#christian thomas


Can you maybe please do #10 with Christian Thomas from the Hershey bears?

10. “I have never done anything wrong, ever, in my life.”//“Mmm … ”//“You’re supposed to say ‘I know this, and I love you.’”//“Well, I do love you.”

It was cold, late and the sky was darkening rapidly. Your foot tapped nervously against the pavement as you hugged your arms tighter around yourself to gain what little respite you could from the cold. Your shift had finished almost a solid hour ago, all of your co-workers having now departed, leaving you alone in the empty carpark. You huffed, half impatient and half anxious as you pulled out your phone to check the time. Your lockscreen was still painfully blank, no notifications, no ‘on my way!’ message. 

You were now regretting not taking a ride from your boss, not feeling particularly safe all alone. Your car was at the shop, and one of your brother’s friends had agreed to pick you up. You definitely could have found a ride elsewhere that was more convenient (and more punctual), but the truth was that you were never going to turn down a chance to spend time with Christian. A fatal flaw of yours, it felt like. It wasn’t your fault, it was hard not to fall for his smile. 

The sound of footsteps jerked you out of your thoughts and you glanced around nervously, peering into the darkness from the lone streetlight you sheltered under. You couldn’t make out any movement which only put you further on edge. Slowly, you reached into your pocket clutching your keys, shifting them between your fingers. The wind whipped at your coat, stinging at your cheek and seeping into your bones.

You jumped at the sound of the voice directly behind you, whipping around to find it was only Christian. You clutched your chest, breathing out a sigh of relief.

“Sorry,” he chuckled, a pink flush colouring his pale nose and cheeks from the cold as he smiled warmly in your direction. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He held two takeaway coffee mugs in gloved hands and held out one in offering. You took it suspiciously, following him as he led you back toward his car. “Sorry I’m late. Training ran over.” he said by way of explanation, unlocking the car with a click before opening the passengers side door for you. You climbed inside, grateful for the warmth as you cradled the coffee cup in your hands. He smiled warmly at the sight as he slid effortlessly into the drivers side. “and also because I wanted to get you something to warm you up.” He added. You tried not to let your smile show, still doing your best to be mad at him.

“You scared the life out of me! I thought you were a murderer or something!” You huffed. 

He glanced over, pouting playfully at you. “Why would you think that? I’ve never done anything wrong, ever, in my life.”

You snorted at that, humming in mock agreement. “Mhmm..”

He frowned at you. “You’re supposed to say, I know this and I love you.” He whined as he started the car.

You took a tentative sip from your coffee cup. “Well I do love you.” His eyes widened a little at that and you choked, realising what you had just said. “I mean-” you spluttered loudly, trying and failing to cover your slip up. You fell into silence, realising there was no reasonable explanation for your confession. Chris was silent too, like he didn’t know exactly what to say, so you made the drive in suffocating silence. Thank god it wasn’t a long way to your house. You could hardly make eye contact when he pulled up in your drive, only managing to muster a weak ‘thanks’ as you scrambled hastily from the car. You couldn’t get to the front door fast enough, desperate just to get inside and be alone. You swore, your shaking hands struggling with the lock of your front door. Large hands engulfed yours, steadying your shaking. You had been so distressed you hadn’t heard him get out of the car. You looked up, your watery eyes meeting his deep brown ones and your heart stilled in your chest. In fact, in that moment it felt like time stilled. All you could hear was your own unsteady breaths. He was so close, and the space between you felt suffocating and heavy. Your eyes fluttered closed as you felt his breath graze your lips. He kissed you with more gentleness than you’d expected. Soft, slightly chapped lips moved carefully against your own. You could feel your heart soaring in your chest as his arms snaked around your waist pulling you closer, pressing your body against his own. When he pulled away, slightly short of breath, and gently pressed his forehead to yours, you melted.

“I love you too.” He murmured quietly, his thumb moved to caress your cheek gently. “I always have.”
