#chris evans hot


Chris Evans - Do It Again

“Good girl,” Chris groaned beneath me.

I whined at the praise and leant forward to plant my hands on his chest. Chris smacked my behind harshly, a moan falling past my parted lips as my head rolled back.

Chris looked up at me with dark eyes, his hips shifting beneath mine which caused only buried himself deeper inside me. I hissed, a small sting of pain before being replaced by pleasure. A smirk graced his lips.

“Too big for you?” He teased in his thick, deep accent.

I nodded pathetically and carried on with my rushed movements. I gazed down and an idea popped into my head. Slowly, my right hand inched up his chest. I felt over his hard pecks, over his collarbone until I reached the base of his neck. Chris was far too enthralled in pleasure to notice my intention. My fingers wrapped around his neck, Chris’ eyes snapping open.

“Baby?” He questioned.

“Shh,” I cooed softly.

I squeezed lightly, testing the waters. Chris groaned a little and bucked his hips again. I squeezed tightly, putting pressure on either side of his neck. Chris’ cheeks flushed red as he pinched his eyes shut. His breath grew a little ragged, strained and I let go.

Confidence escaped me as I went to take my hand away. Chris quickly caught my wrist and forced my hand back around his neck. I bit my lip and squeezed again. Chris groaned deeply, the vibrations were felt through my hand. His hips stuttered before he came, a low moan falling past his lips. I continued to squeeze his neck through his orgasm.

My fingers soothed over the red skin gently as his eyes opened. “Fuck,” he sighed.

I giggled. “Who knew,”

“Not me,” he said back. “Did you like doing it?” He asked.

I blushed and shrugged my shoulders. “A little,”

Chris smirked up at me. “Do it again,”
