#chris evans is bae


In honoring Chris Evans’ birthday, its time for fans to fess up and admit it: They love the guy. 

Really, it’s hard not to. Chris Evans, regardless of his superhero status, is a genuine guy who speaks honestly about film, fans, and family. And, what’s more, Chris Evans is also a GIANT goofball and is likely the human incarnation of a Golden Retriever because of very valid reasons. 

While those reasons are too complicated to discuss in a mere blog post, what can be discussed are 5 very real (and super scientific) reasons why fans will fall for Chris Evans, assuming they haven’t already.

1. Chris Evans Is Actually Captain America


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I don’t know how Marvel does it, dammit, but their casting game is on-point. Here, we see Chris Evans sweeping actual rubble from the set of The Avengers. Good Guy Chris Evans™ volunteered to tidy up despite being suited up in his stuffy costume, and his actions go to show that Chris has got a fair share of Steve Rogers stuffed away inside his heart. 

2. Chris Evans Is Athletic AF


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Alright, if you couldn’t tell by Chris Evan’s bulging muscles, the guy is built like an All-American brick house. His shoulders-to-waist ratio is famous in its own right, and Chris has admitted he’s fond of sports like football. But, more impressively, the dude jumped over his friend and fellow Marvel star, Chris Pratt, without a running start. I repeat: Chris Evans jumped over a 6′2 man without taking a running start, and honestly, I just need a moment to catch my breath.

3. Chris Evans Cares, Like, A Lot


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The only thing bigger than Chris Evan’s pecs is his heart of freaking gold. Chris has spoken openly about his struggles with anxiety in the past, and fans across the world have found inspiration in Chris’ open, relatable struggle. Beyond that, Chris is also known as a super charitable guy with his most recent do-good event resulting in over $27,000 dollars being raised for the Seattle Children’s Hospital and Christopher’s Haven. 

4. Chris Evans Touches His Left Boob While Laughing


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Fandom can be a strange place at times, but perhaps one of the greatest accomplishments achieved by Chris Evans’ fans is their discovery of the actor’s odd quirk. After viewing dozens of interviews, fans have noticed that Chris Evans’ full-blown fits of laughter are ALWAYS accompanied by him grabbing either his own or another’s left boob. It’s infectious. Really, it truly is. I am in awe of how adorable the whole thing is. Never change, Chris. Never change.

5. Chris Evans Doesn’t ‘Wike’ It…Or Does He?


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As a self-proclaimed family man, Chris Evans is very close with his loved ones, and the world about imploded after he told a story on Jimmy Fallon about a recent stay at his folks’ place. While doting on his baby nephew, Chris adopted a linguistic quirk which embarrassingly yet hilariously made itself known after it slipped from the actor’s mouth during an interview. And, thus, fans were introduced to what’s maybe the cutest damn thing ever aired on national television.

If you haven’t fallen for the man yet, don’t fret. There’s countless of GIF sets and interview compilations online which will surely seal the deal. But, at the least, we can wish Chris Evans a wonderful 35th birthday! The man deserves it!
