#christian woes


More and more the people I see and interact with daily have let their internal wounds fester—their actions driven by an innate anger that evokes rage at the most miniscule slight. I see it from more and more Christians, and my own Christian heart cringes with sorrow and with embarrassment. Facebook is a platform to openly mock others of different opinions and beliefs rather than to discuss facts, and this bleeds out in the open when people are face-to-face. It’s impossible to stomach and yet I have to swallow it every day. 

There is no action from love in these behaviors, and yet still they surround me. I can’t begin to imagine how it is for those who will be truly disenfranchised from these folks’ beliefs. Southern hospitality is a smile to the face and a knife to the gut. 

I’m so tired. And it is nearly impossible to pour out more love in these times from an empty cup. 
