
aromanticyork: MERRY CHRISTMAS eve spoiler alert im madly in love with team RWBY



spoiler alert im madly in love with team RWBY

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“A me piace prendere il Natale un pò alla volta, per tutto l'anno. E perciò mi lascio trasport

“A me piace prendere il Natale un pò alla volta, per tutto l'anno. E perciò mi lascio trasportare fino ad arrivare alle vacanze - lascio che mi colgano di sorpresa - svegliandomi un bel giorno e dicendo improvvisamente a me stessto: "Caspita, questo è il giorno di Natale!” - Ray Stannard Baker ❣✨❤️…e poi improvvisamente ti svegli e ti accorgi che il tempo è volato è Natale è arrivato in un baleno! Auguro a tutti voi un sereno e felice Natale, con l augurio che possiate trascorrerlo con le persone che amate per essere circondati di sorrisi, calore e tanta felicità! Un abbraccio virtuale a tutti per questi giorno speciale! BUON NATALE ❣✨ #ptitzelda2016 #ptitzelda2016day25 #natale #buonnatale #happyxmas #xmas #christmas2016 #handmade #scrittainlegno #handwriting #zelidehandmade #homegramofficial

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Happy holidays everyone! Since we got no snow here (and never will), i decided to go for a tropical

Happy holidays everyone! Since we got no snow here (and never will), i decided to go for a tropical theme for this year’s xmas card design.

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@Regrann_App from @bizzy_the_kid @stardustloveofficial ✨✨ Just got my hoodie in the mail… Get

@Regrann_App from @bizzy_the_kid @stardustloveofficial ✨✨ Just got my hoodie in the mail… Getting ready for New Years Eve countdown… Thanks alot!
#insomniac #nyecountdown #StardustLove #CosmicHoodie #CosmicSoulTribe #Starboy #CosmicCouture #newyears #newyearseve #nye #nye2017 #newyears2017 #countdown #newyearseve2017 #balldrop #edc #holidaylove #nyefashion #nyestyle #nyecostume #fleek #nyeoutfit #hoodieonfleek #SDL #xmas #holidays #xmasgift #Christmas #christmas2016 #countdownto2017 ⛄❄ (at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX))

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❄️✨⚓️ Keeping it #magical and #icy with this little #firespinning #faery thank you for a #fairy fant

❄️✨⚓️ Keeping it #magical and #icy with this little #firespinning #faery thank you for a #fairy fantastic evening #gratefulgeneration #StardustLoveU •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
#glittervibetribe faeries ALWAYS #slay especially when they’re wearing #StardustLove #CosmicCouture or they’re a #sparkle #reindeer like @jewelzthecat dancing & prancing on stage for @abundance_events
#sparkleparty #allstarglitter #glitter #Christmasparty #holidayparty #holidays #happyholidays #holidaysale #Christmas #santaclaus #xmas #christmasgift #christmasgift #xmasgifts #christmasgifts #christmassale #christmas2016
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (at Hollywood Hills)

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BooBoo kitty wishes everyone a Meowy Christmas! #furbaby #love #catlovers #neko #gato #cat #kawaii #

BooBoo kitty wishes everyone a Meowy Christmas! #furbaby #love #catlovers #neko #gato #cat #kawaii #seasonsgreetings2016 #christmas2016 #adopt #adoptdontshop

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Meowy Christmas! #cat #christmas2016 #crystal #kawaii #neko #gato #furbaby #love #seasonsgreetings20

Meowy Christmas! #cat #christmas2016 #crystal #kawaii #neko #gato #furbaby #love #seasonsgreetings2016 #furbaby #adopt #adoptdontshop

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