#chris roberts

We came across Gangsterdoodles seemingly by accident, and instantly fell in love with his amazing dr

We came across Gangsterdoodles seemingly by accident, and instantly fell in love with his amazing drawings of rappers, rap life, and various hilarious situations. Woah that rhymes. Various hilarious. Cool. Anyway, when we laid eyes on this drawing, we had to hit him up and ask him to bless the game with a tee and sticker. Check him out on Instagram at @gangsterdoodles. You’ll love him too.


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The Back Forty Bros hit the beach for a battle of epic proportions. Rivals crews duke it out on boards while the affections of some bodacious babes hang in the balance!


“Just wear something casual. My parents are gonna love you. Don’t worry so much.”

“Just wear something casual. My parents are gonna love you. Don’t worry so much.”

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We had the cameras rolling during our photo shoot for
the Future of Skateboarding ad in Thrasher. Nothing like
a bearded lady, some wigs and a fake baby smack dab in
the middle of all those triple-kink nosegrinds.
We hope this brings you some joy.


The Future of Skateboarding

Enter through the skate shop.

The Back Forty is getting huge. We had to censor how big we’re actually getting. Thank you Tom

The Back Forty is getting huge. We had to censor how big we’re actually getting. Thank you Tom Vrab for having the foresight and discretion to keep our margins private.

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The OG Jason Lee ‘Will Skate For Food’ shirt. It’s hard to describe how skateboard

The OG Jason Lee ‘Will Skate For Food’ shirt. It’s hard to describe how skateboarding was when this shirt came out. It was definitely a hell of a lot smaller industry, and the graphics turnover sped up literally overnight. New boards would appear out of nowhere and if you didn’t grab something at a shop, you’d never see it again. Literally. There are still boards to this day that I’ve never seen in person. It’s like 50 were made and then they were gone forever. Everything was 'limited edition’. There were shirts that commanded awe. My friends and I used to trade shirts, and certain graphics were worth two or three shirts. Those things were straight up currency. You could trade a hard-to-find tee for a board. It was like gold. You definitely envied anyone who had a shirt that you couldn’t find or had never seen. That’s part of the magic of that those years. Graphics were amazing, and tees were weird and rad, and you could get 'pro graphic’ stickers too. Companies just make logo tees and stickers for the most part now. You don’t see Blind anywhere on this shirt, but everyone knew what it was. Skateboarding was like a secret club, and skaters were obsessed with every detail about the I goings of certain companies. Videos and products came out with little or no fanfare, almost like stuff was sneaking out into shops and you had to pay close attention or you’d miss the good stuff. That’s a great way to describe the era – the good stuff. I’m glad to still be skateboarding and still be in skateboarding. Everything changes. Naturally. There’s just a really subtle attitude and voice that I miss from those years. Skateboarding is one of the coolest things to ever go down. I’m stoked I chose this path. #thebackforty

-Marc Johnson


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Kenny Anderson using a fancy ‘solar dryer’ to perfectly 'remove the moisture content&rsq

Kenny Anderson using a fancy ‘solar dryer’ to perfectly 'remove the moisture content’ from The Back Forty tees. These tees and more 'fancy words’ available now at www.theback40.com

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Chris Roberts

IG: @chrisrobertsfitness

29. Chris Roberts - 11.6

IG: @chrisrobertsfitness
