#roe v wade



a few things to keep in mind as you talk about the current situation with roe v wade:

  1. women are not the only people who can get pregnant, and therefore are not the only people who get abortions or the only people affected by restrictions to abortion access — sincerely, a man with a uterus
  2. the recent legislation against trans people transitioning, particularly as it relates to trans men and transmasc people, has been justified by the politicians supporting it using the argument that transitioning jeopardizes our reproductive potential, which they see as more important than our actual lives. if you support the legislation against us or have been silent about it, you cannot claim to be fighting for reproductive rights. you don’t get to only care about it when it affects you — if you let them get away with that rhetoric against trans people, you give them the power to use it against you. if you can’t stand in solidarity with us, you will end up standing against yourself

please don’t forget us in these conversations, and don’t be silent about the attacks on our bodily autonomy

all of this is connected — criminalizing transition, overturning roe v wade, it’s all working toward the same goal. if you care about one part of it, you have to care about all of it, or any efforts against it willfail

if you don’t care enough about us to fight our oppression for our sake, do it because you cannot fight against your own oppression without fighting ours too





please participate in this strike if you care about abortion rights!

don’t buy, don’t work, time to strike.


girl help

[Text ID: a tweet from POLITICO that reads,

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and obtained by POLITICO.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Alito writes.]


apropos of nothing, here’s a random thing I read yesterday about the prevalence of abortion in 19th century america. turns out this idea that (and I quote) “a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions” is a flat-out lie!

Abortion was so frequent, according to one doctor, that “it [was] rare to find a married woman who passes through the childbearing period, who has not had one or more.” Women spoke of it casually. They might decide to be “put straight,” “opened up,” or “fixed.” (They wouldn’t have said “abortion,” as that term belonged to the medical lexicon, not the vocabularies of ordinary people.) One physician reported that women “talk about such matters commonly and impart information unsparingly.”


This is the best thread I’ve ever come across. Bless these grandmas heading to the front lines

Edit: this post is NOT for radfems or terfs. Get lost.

This information is specific to Texas, but applicable everywhere with abortion restrictions!

Here is another good thread about resources available to women who need to get an abortion but live in a state where it is restricted. (Remember - abortion is still legal in all 50 states as of today, May 4, 2022.)

TLDR; you don’t need to stockpile Plan B, panic, or assume that extreme methods will be necessary. There are a LOT of resources out there. Know about these resources now so you are prepared just in case.

Self-managed medication abortion is commonandsafe.It may be legally dubious to have it mailed to you, but it is an existing option that many people use. Learn more about the legality at https://www.reprolegalhelpline.org.

Also just general advice - while it may be tempting to share or post things like the copy/paste above, please look to pro-choice activists and organizations instead! They have been preparing for this outcome for years and providing resources that actually help real people (as opposed to posting about hypothetical situations that cause mass panic). There are already people on the ground doing this work. Listen to them!!

Roe v. Wade

Do not focus on the leak. Focus on the contents of the leak. These justices are trying to take away reproductive rights, human rights.

This does not only effect women but anyone with a uterus! This is the first step they will take before they start taking more and more rights away.

The Justices have shown that they don’t care about what the US citizens think, we need to show them that they NEED to care what we think.

So here I am again, as a US citizen, begging that when you vote, you vote for people who will fight along side us. If Roe v Wade gets overturned then it will become a state by state decision, so you want the people who care about your reproductive rights to be in law-making positions.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Votefor people who are going to protect your reproductive rights.
  • Be apart of protests, if not physically then digitally.
  • Donateto places fighting for reproductive rights.
  • Educateyourself and those around you about the importance of reproductive rights.

Here are some resources that you can look into for more information:

Planned Parenthood’s page on abortion

4 easy ways to fight for abortion rights

ACLU’s page on what you can do

Here’s a website of National Abortion Funds that you can share and donate to

Prochoice America’s website

A map of states with trigger laws that will likely ban abortion if Roe v Wade is overturned

What Else:

Know that things are not hopeless. The majority of US citizens are pro-choice, especially us younger generations. We have the ability to handle this and we will, one way or another. Stay strong, do not lose hope.

Know that as of right now Abortion is still legal in many states!!!

lmao no wonder the Texas power grid is failing as according to crazy anti-abortion lady the city is literally powered by dead fetuses

When you realize politicians and the courts are always in pursuit to overturn it because of the white birth dearth, everything makes sense . 

Jane Elliott even broke it down some years ago:

“There’s a book out there that everyone should read, or go to the library to get it. Don’t add anything to that man’s estate. But Ben Wattenberg wrote a book called The Birth Dearth. He was an advisor to the President of the United States [Lyndon B. Johnson]. 

He says, ‘The major problem confronting the United States today is there aren’t enough white babies being born. If we don’t do something about this and do it now, white people will be in the numerical minority and we will no longer be a white man’s land.’

“He says, ‘There are three ways to solve this problem. Number one: we could pay women to have babies as they have been doing in Western Europe nations for years.’ Then he says, ‘Unfortunately’—and these are his words, not mine. He says, ‘Unfortunately, we would have to pay women of all colors to have babies, so we don’t want to do that.’ He says, ‘The second thing we can do is increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into this country every year.’ Then he says, ‘Unfortunately, majority of those coming into this country today are people of color, so we don’t want to do that.’”

Chile, Biden has been doing that at high speed with perks and set asides for legal and illegal immigrants strictly. And not to mention the 100k Ukrainians he’s rolling out the red carpet for. But continue, Ms. Elliott: 

“[Wattenberg] said, ‘The third thing we could do is remember that sixty percent of the fetuses that are aborted every year are white. If we could keep that sixty percent of life alive that would solve our birth dearth.’”

To everyone else’s detriment. 

Important for my plus size followers who may find themselves needing to not get pregnant.


I’ve seen a lot of jokes this week from women saying “well if scotus overturns roe v wade we won’t have sex with men unless they get the snip first” and just… I know its a joke, I know its coming from a place of frustration and helplessness, trying to maintain some kind of control in a world that’s trying to rip your choices from you but like… I hate to be the one to say it but there’s been a simultaneous rise of men plotting to trick women into having sex by lying about being sterilised or infertile, and they’re using your jokes as proof that they can get away with it.

So please. I know we’re all freaking out right now, but PLEASE prioritise your safety. I know I don’t need to remind you that there are some sick men out there.

I’m a witch who proudly and vehemently knows that women deserve control and power over their own body and the choices they make for themselves. If you disagree, then disrespectfully fuck off and burn.

The Rights of Woman

Yes, injured Woman! rise, assert thy right!Woman! too long degraded, scorned, oppressed;O born to rule in partial Law’s despite,Resume thy native empire o’er the breast!Go forth arrayed in panoply divine,That angel pureness which admits no stain;Go, bid proud Man his boasted rule resign,And kiss the golden sceptre of thy reign.Go, gird thyself with grace, collect thy storeOf bright artillery…

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“For unless revolution uproots the basic social organisation, the biological family - the vinculum through which the psychology of power can always be smuggled - the tapeworm of exploitation will never be annihilated. We shall need a sexual revolution much larger than - inclusive of - a socialist one to truly eradicate all class systems.” — Shulamith Firestone

So cool that I live in a state that will completely ban abortion as soon as Roe v. Wade is overturned. V cool that a lot of men around me don’t view me as a full human being who is capable of determining what should happen to my own body.

Also, a representative from my state recently tried to make getting an abortion for a FUCKING ECTOPIC PREGNANCY illegal. Fucking idiots everywhere istg
