#christmas ponies

It’s My Little Monday!With a Christmas Custom Crew…bringing holiday wishes to you!There’s HQG

It’s My Little Monday!
With a Christmas Custom Crew…bringing holiday wishes to you!
There’s HQG1C Lil’ Holly & Brother CandyCane, a Snow-Tiger white and gold elegant pony, Glitter Garland a TAF-style prancing pony, Pretty Poinsettia a gradient TAF-style, Christmas-Tree Princess (she needs a name) a dark pine-forest & gold dragon pal and NEW glitter n’ gold sparkle pony. (Don’t forget a teeny tinsel one there at the bottom, though) 
Christmas is an absolutely super holiday for pony symbols. You could make a near infinite number of themed ponies with all the fun stuff associated with the holiday. It can range from kid-fun to lovely-elegance too, so it’s never short on variety. Coming up with Christmas ideas has actually inspired me to try and keep it going all year long. There are just too many good ideas to make in a single season! 
Lots of pony fans (me included) decorate with ponies. There were loads of G3 “Holiday” characters, and G1 had an all right share as well. They usually get their own little tree and display area. 
Every one here is in the A Horse of Every Color Etsy shop, if you needed a closer look, or want to add a custom character to the holiday display. 

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