#christian hegemony




Let me try one, let me try one:

“What is Western Secularism if not Christianity persevering?”

What the fuck are you talking about asshole?

Pretty much exactly what it says. Western culture, even “secular” western culture, was built by Christian hegemony.

And yeah, I saw your asinine ask.

I’m in no mood. Fucking jagweed.

Food for thought for all employers out there: putting your “inclusive holiday party” weeks after Hanukkah has ended and days before Christmas? Not “inclusive”.

Thank you for bearing with me as I dealt with a lot in meat space and addressed my mental health needs that I had put on a back burner.

I am back!

If you sent an ask that wasn’t responded to, please resend it, and I am back open for questions, comments, and post suggestions!



At this point I don’t care for utilizing religion as a framework in arguments about abortion but banning abortion *is* a violation of Jewish religious freedom. It simply is. Funny how freedom of religion means mandatory compliance to Xtian hegemony.


In Judaism we are *commanded* to save the life of the mother- which means carrying out an abortion if it is needed. The fetus is literally compared to a potential murderer in the Talmud discussing abortion. Not carrying out an abortion when one is necessary is akin to allowing a murder to take place.

The whole “freedom of religion” from conservatives is bullshit because they keep saying America isn’t a theocracy, but banning abortion is a violation of religious freedom.
