knees, leaning in to slowly press your lips over Shizuo’s. He stiffened at first, as you were used to, relaxing a bit after a moment, but not devoid of all tension. You felt his hand twitch and touch your side for a moment before falling back down onto the sheets.

You broke away after a moment of lukewarm reception to the kiss. Though when you looked back at him, it wasn’t disinterest that held him back. It was that usual hesitation, the concern he might not be able to control his strength. You couldn’t blame him, really, not having seen what he was capable of. It made things more tolerable, albeit still frustrating.

Pulling away and sitting back, laying a hand on his leg, you thought for a moment, Then, an idea came to you abruptly. Something that could satisfy your need, at least a little bit, and make things less worrisome for Shizuo. “Can I try something?” you asked tentatively.

“Yeah, sure,” he answered, his hesitation turning to curious uncertainty.

“Take those off then, and sit back,” you instructed him, scooting away for a moment to allow him the necessary space. “You can keep your hands to yourself, if you’re worried, I mean,” you corrected yourself quickly. The last thing you needed was him thinking you didn’t wanthim to touch you. That wouldn’t invite any extra confidence.

Shizuo made an acknowledging hum, removing his pants, pausing for a second before pulling off his boxers, too. When he was done, he looked back at you, dark eyes still curious and wary. You grinned at him, moving to pull off your own clothes. You might as well let him enjoy the view, even if he didn’t feel comfortable enough to touch you directly.

Next, you climbed onto his lap in a way that let you straddle one leg, your knee pressing lightly against his crotch. You felt him move a little against your leg, stirred by the bare touch. Continuing to smile, you leaned back in, moving to kiss Shizuo again. His response was still slow to start, though you convinced him wordlessly after a time to kiss you back.

You only stayed at his lips for so long, though, eventually moving away and trailing your lips down his jaw and his neck. You felt him relax somewhat against the pillows, and you took it as an encouraging sign to continue. Kissing a bit more sloppily, you wedged yourself a bit tighter against his leg and started to rock your hips, using him to work up the friction you knew would get you what you needed.

Bracing yourself with one hand on Shizuo’s chest, you reached down with the other, giving his dick a few slow strokes to start, working more quickly to match the growing pace of your hips. It didn’t take long until you managed to create a pleasant amount of friction, enough to make heat rise and coil in your belly, and more to rise across your cheeks. Shizuo groaned softly, his cock growing ever harder in your grasp, and you answered with a moan in his ear.

You heard the sound on his hands clinging forcefully to the sheets, and moved back to his lips and trying to soothe him, even just a little bit. A new tension had dawned in him, though you could tell it was a more pleasant kind on top of the more hesitant type. For an instant, you were pleased with yourself, happy you had found a solution to both tend to your welling arousal and

The knowing only urged you to rock against him more desperately, chasing the building tension and working yourself higher and higher, The pleasant sound of his low, muffled groans melded with your own, and labored breath that grew more strained. You were sure you were soaking his thigh, your cunt more and more wet the closer you came to your peak.

You closed your eyes, deepening your kiss, as sloppy and slow as it was, letting your imagination carry you further. You pictured the cock in your hand buried in you instead, filling you up until you could hardly take it. You thought of his hands, those hands with so much destructive potential, stroking over your skin and urging your hips to his. It was all a potent fuel to the fire in your gut, even if it was just in your head.

You left his lips so as you felt the tension rise to a fever pitch, drawing so tight you thought you might explode. Your mouth dropped open, and Shizuo’s name left his lips in a hush, a chant almost, as your orgasm burst and rolled through you in blissful waves. A sound half-groan, half-growl left Shizuo’s lips, and you pumped your hand over him more eagerly, applying a special touch just where you knew it would push him closer, too.

You were still caught in the throes of your orgasm when Shizuo’s own climax came hot and hard, cum coating your hand and dripping over your leg. You caressed him until your orgasm died away, and the throb of his cock did the same, your touch fading to a gently, featherlight drag.

Shizuo’s heavy breath filled your ears, a complement to your own, and with your need satisfied, the evening’s peace came over you again, But first, a little clean up was in order for the both of you.




Open Heart


Desire and Decorum
