#christian witch



So you wanna be a Christian witch part XXXI…

Have you ever had someone come up to you and thank you? I mean, really thanked you. They look you in the eye and acknowledge the impact you have had on their life. Sometimes you don’t mean to have such an impact, but you do.

And when they thank you, it’s not just for doing anything. It is for exercising your gift. It is because you not only revealed the best parts of yourself, but you also gave of it freely. To us this often means nothing. But to someone else, it can mean the world.

As each one has received some spiritual gift, he should use it to serve others, like good managers of God’s many-sided grace — if someone speaks, let him speak God’s words; if someone serves, let him do so out of strength that God supplies; so that in everything God may be glorified through Yeshua the Messiah — to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

-1 Peter 4:10-11

Often, when we receive such praise it is because we have used a spiritual gifting to aid someone. God desires for us to use our gifting to glorify Him. He wants us to use our gifts to help the needy and heal the sick. He wants us to use them to shine a light into the world.

If you believe that witchcraft is your gifting, you must use it to glorify God. You must use it to serve others. Craft is not fun and games. It’s a blessing.

When was the last time you used your magick for someone else’s benefit? Take some time today and brainstorm some ideas for spells that benefit those in need.



Any Christian Witches? †

I was wondering if on this website there were any Christian witches?

I am one myself and would like to learn from your traditions and maybe share some of my own.

There are quite a few of us out here! Welcome!

My religion is Christianity at it’s basis, but I’m not very conventional with my beliefs. Still, for me, Jesus and magic go very well together.


*This is geared towards Christian practitioners. Feel free to alter it to suit your religious affiliations.*

So as you guys know, I’m struggling with some bullshit body wise that is both physical and mental (but mostly mental). Here is a spell I made to help myself deal with that.



So here’s the spell!

Ingredients (for the tea):

  • Thyme
  • Cloves(I recommend whole cloves but I had to use ground so fml)
  • Cinnamon(definitely whole sticks if possible)
  • Green tea (this one is specific to my issues because reasons that I hope are obvious enough without me saying it)
  • Chamomile
  • Peppermint

(Yes, it will smell a little funky. But it’s consumable.)

Stones (this whole thing is optional but if you’re feeling fancy then go for it):

  • Carnelian
  • Amethyst
  • Jade
  • Rose Quartz
  • Celestite (extra optional)


  1. Brew your tea at night during a waning moon.
  2. Pour the tea into a bowl
  3. Put your stones in a glass and put the glass in a bowl (I believe these stones are water safe, not sure about celestite so I put them in a glass just in case. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY LET ME TELL YOU)
  4. Leave that there overnight, under the moonlight if you can but otherwise just leave it there
  5. Next morning, turn on ur witchiness and say this prayer/poem/thing (down below) with CONFIDENCE
  6. (Optional) Add some milk because it reminds me of the moon idk tbh
  7. Drink that shit like you would cough medicine and peace out

“No child of God should have to suffer
ills of the mind, dissatisfaction with the body.
No child of God walks alone in their struggles
and no child of God is powerless to change that
which torments them.
-insert Psalms 34:7-20-
The Lord our God has told us,
-insert Isaiah 41:10-
In His name, I therefore banish the dark thoughts,
I banish the pain and the anguish,
I banish the self-loathing, the obsession with fault,
I banish the crippling, toxic illness of the mind,
and I banish the unappreciated things about my body
that have sown the seeds of this darkness and nurtured it.
I am a child of God.
And I deserve to be all that I want to be.
I deserve to love myself and be better for it.
If it’s God’s will, so shall it be.”

Merry Christmas!

Ok, this is not a drill.

My neighbor offered me goats next year. A like here is a vote for goats in Pastor Witch house.

Tell me all the magical things I can do with goats to convince my wife we need goats for religious reasons.




I love reading tarot. I find it very relaxing and illuminating. This is what I believe about this practice and how I answer some of the frequently asked questions about tarot and other forms of divination.

How does divination work?

I believe divination is a chance to learn something about yourself. When you lay the cards down and see the archetypes and stories before you and find yourself in them, you learn something new about yourself. You may not learn the future, but you will find something true in yourself there. Divination is illumination.

Can we really tell the future? How?

We can see possible futures, but nothing is for certain. The future we see is a possible future based on our guesses about what the future might hold.

Is it wrong for Christians to practice divination?

Christians have practiced divination since the time of Jesus. When it came time to fill Jesus’ and Judas’ spots at the table, they cast lots, knowing that God would work through that medium to illuminate their future.

Many Christians believe that it is inappropriate to ask about the future, believing only God should know that. I disagree, though I do not often ask about the future. Christians also do not tend to practice seeking omens as it is expressly forbidden.

Does a spirit control the deck?

I do not believe spirits control the deck or any other form of divination. I believe spirits can reach out to touch them, but this is easily solved by warding and cleansing.

People in the Tanakh often “inquired of the Lord”, sometimes asking about the future, so I don’t think it’s forbidden. I just personally wouldn’t do it because if it was negative then that would terrify me. I would rather just get advice to take with me into the future, than know what the future is.

I also don’t like looking into the future a lot due to anxiety, but one of the great things about tarot is that instead of just fortune telling, you can use it to look deeply into the current reality of a situation for help in decision making. I read something once that was like, “when the pictures of your life are before you, you get a more objective view and can make clearer decisions.” In this way tarot can become a kind of wisdom tool.

These are both fantastic point! I honestly don’t mind asking about the future, but I’m never sure how helpful it is because I believe the future is ever changing. I am not sure what it says will be accurate tomorrow.

Me to the sun right now.

Yule Feast?


Try Yule

Depression Snack

My allergies were bad enough today that I can’t go outside. I just have to watch my plants grow like this.

Cleaning is a sort of spell in and of itself. As you vacuum up the dust and scrub the dishes, so too you cleanse and tidy your mind.

* manifestation emoji spell *


manifest peaceful change and exciting new beginnings that you have been wanting and waiting for

* your wishful thoughts will turn into a beautiful reality *


customizable emoji spell

swap the first two and last two emojis for what you need to get there and what you want the outcome to be!

for me it’s :

phone interview——> job/$$——> apartment

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hi lovlies ❤️❤️

making an emoji manifestation spell because my boyfriend has a phone interview on wednesday and once he gets the job we can move out asap!

i am claiming this as reality and manifesting our future

  • this is pretty specific to my situation but if you are counting on a job to get you where you need to be, in my case a new apartment, you can use this too. change the last two emojis to what it is the job will manifest and make possible in your life and change the first two if it isn’t a phone interview.


phone interview/resume

✅ successful interview, got the job!

paychecks, money flow

manifest, all of this above leads to:

our apartment!

✨ follow me on twitter

i just wanted to say that even if you haven’t practiced in almost a year bc you moved back home from school where you can’t practice like me, or for any other reason,

you are still a witch

and even if all you have energy for is an occasional emoji spell,

you are still a magical and powerful being

you are still a witch

i’ve made a twitter! who should i follow?

tell me who your faves are!

i’m @rottenxromance below!
